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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. LOL I did change it to the MFC Mascot again but changed it back due to your comments. I love the old Doctor Who series and Darvos was a scarey dude when I was 8 years old. Still like him as there no special effects and he not a whimp, he would kill everyone given half a chance. Totally agree he is the Greatest TV villian of all time. I just watching the K9 TV series on DVD, true its for kids but also loved K9 as a kid and always wanted one or two.
  2. Don't tell me they will make another annoucement just before the season starts to destabilise the Club again. "We found you not guility but here is a $1 million dollar fine because we hate your Club and it should have had better control over the Doctor" Is there anything else the MFC could get investigated over, dodgy Accountants maybe?
  3. I do get that comment a lot mate. Truth is I not found the perfect one yet but I also like to change it as and when my mood changes or a current topics does. Open to suggestions on the perfect Avatar though.
  4. The Pain continues and clearly our fellow Dees Supporters are not in control of FOX!
  5. After leaving my Dinner in the ovan for way too long last night as I fell asleep watching a DVD. This looks delicious LOL
  6. WJ have you heard or read anything about the MFC investigation?
  7. Just an idea for breakfast Banana and Coffee, should be a winner in the thread
  8. Is it just me or has the Membership Count on the MFC website just stopped a few weeks ago? I thought there was about 18K membership before the 1st November 2013 automatic membership update. I would have assumed we would of had around 30K membership by now but maybe the extra 20K MCC members come on at a different time. With what happened over the past 7 years and the recruitment of staff who can actually achieve thing I was hoping for a 38K plus membership base in 2014.
  9. As BBO has the best come back in the Forums I personal can not wait to see how he respondes to you Moon
  10. BBO with you compassion and advice have you ever thought of becoming a Priest?
  11. Great he is getting back in to football But we would be silly to have him back
  12. On a more serious topic Would anyone be interested in a Skype or Team Speak 3 get together? For those who may not know what they are its a VOIP (Internet Telephone Chat) I think we can get up to 6 on Skype and I have access to a 10 user Team Speak 3 Server. Anyway I think it would be nice to kind of nice meet after talking to you guys for many months now. PS DC you may be able to tell my wife remained on her Mine Site this week end. I will not see her for 14 days now as I work away from home during the week.
  13. MessyDrugs http://www.3aw.com.au/blogs/breaking-news-blog/tom-elliotts-conspiracy-theory-on-essendon-drug-investigation/20130412-2hqiq.html
  14. If there was a three person draft and the MFC had pick 1 which person would we pick?
  15. I will not even try and guess which one of us this guy is!
  16. Oh I was told that you and WJ was somewhere in this picture
  17. I am speechless I can only assume you been on the turps so I would suggest you go to bed earlier and start drinking tea.
  18. IMO they would be the perfect sponsor as they get enough of my money now. They do rugby I thinnk http://www.samsung.com/au/sponsorship/
  19. They did before Samsung started taking away their market share and out selling them in Smartphones.
  20. After the 2013 season and the previous six season I am feeling it would be more appropriate for them to be wearing this until they earn the above jumper again.
  21. It was because BBO and Moon can never get along so the potential offer just melted away due to the bitter taste this would give their product.
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