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Posts posted by T-34

  1. I would love Eade.

    He still has the burning passion to be a senior coach, has plenty of years left in him and his teams play an exciting brand of attacking footy.

    Agree HH. The other thing which appeals about Eade is that both the Swans and Dogs were struggling when he took over and he managed to turn both clubs around.

    He also structured game plans around his available resources not trying to make his players play to a plan that was unsuited to them.

    I have long felt he was next best after Roos.

    • Like 1
  2. In fact, you're delusional that you actually know either way.

    It's like those that were convinced Scully was leaving 9 months in advance.

    They pat themselves on the back for being correct, but it was dumb "luck."

    Knew he was gone when he had his media conference and said he had not had contact with GWS.

    He had travelled to Sydney the previous Christmas to speak with them personally.

    Was told as much by a Scully family member.

    No need to lie unless he was leaving, so was not necessarily dumb luck.

    • Like 4
  3. tumblr_mbxynmsQ7Z1rfu3joo1_400.jpg

    C&B its to late for that, my 13 and 15 year olds would rather go to a Storm or Victory game and have pretty much turned their backs on not only Melbourne but footy in general.

    Chalk up another two victims of the Melbourne Football Club.

  4. I think you'll find that the disaster that was Mark Neeld won't be washed away overnight.

    To lay what we are being dished up at the feet of one man is bordering on delusional.

    Neeld was only one of a cavalcade of disasters dished up by this club.

    Anyone who honestly thinks this is all his fault is in urgent need of therapy.

    This group of players are abysmal at the things that don't need coaching, like chasing, tackling and generally showing some form of desire for a contest.

    The administration is clearly in over their heads as this train wreck has been occurring for far too long with no one showing the balls to make the hard decisions to stop it.

    The coaches employed by this club for the best part of the last decade are all abject failures, we are still making the same mistakes now that we were back then and no one seems to care.

    The recruiters don't need me to point out their failures, they are there for all to see, every time this club runs out to play.

    This club currently has a snowballs chance in hell to pull themselves out of this hole that has been dug long before Neeld was even here, but if it makes you feel better laying it all on one man then good for you.

    • Like 3
  5. why cant dawes catch the ball is his eyesight bad very poor

    Why is it other teams can find space and Melbourne cannot

    Because their spread is half arsed as is their disposal.

  6. No issue with getting help from the AFL as its clear our board has failed poorly & we neeed it.

    My post wast to highlight that a PP alone will not fix our list......& this was the pathway which resulted in tanking & destoyed the culture.

    The culture has been absent from this club for a lot longer than that, and tanking has hardly had an adverse effect on clubs such as Carlton,Collingwood and Hawthorn.

    This idea that we don't need a priority pick is based on the fact we have not used our picks well in the past, this does not matter, if MFC do not get a priority pick then no one ever will, our current situation is the reason why they have kept the option open and no one will ever convince me otherwise.

    • Like 2
  7. MLB sanctions for these players if found to have used PEDs is expected to be 50 games.

    This is equivalent to 7 matches in AFL or about a third of a season.

    If recent history in Baseball is anything to go by these same players will return to multi million dollar contracts, with several possibly reoffending within 3-5 years.

    If found guilty a second time their penalty doubles to 100 games or 2/3rds of one season.

    Again they then return to huge money contracts.

    I would suggest MLB penalties are akin to receiving 1000 lashes with a feather.

    ESPN baseball commentators, many who are ex-players are expressing disbelief at the leniency those found guilty receive, especially those who have reoffended.

    • Like 1
  8. mate i agree he is way better than Neeld. Anyone is.

    I actually dont mind Ayres, but we are a club on deaths door and we must land a bigger fish.

    Mate the amount of readily available big fish is limited, even smaller if you remove the ones who are just unatainable.

    Williams meets some of our criteria but I'm not sure he meets them all, while as much as I would love Clarkson,Matthews or Roos we have the same chance of having Norm Smith coaching us next year, none.

    Exactly what we need is probably not available so we will have to take next best, and while he doesn't float everyones boat Ayres meets as many of our needs as the others who are genuinely available.

    As for anyone being better than Neeld, that is fairly representative of the pissweak standard of posts being put up about this subject at the moment.

    • Like 1
  9. Roos was innovative but rocket built that list.

    Lyon was the real brains of the Sydney operation.

    Would definitely take Clarkson ahead of Roos, a far more innovative coach.

  10. And how many of those 5 were as bad as us when the "untried assistant" took over? Geelong? Sydney? Hawthorn?

    But I guess what you're saying is that ALL untried assistants must be good. Great logic.

    So by using the same logic does that mean all experienced coaches will succeed?

    Of course not, personally don't care if they are experienced or not, what I do care about is getting the selection process correct, as opposed to the last two.Get that right and we should get the right man, stuff it up and we get the last 6 years continuing.

  11. I've decided that I don't care if he goes now or in 17 rounds, just as long as everyone at the club (especially players) are aware that we are actively knocking down the doors of every available experienced proven coach out there.

    If Jackson and co. aren't stalking Paul Roos, baking him cookies and waving wads of cash in front of his face as we speak, I will personally hunt them down and kick them in the nut sack.

    In an ideal world, Neeld pisses off during the mid-season break, a new decent coach is announced and even if said coach can't start until the end of the season, one of the assistants who this coach fully supports and endorses takes over for the reminder of the season, starting to implement the new coach's vision.

    This is what a normal, decent, functional, strong club should do.

    What Melbourne will likely do though, is sack Neeld at the end of the season then start looking for a replacement, get outdone by Brisbane, and end up with Terry Wallace.

    We don't have the cash to wave and a normal, decent, functional,strong club would never find themselves on the threshold of hell as we apparently are.

    It is possible to get great coaches who have not been head honcho before,{ Scotts, Hinkley, Hird, Ross Lyon did well as a new coach }

  12. Would be happy to get Roos but be aware that the real brains behind Sydney is currently coaching Fremantle.

    Just hope Roos comes with another Ross Lyon as assistant otherwise it may not turn out as many would like.

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  13. Understand completely everyone's wish for an experienced coach but don't believe we have the capacity to attract anyone decent.

    Ayres is not as stupid as it may sound, the qualities he has established at Port are exactly what is required at Melbourne.

    Deep down I think we will finish up with another untried coach, just hope the process is not as flawed as the previous two.

    There are good assistants in the system we just have to get the right one, big wraps on blokes like Leigh Tudor and Nathan Bassett.

    Need to compliment a coaching change with some change at board level as well, Hinkley along with the new President and CEO have at least given Port Adelaide some on and off field momentum, something sadly lacking at Melbourne.

  14. You could also claim that they don't like Neil Craig because he is in the footy dept, or perhaps they don't like Don McC, or maybe they had a disagreement with their line coach? Or maybe they don't like the bloke lining up next to them in the forward pocket so they didn't bother trying. Lack of effort on the field does not reflect whether the players like the coach or not.

    Also, how come you can't take Jackson at face value when he says he doesn't know whether Neeld can coach or not?

    It seems like everyone just wants Jackson to come in and find a solution that involves proving their opinion correct. If Jackson doesn't do what any particularl person wants they'll just argue Jackson is making a mistake.

    Let Jackson do his thing and trust in it. Or put your hand up for the board at the next election. Or call a SGM and put your hand up there. If you are a paid member you have the right.

    Probably a reflection of what we've become as a club.

    Constantly looking for the instant miracle cure, not willing to do the hard yards required.

    Turning this club around fully could be a lifes work for a good operator, there is no fast fix when repairing something that has been so badly broken for so long.

    This seemingly runs so much deeper than simply sacking the coach, as he is only a part of our problems.

    • Like 1
  15. I absolutely agree he did a good, important role on Judd. But I'd like to see a decent body of evidence other than a so so season last year, and 2 games this year, one of which where he was pretty awful, before praising the job Neeld has done on him.

    Pity we don't all give Neeld the same opportunity based on a decent body of evidence.

    He is coming from the very lowest level at a train wreck of a club, he requires time to turn it round, as would anyone.

    • Like 3
  16. That is self-righteous nonsense and you know it.

    GWS are a bunch of teenagers led by a delusional lunatic. They are all potential and little experience. We got beat up on by Setanta. Setanta. FCS.

    I did not love that quarter - I was relieved to see it. That's it. It meant absolutely nothing. What did mean something was the way we backed up against Brisbane - and gave little. You jump up and down about beating kids. Whoop de do.

    As for your care for the club, well let's not let your self-esteem inflate further, shall we? You are not in the minority about caring about success. The irony is your poo-pooing bailey and he won more games! How much did you care then?

    Get the message: everyone here cares - only the precious wave it around as a virtue to gain the attention of others.

    And I "set the bar" realistically - we are crap and 6 years of performance is very good evidence to base that on. We are a club that make bad decisions and poxy excuses for them. We find new and inventive ways to hamstring ourselves and undermine our achievements. That is the truth - that is what we have done. Neeld has only shown that he is a continuation of that pattern and more's the pity. I fervently wish to be wrong. Everyone who wants Neeld gone wants to be wrong. But we have no evidence that he can coach the most basic aspects of the game, bond the players or even understand why we fail.

    So yeah, let's celebrate beating up on teenagers.

    Is that the same bunch of teenagers led by a delusional lunatic who are currently giving the ladder leaders a run for their money, just like they did Melbourne?

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  17. One of the best quarters you've watched came against the weakest team in the comp, playing away from home and after they have finally become exhausted?

    You are setting the bar low, Ron.

    I support the club. I support Neeld insofar as he is good for my club. I don't support him just 'cause he's there. The hard facts are that, despite massive increases in coaching resources, manpower, spending and training, we are playing lazy, stupid, dispirited football. It is a HARD fact. Not a cutesy impression. There are lots of reasons why and it is unreasonable to think that Neeld is not one of them. It is also unreasonable to see that he can fix it, given he has shown no such ability.

    I'll be rapt if we get without 15 goals of Carlton. My expectations are that we will not be competitive. Neeld has helped build those expectations. I'm far more angry at the Board than I am at Neeld - 5 years of decision making form them has led us here. Neeld is just not up to it. Let him go, Ron.

    I thought we were the weakest team in the comp.

    At least that's what the past 66 pages would have us believe.

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  18. Yes it is.

    Anything a CEO does in any organization has a trickle down effect, and this is no different.

    Although I fully expect it will be more hands on, and part of his appointment will be a fukk review of all facets including the football department.

    We got rid of Schwab because he meddled in footy dept. affairs, we welcome Jackson because he is going to get involved in footy dept. affairs.

    Whatever supports your argument I guess.

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