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Posts posted by Spaghetti

  1. Interesting. My brother has a similar love for Officeworks. Works around the corner from a branch and LOVES going there, even just to look around. He told me it wasn't strange. Seems he's not alone after all :lol:

    Definitely not alone, I too have a strange affection for Officeworks. Something about mass stationary must agree with the human DNA.

  2. As said above, do not contact Nike. They will invariably say you will be in breach of copyright and that you should cease all further action on the matter. Large companies protect their interests by scaring less resourced people and companies with infinite legal jargon with the knowledge you will not understand it and to give the impression that it will be very costly to get legal advice or to risk litigation.

    I'm no expert on the matter. But parody apparel such as this is everywhere and nothing will come of it (if it is in fact a breach).

  3. Haven't been to BF. Don't read it. Yep, read the Herald-Sun, Age, AFL websites and what was said, like you and most other people. Don't for one minute profess to be a recruiter or possess higher knowledge than any FD. When you assume (well i'm sure a learned scholar such as yourself would know how that saying plays out)......

    Simple fact is that everyone kept bleating about best available and taking mediums / mids over what some may call a risk in filling our need for more talls. We didn't go down that path. If there was a tall and a mid who were even pegging, i'm tipping that because of our needs, BP went for the tall. That is my point. Period.

    So my presumption was accurate. Your opinion was based off journalists.

    I'm struggling to find anything in your response that comes close to responding to my criticism. My issue was with your explicit assertion that Atley was the better rated draftee. You have now confirmed that this assertion is based on journalists. I stand by my initial comments. The only "simple fact" that is relevant is that Atley was not rated higher by the people that matter. Recruiters may tailor picks to their needs, but that is just another factor in their ratings.

  4. Old55 you too have missed the point. You are contradicting yourself as it is clear that BP identified our most pressing NEEDS being talls. Atley was rated as a better prospect than Cook but BP went with our needs first in taking Cook. Likewise as the list goes on. Get your head out of the sand. I think BP has done a great job!

    As has already been said. You are the one missing the point. I presume you are basin this 'rating' off BF phantoms and journalists... Fact is, they know very little other than some inside tips on who may go where or who speaks to who, but they would never know where recruiters rate players.

    Always found the term 'slider' stupid for this very reason. They only slide when compared to BF hype. But at the end of the day they are drafted exactly where recruiters rate them. If Atley (to take your example) was so highly rated, he would have been taken earlier. But he wasn't. I feel many people latched onto his Judd comparisons too literally.

  5. I'm loving all the "we took X way too early! Should have taken [overhyped BigFooty player] here!".

    Seriously, I'd be very surprised if more than a few of you have ever watched these kids. I will trust our recruiters over any phantom on BF anyday. Let's not forget where BF rated James Frawley back in his day.

    At the end of the day, these kid are nothing but names and highlight packages to most of us.

  6. fitzpatrick still looks 3 years off an afl game, looks like he would be snapped in half by a defender, ruckman, or a mid fielder..

    ... or a light breeze.

    But as for Newton and Morton, both need some trimming at the moment, but if anything thats a positive. Both have been in need of extra kilos for years. More than likely they have been advised to load up on protein ready to be converted into muscle over preseason.

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