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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. My opinion is that the game is not broken so we don't need to fix it by bringing in AFLX. For some stupid unknown reason the AFL think the code needs AFLX and the only way the can try to fasttrack AFLX is by using the current stars of the game. I don't believe the AFLX will succeed in the minor leagues to the point where it can be a showcase because there is no problem with the length or rules of the game. I think the AFL realise that AFLX won't become popular in the bush leagues to the point where they can drag out no-ones and retired stars and get 20,000+ to pay for tickets and hence Danger and co.
  2. AFLX is still going to need some big name players to make it a success. That's why the AFL have "coaxed" Patrick "the season is too long" Dangerfield and the other stars to be the faces of it. I get the whole genesis of BBL starting in the minor leagues but AFL does not have the same issues as the game of long form cricket. There is not a need to rejuvenate the game and in order for the AFL to fasttrack this idea they need stars. They don't have the time to grow this game in the minors because the game is not broken for the minor leagues to be able to bring people over to the concept. The only way to ingratiate the audience is to give them the stars. The AFL have to do it in the reverse of the way the BBL started because they're not coming from the same starting line even though the AFL want AFLX to be the BBL of Aussie Rules.
  3. This bloke just keeps kicking goals with his community work.
  4. Any changes to the rehab group? Gus still there? Hannan present?
  5. Thanks for the report @Satyriconhome When I was at training a few Fridays ago I was looking for the camera on the pole. I noticed the guy behind the goals on the freeway side of the ground with the computer and the joystick but couldn't locate the camera or see a drone in the air. Would be interesting to know how in depth they are with reviewing the training footage and whether they use it to in meetings with players to improve their craft or training standards.
  6. I don't want our players playing either but taking the emotion out of it AFLX can only succeed with the best of the best playing. If AFLX is on TV no-one wants to watch no names.
  7. That's not what I'm saying. Personally I don't want any Demons playing for fear of injury. That's unrealistic (not having at least one or 2 or 3 Dees in a four team 10 man a team comp) so my preference is no AFLX. Those feelings aside my personal belief is that the only way the CONCEPT of AFLX succeeding is to have top line AFL stars playing it.
  8. I don't disagree with this in theory but I doubt there would be any interest of people watching it at VFL and AFLW level. Those competitions are already struggling to bring in viewers. 100% agree that they should be getting kids to play it at school if they want to grow the concept. By THEY I mean the AFL should be actively getting into schools, perhaps even using actual AFL players, doesn't have to be the stars of the game, to come to the schools. Don't all players have to do a certain amount of "community" service? For the AFLX to succeed on the big stage they need the Dangerfields and Reiwolts, Fyfes and Betts and other stars in order to generate interest. That's why I think they ditched the club vs club of unknowns. It can only work as a showcase of the best. Having said that I stand by not wanting any gun Demons playing for fear of injury. As a concept though I am fully aware that it can only succeed if the best of the best are on display. No one is interested in seeing a bunch of rookies contest. No offence to the rookies intended.
  9. Keep us posted and thank you for your service.
  10. Will keep you posted, if the format survives. I suspect a lot of the backlash are not in the demographic that this is aimed at. They got a decent crowd last time (at the Etihad games anyway). I don't know what the TV numbers were like. If they get a decent crowd this time and the TV numbers stack up then I don't see why it wouldn't continue. If the concept continues it will be interesting to see whether the kids will continue to support it as they grow up. Despite the silliness of the superhero theme I believe that the representative concept is a better angle to go down than club vs club. They can even switch up the themes from year to year, even do state of origin series.
  11. I hope the season is short enough for him when they don't make finals next year.
  12. I hope the club puts on the Family Day at the MCG again in 2019. It was a fantastic day and the kids loved it. I also hope they have more activities for the kids. The lines for the ones they had were huge. It was great that the club was able to attract so many people but they need to have more activities spread around to accommodate everyone.
  13. Thanks for that. I know you warned me but now I will never be able to enjoy a pie and hot dog at the footy again. Semi related but I never send back food at a restaurant for fear of the staff interfering with my food.
  14. I took my daughter and two of my nephews (at the time ages 8 to 11) and we had tickets for the kidszone area behind the goals. They all had an absolute ball. Nephews aren't Dees fans, in fact their team wasn't even playing that night. Spoke to my nephews this morning and they can't wait to go again this year. I will be taking them along with my younger nephew and middle daughter (ages 6 to 12). I guess this is the target audience. If the AFL persist with this, despite the backlash from the older generations, then they will have a built in audience for this format of the game in years to come. From my own perspective I enjoyed the night because we won and because the kids had so much fun. I got a kick out of my nephews and their mates who were also there (all non Dees) lining up for autographs from Maxy who they saw in the crowd. I will be livid if we cop an injury from these games as my only goal in the AFL year is a Demon's premiership. In fact if we cast our minds back TMac played in these games and did not make an appearance until 6 games into the season. I remember as a kid watching State of Origin and wishing we had more representatives. I guess as a kid you don't look at the bigger picture that these games could potentially cost you a premiership.
  15. It's the last Monday training session before the break. If anyone is heading down today we'd love a first hand report. Date: Monday, 17th December Time: 11.00am Location: Gosch's Paddock, Olympic Bvd, Melbourne
  16. Not to mention extra metrics to flog to potential sponsors.
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