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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. On 9/8/2018 at 11:23 AM, layzie said:

    Last night was a night for many firsts. Has anyone else ever busted the zipper on their jeans at the footy? 

    To avoid a repeat of this issue, you need to follow Mr Bitters lead. That is why he only wears yoga pants to the football.

  2. 5 hours ago, Red and Bluebeard said:

    Seems a lot more variable according to Wikipedia --- somewhere between 1,000 and 5,000 depending on when. So fittingly for some AFL crowd figures, there is some room for variability there.

    I understood a Roman legion had between 3,000 to 6,000 men plus followers and auxiliary.

  3. 4 hours ago, Red and Bluebeard said:

    So there will be several legions of demons there on Friday week?

    I was at the Dee's last finals game, back in 2006 at Subiaco Oval. 

    That day we only had around 2,000 supporter at the game. The Shockers had around 40,000 of their supporters there. My father was a member of the Shockers up until his passing around 10 years ago. I still has fond memories of singing our theme song to him over the phone every time the Dees beat the Shockers. That is until the time when he would no longer speak to me after our games.

    2006 was my first and only AFL finals game that I have see live and the last time my wife went with me to a football match. I also think it was the first finals match the Shockers had won.

    My best memery of the games was singing our theme song when the Dees ran on to the ground. The lady in front of me had to put her fingers in her ears, so I just had too sing louder. I love our theme song, and its even better when it annoys the opposition.

    I assume most of you guys and gals (not a 100% sure what Old Bitter is because of his avatar) will be attending our next finals game? Well give them a rowdy version of The Grand Old Flag for me if you are there at the game.






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  4. 18 hours ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Well I must say I have had a strenuous outback adventure.  

    These Westralians have some quite bizarre habits though. These public “dump points “ in caravan parks are quite uncomfortable and I always seemed to draw an audience of voyeurs. Odd lot. 

    Anyway I left a trail of tinea through their ablution blocks as repayment 

    We actually let you in to Western Australia?



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