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Demonology - Demonland Player sponsor event

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Hi everyone,

We have been trying to organise a meeting with

Clint Bartram, which will also serve to kick-start our season for 2007.

We have a history of winning after these events, so we thought now was

the best time......

Anyhow, we have contacted the club and are trying to organise a get

together this Sunday at 12.00 at the Mountain View Hotel, Bridge Road

Richmond. ( upstairs bar )

Problem is that Clint has gone home for a couple of days to Geelong, and

the club will not be in contact with him until Friday.

So at this point we are asking that everyone "pencil in" this as a

meeting, and we will have a definitive answer on Friday, when I will

e-mail everyone who has signed up to date.

For those yet to sign up for the 2007 sponsorship, this will be the last

opportunity, so hope to see you there.

Tim....could you let Bernie know about this....thank you


Good News....the meeting with Clint is ON.

12.00 for a 12.30 start

see you there, and last chance to join the group if you are not already in......

P.S. Tim H could you pass this on the Bernie again, thanks


I just want to add my voice of support for the Demonland/Demonology Sponsorship and encourage supporters to come along and join us tomorrow at the Mountain View Hotel at 70 Bridge Road Richmond at noon tomorrow to meet Clint Bartram. The Hotel has set aside a special upstairs section where we can conduct the meeting. Food and drink can be purchased at the pub.

We have been sponsoring players for about six years now and our efforts have contributed thousands of dollars to the club. We generally pick younger players to sponsor in the hope that we can encourage their careers along but we really struck the jackpot with Clint who was drafted at #60 in the 2005 National Draft. The problem (from our point of view) was that Clint's career took off so quickly that we didn't have the benefit of an appearance from him at any of our 2006 functions because while we were swanning along at the Mountain View or watching prospective draft recruits at Optus Oval with Craig Cameron, Clint was preparing for AFL action with the rest of the team.

Tomorrow, Clint will be available to talk to the group for the first time so I'm looking forward to it very much (although I'm also looking forward to him making a speedy recovery so he can be back in action helping his team move up the ladder). Those who come along will get a chance to ask questions, get autgraphs and have their pictures taken and then at a little after 1.30pm we can all march off to the G where we can get a traditional taste of a Melbourne victory.

It may be co-incidence but every time we have one of our functions the Demons do the right thing by us and give the opposition a right royal flogging. I know I got "egg on my face" when I incorerctly tipped Melbourne to win against the Sawns last week but I've got this feeling ...

Sponsorship costs $110.00 for the year and arrangements can be amde for drip feed payment for those who are short of cash.

Hope to see you there ....


I've got no real idea where this place is... anyone got any hints so I can arrive somewhat on time tomorrow?!

Just a bit of a bump up here and also thanks to George on the Outer for his work in organising the D/D Sponsorship.

Thoroughly enjoyed my first function and Clint Bartram was an excellent ambassador for the club.

Pity we lost the game afterwards but I have a feeling that the result might have been different with our sponsored player and a few other injured players in the team.


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