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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Agree and I will repeat if he called the Club and expressed those comments to the Club directly they become aware of the problem and have a chance to correct it. But it does not appear that is the case. So where we could all benefit from an initial problem, this avenue is ignored and no one benefits and comments and attitudes fester on a public website that does nothing to correct the problem but provides a hobby horse for those who wish to grind an axe. Do we want the Club marketing to improve? Isnt one way we could do that by giving them fair and honest feedback when things go wrong and things go well? It might also provide the supporter with a greater appreciation of the issues at hand for the Club.
  2. Never said it was. But shock and horror there is an important people side to sponsor behind the $$$. Its called relationship management and its a mark of goodwill to keep the sponsor happy beyond the dollars and cents. The very issue of goodwill that you solely apply to Dreaming equally applies to the Sponsor whose kid is denied the opportunity. There is going to be one disappointed entity. I dont think DR's claim being any greater than the sponsor. Another marketing wiz that has not got a clue!
  3. 1. No it isnt. Its central to your beef. Was it Adelaides big day of the year and would they have done the same if it was or was it good PR for a quiet weekend. 2. Maybe they were not any good. 3. Should they call you to see if you are happy each week? I cant believe with your market cred you did not do yourself and the Club of lodging a complaint which could have resulted in a better resolution for you and the Club gets some useful feedback and learning given it is known there has been high turnover of staff. Everyone winsRedleg raises some good points. 4. I just thought while you were going for a bit of self interest..... There is no doubt there are issues the Club has to work on. But if they had have done something like sent an autographed photo of a player or something like that it would not have been an issue. You could have raised that specific matter with the Club but you didn't. Yet you use a public website to have a go. How does not anyone benefit beyond your desire to bleat.
  4. And it can be the small matters that goes along away keeps them or loses them. Remember these sponsor decisions are still made by people that expect and should be looked after. Likewise the same argument could apply to the disgruntled poster who could not get his way and surely he would understand the need to look after sponsors.
  5. Well done True Believer. You had the sense and reason to call the Club and communicate your dissatisfaction to rectify your situation and hopefully assist the Club improve these issues and did you get things resolved satisfactorily? At least you gave the Club the benefit of rectifying the situaton.
  6. Is that the same as a deputy deputy covering for a deputy,....sheriff?
  7. Given the amount of money sponsors put into the Club they deserve the extra incentives where appropriate. A sponsor puts in 10,000's of $$$ and is worth how many grass root memberships. No wait I can see it now. Sponsor pulls sponsorship due to small minded club official denying son run on as a mascot. Now wouldn't the marketing wizs have a great time with that....."Just typical of this Club" "They have no idea how to satisfy sponsors". MFC will be damned if they do and dammed if they dont.
  8. Miller can accept one week from the match review!!!!! He must be regretting that late bump now!
  9. Then you surely cannot be blind to your own foibles on this. Or can you? The Club gets many requests on its big days that are as justified as yours. And as Redleg advises the Club is community minded in many facets and your connection with membership numbers and being refused your preference only sustains the self serving sense of your initial post. Should have hit them for a few tickets as well! They could only have said no and its such a small matter that could impact on memberships. And a letter to the Club rather than an anonymous belt on a public website would be more effective. Surely that would have come up in your studies.
  10. The players dont think so given their rejection of him from the leadership group. Bruce with Junior as an outsider.
  11. If so the "rubber chest" callers will surely wish their posts dont rise up the Board. If so, a very very sad way to end a valiant career. He has deserved better from teammates.
  12. And of course MFC does not realise a kids excitement at all. How dare they knock back your Godson. Like I said its cost us 25,000 at least. A rather self serving piece of moralising just because you could not get your way. It was a completely different circumstance for Adelaide as against MFC. Adelaide were playing an away game. They had little exposure and I dont know if they have any supporters in Tassie. And given that it was MFC's biggest day in the year it is presumptious at best that you could have your agenda undertaken. BTW, I could put just as good a case for relatives to go ahead of your godson. As I am sure others could. Like I said self serving. At least the other marketing wizs here were making efforts (often misguided) with their criticism to try and boost club memberships and not feather one's own nest.
  13. So why do you think they hurt anymore than the rest of us? And what justifies them to publicly ridicule players of behaviours that clearly are not the case and at time where their support is needed they undertake a cheap "look at me" effort which does sweet FA for the team? We all feel rotten about how MFC are going...they're not special. Their puerile act shows them up for their lack of knowledge of what is actually happening, pleasures the small minded and just adds to the kick in the guts that everyone feels around the Club. They must feel hypocritical wearing an MFC jumper doing that or did they just borrow them to be noticed?
  14. Frankly you draw a long bow between the Adelaide membership and the appointment of a little kid in a State where they play one game a year and is the subject of a cutesy article in the Mercury paper. I have heard that many marketing know alls on this site with self serving fix all solutions I have been surprised that multi nationals dont snap them up for higher postings. What I can glean from your post, is that MFC have thought about the mascot and has given some sense of enjoyment back to a sponsor. FFS they need it sponsoring our lot. And you are miffed that they did not have the spot filled for the biggest financial day in the MFC football calendar. And by the way, its hardly news in Victoria where there is football every weekend and mascots aplenty with no mention in the media. And as far as doing the little things well, in this situation MFC seemed to have done it on this occassion. They clearly had other arrangements and did not buy into your self serving plan. Guess that costs them 25,000 members! What a disaster!
  15. Well done Travis. You criticise posters for sticking the boots into the younger players then you go and delist 3 players who have 3 years or less. Furthermore you delist Moloney who you think is a class act! If Ratten was such a great midfield coach (with an AA ruckman and a gun in the midfield in Scott Thompson) how is that he has been a major contributor to Carlton's longest losing streak in one of the most questionable coaching performances for some time which has significantly undermined the integrity of Carlton? Keep perpetrating the myth. Is it 5 years since the last game you have seen?
  16. John Northey's record. W/L/D Sydney 1985 - 6/16 Melbourne 1986-1992 - 90/76/1 Richmond 1993-1995 - 32/34/1 Brisbane 1996-1998 - 29/28/2 I think he did get sacked from his last 3 clubs.
  17. Robbo is contracted in 2009. I doubt you will get a trade for him. I am reluctant to trade Davey as his pace is what we lack around the ground and I think he will perform better as the side performs better.
  18. Oversight. But I would like to see more of him before I am sold. I had in my mind he was already there so did not elevate him. I think there is ample opportunity if he good enough. And if so I like him more than Valenti.
  19. Well mate, as I have said any footballer that plays AFL is not soft. It does not mean he has to be then be termed "hard". Does your mind only work with direct opposites "hard/soft", "off/on" etc.? And as for playing the man, I would have thought labelling an AFL footballer on a public website as "soft" when clearly thats rubbish behind the guise of an anonymous non de plume is playing the man big time. As I have said elsewhere on this site, Sylvia is a disappointment. He is not the first dibs midfielder we require. He has a limited tank, focusses more on the tackle than winning the ball and has limited awareness under pressure. He does throw himself in but what he does is ineffectual. He also has an attitude and maturity issue. BTW, I have made these comments elsewhere and others have not had the need to get further enlightment...but you need it. Hmmm. Anyway thanks for validating my proxy theory...well it was further validated.
  20. Whelan - injury and lack of performance. Junior - His B &F last year was a half in performance what his efforts were in 2006. He is struggling this year. I think this will be it for him. Out of respect you would allow them to retire as they will be told they will not be given a contract and I cant see either getting any interest in the PSD.
  21. Involving traditional rivals too! As boring as the Irish series.
  22. Sterling stuff that. Boy will the Club sit up an take notice now. Its to the credit that MFC does not take up most of the crap that gets posted on the internet. A compelling exercise in futility and stupidity that achieves nothing. Do you really think the current administration has that view? I would think its the opposite. What do you think DB is doing with regard culture?
  23. Rivetting incisive analysis. You won me. Just proved my proxy theory to a T!
  24. Retire: Neitz Yze McDonald Whelan Holland, Delist: CJ, Weetra, Bode, Warnock Trade: Depending on interest from other Clubs and if they do not improve...Green, Sylvia and Newton. We probably wont do more than 1 trade but it gives us 10 picks in the draft some of which we could use for a trade of a player to us or considering a PSD pick and the elevation of Valenti/ Zomer (not so sure about that one). Given the level of necessary retirements and discards this year, a few lucky players might get another year to prove themselves otherwise there is another big clean out happening in 2009.
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