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Posts posted by Spaghetti

  1. Coaching staff have dropped the ball with Dunn? He is like the other 'not-quite' forwards we have, that love to "dominate" in the VFL and give us nothing at AFL level. Dunn, Miller and Newton have never consistently held their spot in the forward line.

    It's not like Dunn has been kicking bags at Casey for years. In fact I can't recall any previous bags down forward. He deserves a spot against the pies, but to say the coaching dept has failed with him is a huge overstatement. Convenient to say it now, that's it.

  2. Yes it is obvious but we don't do it enough.

    That's more obvious.

    Don't do what enough? In your statement, you said we go on to "win or lose". We do that every game (provided we don't draw) :huh:

  3. Not a great effort by any means. But in all honesty we shouldn't be beating the blues. If the tables were reversed, we would expect to put them away comfortably, which is what they did.

    People need to lower their expectations. Sure we had a good start to the year with a couple of narrow defeats, but we should not be disgusted by a 50pt loss to a team with a good chance at a top 4 finish.

  4. Disappointing but fair. You'd think the slog would've been toughest on the young bodies.

    That makes no sense. They'd be rested because they'd be fragged after the Darwin slog. You can't rest them a different week when they're (presumably) sore now. We're cactus in this game either way - now they're going to be primed to embarrass Carlton next week.

    Really excited that Gysberts is getting a run.

    Depends if they were rested because of the Darwin game or if it was just a general/planned rest given to them as young players.

  5. No, I understand you perfectly.

    Why do you think they haven't released the names yet, Stylus ?

    Who knows. Moral obligation? Could be a number of reasons. I don't work in the media. But that is beside the point. You can't equate non disclose with a legal reason not to disclose.

  6. I have already seen that article, but Im not sure what you were trying to answer/prove by posting it. Still doesn't give any legal reason why they can't be named here. All your quote shows is that St Kilda isn't "into" naming players, not that there is legal reasons preventing them from doing so.

  7. If there wasn't any good legal reason, don't you think the likes of The Age and The Hun would have released them by now ?

    Well they would have originally held back because there was potential for Police charges, but now that that has been ruled out. I don't see any legal issues. May be moral issues, but nothing more. No law against disclosing the truth about someone's private life.

  8. I don't understand why everyone is warning of not releasing the names for legal reasons... Victoria Police have stated that nothing unlawful was done and there is no injunction barring the release of names, so what is the issue? All that has happened is that St Kilda have said they are not releasing names. I don't see any legal reason why I shouldn't release the names here.

  9. Repeat no negative posters please.

    Get over yourself. You can't start a thread like this and then essentially say 'Don't post if you disagree'.

    Melbourne will not make the 8 if they play like they have been lately, end of story.

  10. Perhaps 'great' was a bit of a stretch. But he was far from awful.

    I think I remember them to be good because at that time, our ruck department was abysmal. Jamar was yet to blossom, and Meesen showed more than I had expected of him.

  11. You want to know the real truth about Jack Watts??

    He's 19 and has no senior football experience.

    Show me a 196cm+ modern player of the same age and experience doing more than Jack.

    Michael Hurly. Although not 196cm, but he is a KP player. 3cm is irrelevant.

    Thanks for your post davey36. I have no hesitation in taking your word on the game as Bailey has hardly jumped to Jack's defence these past few weeks.

  12. So many bad decisions it was hard to work out what was the worst, we certainly got more than our Fairshare of wrong decisions but the lions also copped a couple of beauties

    I think the worst one (or lack of one) was Bennell being tackled without the ball and then tripped in the Collingwood game! There were a few shockers in the Collingwood game.

  13. Very interesting (read: stupid) decision by the NRL. I agree that the Storm should be punished. Severely. But to potentially kill Rugby League in Victoria..? When the AFL are ramping up expansion plans of their own... What on earth are they thinking? And then there is the bizarre scenario where Storm will not earn point for the remainder of this season. What are Storm games going to be like now? Why should fans show up?

    Seems a very rash decision from the heartland which they will come to regret in the years to come.

    I'm no Storm fan (or Rugby fan), but I feel for their supporters. They don't deserve this. Even fans of the NSW/QLD clubs don't deserve this. The Storm were good to watch, and now everyone finds themselves in a season where the best team is not playing.

  14. Loved it how he says "The word premiership cannot even be mentioned. They are kidding themselves if they are even thinking about it."

    What a senile old man. Does he honestly believe teams should not be thinking about premierships because they are on the bottom? What a delusional fool. Every move a club makes is to build towards a premiership. I will enjoy watching him fail at GWS.

  15. He would require someone to be put on the LTI. This has not happended yet to my knowledge. PJ, Meesen and Gawn would all be possible options. I would expect two of those will be moved on their before start of the season to allow both Jordie and jake to be upgraded for round 1.

    Putting Meesen on LTI list wont help us this year as he is a rookie now :)

    But yes, for Jordie to play prior to round 11, we would need a LTI candidate.

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