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Optimus D

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Everything posted by Optimus D

  1. Crows leadership group thinking about unsigned players & next year and not on the current finals series how can the coach let this happen. I wonder what his ex team-mates think individually about the bagging he is getting. There is an almighty stink about this Adelaide culture and I reckon Cameron and a number of others will be looking over their shoulders and thinking I do not want to be here. They say one of Lever's traits is that he is a good decision maker!!! I wouldn't disagree.
  2. Agree totally ProDee. There is going to be a bigger bucket of bickies with the new TV rights deal and it would not be good advice to sign a new contract without knowing the full details of the next CBA. Also if he doubles his goal output in 2016 it will only enhance his bank balance when we resign him for the next 5 to 10 ten years.
  3. A lot of posters want to trade out jack watts but I cannot see it happening unless we give him way for nothing. Just cannot see another team being interested in him. It's his 7th year and he still has not made a position his own and is he a player that can help them take the next step up the ladder. He has just been a contributor in a average bottom six. Maybe being a bit harsh on jack, but just cannot see his clear value to anyone else.
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