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Posts posted by Spaghetti

  1. Without the initial contact by the supporter, there was no deal. In fact, with the Kaspersky deal, it was the company that initiated contact with the club.

    As has been said, So what? Do you honestly think club presidents/CEOs sit in their office cold calling companies hoping to miraculously find a company wanting to sponsor us? No, don't be ridiculous. Clubs announce they are seeking sponsorship, then interested parties come forward. Which is what has happened here, the fact that the initial idea came from a fellow supporter is largely irrelevant.

  2. Anyway, about the "going to such lengths" bit. I guess it just seems that way because I attract so much anger and argument on this topic. I'm a pretty argumentative person and I don't like to let others have the last word when they are calling me out by name and especially when they are incorrect (like that guy above who was trying to make out that we only went without a sponsor for 1-2 months longer than the bulldogs). Because my views and my emphasis on the facts are so unpopular, I end up with having to respond to lots of people rather than being able to line up to take a kick at a lone dissenter.

    Did you even bother to read my last response? No.

  3. Like I said, not a huge amount, but worse off nevertheless. Of course, it is also important to note that in three years' time we will presumably be left in the less than ideal position of having to negotiate a sponsorship renewal/deal a week before the season starts.

    Now how about you show me your maths?

    I don't need to show my mayhs because we are clearly talking about different things. I was comparing the two deals from when mission signed with the Bulldogs, in which case ours is far superior. You are merely using numbers to state that it is regrettable that we did not transition straight into a new sponsor, which it is, but we were never going to get the $4.5m immediately after the primus deal. So I'm not sure why you are making calculations based on that.

    Sponsor is done now, and good effort given the financial climate. It is unrealistic to expect a club in our position to have a queue of potential sponsors waiting to take over last November. As far as I'm concerned, you're maths is irrelevant in the circumstances and says nothing other than signing up sponsors faster is better.

  4. Actually, we are behind, but not by much.

    edit: assuming you are talking about the relative value of the sponsorship deals, not the financial positions generally.

    Wrong. $500,000 difference is not the equivalent of 1-2 months difference in announcements. I presume you are attempting to discount the amounts back to when the Bulldogs announced mission, but the maths does not add up. We did better, and did better by delaying. End of story.

  5. It makes no difference that Pratt is no longer president. So long as it was happening while he was.

    Unfortunately, as serious as this is, I can't see where the afl would find legal grounds to do anything about it. Visy can hire who they want.

  6. It is just me or is the off-field gear the players are wearing absolutely hideous?

    I just thought I'd throw it out there.

    Maybe they figure sponsors will pay more to get the players out of the hideous gear?

  7. Seems much too childish to work. Large corporations won't be won by a picture and a slogan saying "these guys want to win for you".

    Interested or potential sponsors would already know enough about the club and its situation to make a decision.

  8. Surely you could have posted in an existing sponsor thread rather than starting a brand new one which has no new information.

    Search for previous threads and that is where your answer will be.

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