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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I agree OD, it is your choice. But I don't think your 70yo mate is a problem, he is simply making a choice. If I lived in Melbourne now or many overseas locations I'd have AZ tomorrow. I am also waiting for an mRna jab, but I'm keeping my eye on the situation.
  2. I understand OD, but your dig at your 70yo mate as if he puts others at risk I think is misplaced. One of the problems with AZ is the overall efficacy rate against all strains of Covid. If as been quoted it is about 65% effective you need close to 100% take up to achieve herd immunity. The mRna jabs over 88% effective meaning approx 70% take up achieves herd immunity. My feeling is that eventually we will all be offered an mRna vaccine even those that have had the AZ Rna jabs. Any way stay safe my friend.
  3. I understand that even if you are fully vaccinated you can catch and spread Covid19, you may not show symptoms or they may be less severe. So how does your 70yo friend in a non danger area cause a problem? Australia has approx 85 active cases in 25,000,000 people. How does your 70yo friend preferring a better (edit - and safer) drug upset you?
  4. So Bob, why are they food vans? ?
  5. Might have trouble squeezing in, considering all the seeing eye dogs.
  6. Buller, BULLER or as we locals say, the hill.
  7. I will take that as an admission that you were wrong.
  8. Why don't you look yourself? You made the outrageous statement without doing any research that 9-0 teams rarely win premierships and recent history shows around 50% win. Further I see little relevance to data from 100 years ago in a very differently structured competition.
  9. Years of data can indicate what happened. It may be used as a guide but no guarantee of the future. But you know that, you read the data.
  10. You know that there is no law of averages, it's a myth.
  11. There goes the percentage ?
  12. His sister would be more my style, but each to his own.
  13. My trolldar is going crazy. Bells, whistles, sirens, buzzers, red flags and the most accurate of all the sphincter pucker. Danger danger Will Robinson Fe fi fo fum I smell a troll. But I could be wrong, it has happened before, 1965 I remember it well.
  14. Will they announce the teams at half time?
  15. You probably typed an o instead of the a in flag.
  16. Kev, everyone has a right to an opinion however espousing the virtues of Hitler or Pol Pot will rarely be tolerated. So within reason we may voice our opinions. There is no free speech, there are always rules. If you doubt that next time you are on a plane yell I have a bomb. Good luck with free speech.
  17. Does in line mean the front of the line? Second? Tenth? I read that as he was available and a possible inclusion, not that he was to be selected. So Jones was in line but behind Sparrow & Chandler perhaps.
  18. My playing weight 88kg add 30 years and kilos. Muscle is heavier than fat, take off your dog's age, voila!
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