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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Crap. The alternative was to play the game in Melbourne in front of a small crowd and we would have made a loss on the game. If it was not for the absurd amount of money from the Tassie Govt the Hawks venture in the Aplle isle would not have proceeded. Its a finite source of income which will get squeezed heavily in the current financial crisis when the contract comes due for renewal. If we recevies dollars as opposed to playing a game in Melbourne at a loss it remains an option. If Casey would make money for us as against Docklands for a loss then it sould be looked at. But I think the window of opportunity is limited.
  2. That's right. Sought of gives some impetus to Deebest's comments when Dwayne Russell makes the comments on the highest rating radio talk and football station in Victoria and guess what no uproar from the general public. And I did not see any significant bluster from the football media and general public nearly 12 months ago when Vlad said MFC does not stand for anything. I could not think of a more damning statement. And I dont think MFC would be missed if it were relocated. Most clubs and their supporters would say "Phew at least its not us". It was the general reaction of this Forum when the Kangas were considering the Gold Coast.
  3. I am sure the coaching staff would describe it as getting in a contested punch and followed up with a hard second effort.
  4. Great post Phoenix. Its right on the money.
  5. Ahem *Cough* And the MCC has said...??? At the moment its a pipedream and it will depend what the relationship between MCC and MFC will be in the future. People need to realise that the MCC is not a sugar daddy solution. If there is a financial relationship it will come with strings on the MFC Currently neither the AFL nor the MCC are keen to take on or be responsible for an operation thats financially bleeding like an open wound.
  6. This thread makes a lie of that. And when you call " You can come out now its safe out there", I get second opinion thats closer to the truth....and live longer. Deebest is actually talking alot of truth. Its hard for some to deal with it. Touche Diesel. Most incisive
  7. What does it mean that we will be brought in as a sporting section of the MCC? Space on the wall for old photos? Spot in the MCC newsletter to give a Club update? While I think its great you attended and that I am all in favour of the MFC being a part of the MCC in a financial and operational way I am not sure your slant on matters may be correct given..... I would want to hear from the MCC about what it is we are to become or indeed becoming first before I pop corks.
  8. Exactly right Jack. Such behaviour by a CEO regardless of the corporate climate is inexcusable and indefensible no matter what the political saber rattling against the current administration is concocted by those with their own axes to grind
  9. Good news there. Thanks WJ. Comprehensive report that would put the best around the grounds men to shame. Any discussion about Casey, Bubbledome etc. developments? Also any comment on the AFL's attitude toward the progress of the current administration?
  10. Reality again! The exposure and brand weakness is significant. If a entity wanted an financially stricken club with limited exposure on TV (big issue), limited upside (at least this year), little recent history of success, small supporter base with no regional/community connection then we could be good value. And there is the global financial crisis. Our situation and circumstances are far more dire than Hawthorn's ever was.
  11. Put a real commercial hat on and ask why a company would want to sponsor a brand like MFC as against one of the other Clubs. MFC from any angle is hard sell.
  12. What constructive purpose is McNamee's comments in the absence of irrefutable evidence of such and isnt the timing wonderful with our AGM and recent gazumpings on sponsors? Its that easy What and the current Board does not have sense of the immediacy and urgency of the on field position?? And aside from the Brown debacle, what was McNamee's plan are you saying was the right way to go? What was his plan Mo? He did not seem to articulate it anyone within MFC. A smarter person would have recognised the folly of McNamee's behaviour and actions regardless of the intent. What crap. How do we progress on the field given the list we have to ensure enduring success Mo? You have articulated nothing of any substance on this but have mindless parroted on about how we cant afford to lose games. No kidding Einstein! Stynes comments on the situation of the Club on field is something blind Freddy could see. Its been played out in graphic colour for all to see for the past two years. His comments have nothing to do with contributing to our off field woes. Those problems were already there and inherited. Its up to Stynes and his cohorts to move forward with a solution particularly in these difficult financial times. Roost It comments are spot on as well. I am not surprised in a way you do defend McNamee actions. There's a common bond.
  13. Like MFC and its supporters, Connex trains dont turn up particularly when you need them, their on track performance is variable and they dont like it when its hot.
  14. So if he thought he was unwanted then why would he conceivably contractually commit the Club to a major financial agreement that the Board has no prior knowledge of? Further given Stynes made it patently clear to McNamee who was in control how could he have logically justified going off independently of the Board to act. Talk about a CEO signing a death warrant. Smacks of incompetence and a breach of a fundemental tenet of being a CEO. No one could be that naive. Its no wonder the Board had considered getting McNamee a mentor. If that indeed is the turn of events then any Board would have been wise to cut him at the first instance Its bizarre why you would come to McNamee's defence and try oddly to substantiate what purports to be clearly inexplicable and unacceptable behaviour then by the CEO and vindictive sour grapes now. Especially given the farcical blowtorch campaign you have tried to wage (and been exposed for) in regard Bailey from the day he walked in the door.
  15. No. They have just recently sacked their CEO, Lead Editor and a number of journalists and are looking financial weak. We will struggle to maintain the existing sponsorship on expiry.
  16. If McNamee was working independently of the Board including Stynes it only justifies the removal of McNamee from his CEO role as soon as possible. Its completely dysfunctional corporate behaviour that was going to lead to disaster or bring to a head the CEO's role. McNamee could not be that naive not to have realised that and understood th3 implications of his actions then and the scuttlebutt he is entering now. Its already on the record that McNamee went courting Jonathan Brown without the knowledge or approval of the MFC Footy department which in itself is disturbing. And I agree with Hannibal's questions. McNamee needed to justify his trip to Wimbledon and the time taken off on the way home. His credibility was at stake then. He could and should have disclosed the sponsorship matter then to the Board and broadly. Unfortunately, the concerns with Wimbledon like absences by McNamee were not isolated.
  17. Well we have an AGM on and we are struggling to get a sponsor.......
  18. Its a fair question and you are also right to raise the issue of McNamee's competing interests. And I can only wonder the motives of McNamee in saying this now particularly in the absence of formal proof of communication to either Stynes or the Board regardless of the relationship. If it was a sour relationship for a short time, all the more reason to have matters in writing. And I am surprised some are jumping to McNamee' defence so quickly when they have complained repeatedly about all the continual bad press and its impact on potential sponsors.
  19. Newton has done that in the VFL when frustrated and not focussed and ends getting either heavily penalised and sometimes reported. When tempers boil over it usually case of losing the plot. Aggression is only good when it is directed at the ball and not the player. At the moment Newton has to prove himself a worthy and reliable AFL footballer. His efforts to 'rough" someone up are going to rebound on him and hardly cause a discernible rift. He needs to earn their respect not foster their angst.
  20. Nor should you be. And I hope you are proven right and the exception is a financially attractive sponsorship.
  21. Call it an understanding of what is the "norm" . If you call these difficult times normal. They are not. They are unprecedented in most people's lifetime. Preconceptions have nowhere to be applied. Not in this case. Its rather stark. Keep ypur feet on the ground and head out of the clouds. And I will use your concept and say I am waiting on something constructive Go for it Tiger and good luck.
  22. It is easy indeed. Its called a grasp of reality and no doubt you wont find that constructive in dreamtime.
  23. Most definitely. - Weeks & months of speculation and waiting with baited breath, as this topic becomes larger than life - Club looks like a welfare leper - Disappointment after disappointment over 'missed opportunities' when any sponsors sign with other clubs, whether we are in talks with them or not - Confirmation that the Club is a welfare leper. - The media circus growing to fever pitch as the season is about to commence & MFC are still without a major sponsor - Rumour mill gets fuelled about too many Clubs in Victoria and the welfare leper gets referred to as a terminal basket case. - If MFC can negotiate cleverly there would be a bidding war between sponsors fighting to be our 'white knight' - I can see it now with cash strapped companies struggling in the biggest financial crisis since the Great depression lining up to throw money in a feverish bidding war for a poor sponsorship value proposition. - The feeling of elation for supporters as a major sponsor is announced at a massive press conference with maximum media coverage - Just like when you shake a bottle of lemonade and it fizzes with tension and pressure build as you unscrew the cap and a day after it breaks out the remnants in the bottle are dead flat and of no interest. - Imagine if we didn't have one when the season started and won the first game or a couple of the first few?? Losing will not be an issue because that will be expected anyway. - Losing at any time is an issue but it would be good if we did win some games suggesting the list is on the improve Any publicity is good publicity. - Where were you the last two years? You might want to review that after re reading the Press we have had. And if a potential sponsor is concerned about being aligned with an unsuccessful club (of late), just point them towards the brand loyalty they will be getting from any MFC supporters. - They should be able to count the MFC supporters at matches I can't put into words the gratitude I will feel towards any company that pulls my club from the mire (providing a good deal is made). - What would you call a good deal in the current environment when we cant get a deal secured period ? Already having a major sponsor signed & ready to go, but holding the announcement until after the season starts could even be quite a clever marketing ploy (not that I'm saying this is the case). - It isnt. If we get a major sponsor I cant think why the Club would want to delay the announcement given the financial basket case image we have. My only concern - will MFC lose money by not having a major sponsor once the season commences? I imagine so. - Its losing money now tick tick tick Other clubs' supporters' & the general public's opinions of our image means little to me; it'll change rapidly once we start winning again anyway. - The general public also includes the executives of the companies that avoid us as a welfare leper with a small supporter base. I would be very concerned. And It wont change rapidly
  24. He did say "had been progressing very well"until.....There was no inference that the MFC were undertaking undue haggling. There is a possibility that the leak in this instance did not come from the MFC side. However if it is from the MFC then this continues a rather disappointing ritual where everything from sponsorships to the dismissal of CEOs is orchestrated through leaks.
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