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Elusive Tunbridge

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Posts posted by Elusive Tunbridge

  1. Clearly many professionals within the industry disagree. Are you a professional within the industry ?

    I have a sneaky feeling that those sprouting the "dodgy" material, as you put it, also agree with vaccination. Next thing you'll be calling them flat earthers.

    There are enough professionals that don't see depression as a mental "illness" to make me query claims that it is. It's fair to say I have a dose of scepticism, notwithstanding Hemingway's erudite response.

    I guess you're keeping this going because you're embarrassed that no-one takes your source, a scientology front organisation, seriously. Calling your stance scepticism may give you a warm feeling, but it's not so impressive since the climate denialists hijacked the word.

    Questioning my credentials is another weak smokescreen, like asking "How many games of AFL have you played?" But the short answer to your question is "Yes".

    • Like 2
  2. So, if I don't believe everything I read, the logical conclusion is not to believe your post.

    Which then leads to the conclusion that if I don't believe everything you've written, I should therefore believe everything I read.

    Which then leads to the conclusion that I should believe what you've written, which...oh, bugger it.

    Your logic trips over the difference between everything and anything. But you don't have to believe this.

    • Like 2
  3. Thank you.

    Keep forgetting some are a bit sensitive here..

    The older types are more sensitive to change, bet a few around here are still holding on to their VCRs cursing this new fangled DVD phenomenon ..

    Warm, wet pockets all around.

    • Like 4
  4. I was a bit bored with all the spouting about Brayshaw, I just hope he comes out and plays well, god help him if he doesn't, as we speak, along with Hogan, they are busy polishing their haloes as the latest saviours of this footy club

    Saty, you get bored by other people's posts the way dogs get bored with bones.

    • Like 1
  5. I think Trengove is "Cactus" I reckon the club knew it and therefore a trade with Richmond was always going to be a win for us!

    Unless a miracle occurs I cannot see him at the club next year!

    I would be aghast if he was offered a new contract on the basis that he may come back.

    I reckon his dwindling pace will be further compromised and in view of where we are at I don't believe we should be looking at him sticking around next year.

    Time to pass! and move on!

    Sounds like a good idea. And at this time, late March, how should we do that? (Rhetorical question - of course I expect you to have NFI.)

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