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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Surely Bi ma it must be Bag Bag Bag
  2. Near Vietnam I believe. PS. ManDee boring, Mansfield Demon. DeeMan was taken 🙂
  3. That's outrageous. So coaches of assisted club have less rights. I call BS! Not you Clint, but the Coaches association should take this on.
  4. Why would any coach sign a multi year contract if 6 months is the maximum payout. Coaches should only sign 6 month contracts and jump ship if there is a better offer. I suggest that the 6 month payout on a multi year contract is illegal.
  5. Probably not counter-intuitive at all. There is a very strong French influence in Vietnam, particularly the North. The best thing the French did for Vietnam was to leave, but the food influence is fantastic. Now what are we supposed to be discussing?
  6. I agree RSM, I'd have Max one kick behind play and Grundy on ball and running forward
  7. I remember Strawbs sitting on photographers chair hiding for a kick out one day, sprinted onto the ground and was 25 metres from anyone. He also used to hide behind umpires for kick outs. Bloody good player, I think better than Stynes, detached retina (I think) ruined his career. Hard as nails and happy to swing his big arms around.
  8. How is that a problem? The home state clubs don't have to take them.
  9. If a top ten draft pick wants out in the first 5 years the cost must be at least the initial draft pick.
  10. All the gnashing of teeth, the doomsayers. Do not judge a half done cake. Give it time, I am sure we have a plan. (I hope)
  11. Risky at Essendon, probably flush out their best. Mind you it is a s4it club.
  12. Turner I agree. Who is the arbiter of behaviour? Exactly what behaviours are unacceptable? What are a players rights if the club misbehaves? (Essendon or Hawthorn maybe) I think all contracts should have the same behaviour clauses, it is then a matter of enforcement. And the problem is clubs have favourites.
  13. Had you not commented you wouldn't have either.
  14. Yes that would be the loading. Full to the brim!
  15. No I'm not Demonstone. I'm more concerned about the choice of v instead of an f than the apostrophe.
  16. LITD how many wives do you have?
  17. The media lie and make stuff up every day. And Robinson is at the lower end of scruples / intellect.
  18. I just confirmed to myself how much I hate Essendon. Just bought a car from a dealer in Essendon. I had a yucky feeling each time I walked past the car. The number plate surround had Essendon on it! After 5 minutes of black permanent marker Essendon is gone. Car is now much nicer! Essendon can rot in hell.
  19. International Roast cannot be confused with coffee on several levels. It is steaming brown and tastes like steaming brown. Edit. Or so I'm told. Enjoy the footy tonight, go deees!
  20. Is expresso love a euphemism for a quickie?
  21. I paid too much for a car, it only has a few years left in it at best. Currently un-driveable. I expect you to pay heaps for it because it was worth heaps when new. What do you reckon? I say Collingwood need a dump (salary) they can pay $300k we swap a 2nd round tip for 3rd round (to keep nuffies happy) and deal done if Richmond doctors say he's ok.
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