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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. 38 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Well fellow illuminati, I'm sure you will all agree there is nothing like some intellectual stimulation while slurping down the Saturday morning chocolate filled maple syrup bathed and bacon wrapped croissants.

    May I refer you to today's Age and an article titled - "Men- only day spas the new gentleman's club". The article focusses on a New York clinic that specialises in various medical and beauty treatments for blokes - no sheilas allowed.

    "Non invasive penile enlargement" is available for a mere $6000 but there is a catch - it only lasts 2 years.

    In what I thought was an interesting juxtaposition, "anal tightening procedures" are also on the menu. There is a "laser treatment" option for this.


    Uncle, have you booked an appointment or two in the American Man Cave?

    Do they also serve Australian style bananas smoothie?

  2. 15 hours ago, Redleg said:

    Rubbish. It is because the players found out that bananas were removed from the camp menu.

    PS. The Australian budget surplus owes full credit for it to the banana industry which has single handedly rescued the economy.

    No bananas for soft AFL players.

    They should only get a weekend at Romsey with Uncle Bitters and his household of blue haired ladies.

    Perms, manicures, facials, massagers and other girly hair treatments YES!

    Bananas NO!

    If only we could bring back real football players like John Duckworth.

  3. OD I just read the cancellation of the Melbourne FC Boot Camp by the players.

    Can I withdraw my prediction of a 2018 Melbourne Premiership?

    I now think it will take us at least five years to get rid of all the soft players the Club had accumulated over the years.

    My new prediction is that the Melbourne FC will finish 9th or below in 2018. The players are clearly not hungry enough for a Grand Final win.



  4. On 14/12/2017 at 5:04 PM, Lucifer's Hero said:

    That is true. 

    But one would think there would be negotiation with players on whatever the 'deal breaker' aspect of the camp was for them.  After all the article says:  "The club's football department was satisfied they had taken significant measures to increase the safety for players after last year's camp".  So the club had acted on some known issues. 

    Negotiating the activities at the camp is acceptable (not ideal).  But to boycott cancel the whole shebang.  I'm speechless and left wondering what sort of team are we? 


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  5. 19 hours ago, old dee said:

    It was harder having her gloat every time they beat us which was most of the time. When she become an adult we enjoyed going to games together.

    however motherhood and the druggies have effectively removed her from the sport. Since 2014 she has had little interest. Hates Hird with rare passion and little interest in AFL.

    Tell her to come to the light and join Melbourne. Better still a Melbourne membership for Christmas.

    It is never too late to show her how much you care.


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  6. 9 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

    Wonder if Biffen was punching-on outside the Milo Yiannopoulos gig in Melbourne tonight. Maybe teaming up with Prodee, and the Boltmeister to crack a few lefty heads. It looked on the TV kinda like a sandpit fight in kindergarten, only more childish

    Just goes to show what drinking too many banana smoothies will do!


  7. On 01/12/2017 at 7:26 AM, hemingway said:

    The only Gods likely to care about Uncle are pagan gods.

    Given the the Uncles proclivities and indulgences, it's unlikely to be Bacchus.

    However, given the current weather conditions it could be Thor who is definitely not happy. 

    With the crumbling ruin known as The Manor, no doubt the good Uncle is busy making sure he has enough buckets underneath all the leaks.  


    The only true GODS are pagan!

    Or at least that what a North Melbourne (Kangaroo) supporter believes.

    To me it's not about the GODS, as it is all about the DEMONS!

  8. I heard Mr Bitters has upset the gods again.

    40 days and nights of rain will be his punishment.

    The upside is free water for everyone. But living under Lake Romsay may be a problem.

    Mr Bitters you need to follow the rules and live by the norms of deceit society.


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