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Posts posted by Spaghetti

  1. Of course I could not do any better, I never proclaimed to be equal, lesser or better than this tool nor have I mentioned anything about having knowledge of the draftees, so you inane comment "and you could have done better?" has not substance in its entirety... You also need to take into consideration that I am an Accountant and not an AFL columnist. As HE is an AFL columnist you would expect a lot more from him. Otherwise you can just get a passionate AFL person to write up their "phantom drafts" & I am sure that they would reach the same if not better results that Burgan would! Obviously a simpleton like yourself is unable to ascertain any of this... Please make sure you pass this onto him next time you have his throbbing man mean deep in your gapping crevice.

    Discount the top 10 and his success rate drops even more, which furthers my point more, that this idiot just rips [censored] out of his anus. :D

    Why post? We don't need tools like you here.

  2. Feeling a bit like WJ and I can't wait for it to be over. While I respect Emma and her draft knowledge and admit mine is not much above nil, I can't help but feel that this year her picks won't line up with the actual clubs this year. She has Port taking 2 mids with their fist 2 picks and us 4 mids with with our first 4 picks. I just can't see that happening. She also has Cunnington slipping to 7 and Butcher taken by North whereas I feel they will take a mid, most likely Cunnington.

    This isn't her phantom draft. Just her top 25. They are two different things and she did both last year.

  3. On the financial side, don't forget the game we play at TIO against Port where we will get some good $$$ out of playing in the NT.

    How much are we getting paid to do this?


    Think it is $500,000. Could be wrong though.

  4. Does anyone have a link to a copy of the draw that has home/away in it? The AFL's website has the full Melbourne fixture, but it doesn't say whose home match each is.

    Edit: Also just noticed that we have 3 twilight matches, but none of them look like being our home game.

    If you look round by round, it will state the home team.

  5. Having gone through round by round, this is MUCH better than any fixture we have had recently. No home games vs Port/Fremantle on Sundays.

    10 Sunday games is 3 less than this year and 5 less than 2008. Can't complain. Generally we play good drawing clubs on Sundays.

  6. MFC 2010 Fixture Wrap

    14 MCG Games and only 5 interstate isn't too bad.

    EDIT: Full Fixture Here

    Round by Round:

    1-- Melb v Haw (MCG) (Sat Mar 27, 2:10pm) (FOX)

    2-- Coll v Melb (MCG) (Sat Apr 3, 2:10pm) (FOX)

    3-- Melb v Adel (MCG) (Sun Apr 11, 1:10pm) (FOX)

    4-- Rich v Melb (MCG) (Sun Apr 18, 1:10pm) (FOX)

    5-- Melb v Bris (MCG) (Sat Apr 24, 7:10pm) (FOX)

    6-- NM v Melb (Etihad) (Sat May 1, 2:10pm) (TEN)

    7-- Melb v WB (MCG) (Fri May 7, 7:40pm) (SEVEN)

    8-- Melb v WCE (MCG) (Sat May 15, 2:10pm) (FOX)

    9-- Melb v PA (TIO) (Sat May 22, 7:10pm) (FOX)

    10-- Geel v Melb (SS) (Sat May 29, 2:10pm) (TEN)

    11-- Carl v Melb (MCG) (Sat Jun 5, 2:10pm) (TEN)

    12-- Melb v Coll (MCG) (Mon Jun 14, 2:10pm) (TEN)

    13-- Adel v Melb (AAMI) (Sun Jun 27, 2:40pm) (FOX)

    14-- StK v Melb (Etihad) (Sun Jul 4, 4:40pm) (FOX)

    15-- Melb v Ess (MCG) (Sun Jul 11, 2:10pm) (SEVEN)

    16-- Frem v Melb (Subiaco) (Sun Jul 18, 2:40pm) (FOX)

    17-- Melb v Syd (MCG) (Sun Jul 25, 2:10pm) (SEVEN)

    18-- Bris v Melb (Gabba) (Sat Jul 31, 7:10pm) (FOX)

    19-- Melb v Rich (MCG) (Sun Aug 8, 2:10pm) (SEVEN)

    20-- Haw v Melb (MCG) (Sun Aug 15, 2:10pm) (SEVEN)

    21-- PA v Melb (AAMI) (Sun Aug 22, 12:40pm) (FOX)

    22-- Melb v NM (MCG) (TBC, TBC) (TBC)

  7. How is egg throwing Dangerous??? We are now a civilization of softies aern't we.

    Time for you to read up on what the anzac Diggers went thru during World War one.

    Egg throwing Dangerous!!! Pull the other one.....

    Am I missig something here? An egg hitting you with one of its tips is not soft by any means.

    And bringing up ww1? Pull out some more irrelevant drivel please. So according to you... Nothing is dangerous unless it is on par with what the diggers experienced. Pull your head out!

  8. People saying "they are only letting off some steam" etc etc need to pull their head in. I graduated from High School about 5 years ago, and none of our year level did this stuff... By the time you graduate High School, you should be mature enough to know that throwing eggs is lame and potentially very dangerous.

    Not saying this story is newsworthy because unfortunately it still happens a lot at this time of year, but I can say this guy is an idiot for involving himself in things like this.

  9. This would be because he is not the sort of player we need?

    Good player but he is not what we need.

    Yes and no. He may well be worth a second round pick, just not our second round. 18 is too high for him.

    And no, we don't need his type of player.

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