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Posts posted by T-34

  1. Really who is going to come in and make this lot any better? Bailey and Neeld are victims of an over rated and under performing list that would not perform consistently even if Norm Smith was coaching. People who think this is now Neeld's list are kidding themselves, this list is still carrying the ills of the previous 5 years recruiting and development.

    Any change in coach now is doomed to failure and will merely put us further back, as much as it hurts we need to let Neeld see this season out, anything else is just making change for change sake.

    • Like 1
  2. Lost count of Melbourne players ball watching while their opponent gut ran to provide an option.

    Our players simply don't work hard enough when they aren't directly involved in play.

    This is why they can't maintain pressure when they try man on man, they don't understand the concept of running off the ball.

    First half was the result of hard work, second half was a return to normal programming.

    Please no more Jamar, we need to move on.

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  3. I too believe we have a pattern of poor player management however that does not excuse complete lack of personal pride in effort and performance.

    Having played at a very high level at my chosen sport (not footy ) the one thing a professional sportsman should never bring is a lack of effort as it reflects poorly on no one else but themselves. Personal pride is a non negotiable and if our players can't play well for no other reason than their own pride and satisfaction they should reconsider their current chosen career.

    We are very quick to look at every other problem at the club but seem to cut the playing group way to much slack, the greatest coaching staff and administration could do no more with our current group who still carry mental baggage from previous administrations like a badge of honor, absolving them of any responsibility.

    Until we get over that or replace those players that can't, we are doomed to a life of ignominity, no matter who leads us going forward.

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  4. How many MFC memebers from casey have joined since we moved there

    I dont know but we havent exactly set the south east on fire

    We need a home base in Melbourne not in the far away burbs

    Perhaps you could persuade them to set up in your backyard then you'll only have to get off your arse and move a few steps.

    I have supported this club for 40+ years as well and never complained about commuting to games or training even though I live in the same far away burbs.

    Fair dinkum this club has some whining bastards who aren't willing to put themselves out to support their team.

    Harden up.

    • Like 1
  5. It's interesting to hear Terry Wallace talk about coaches and lists. I've heard him say several times now that clubs currently are where they are due to decisions made 5 years ago with recruiting and coaching philosophies. The current state would say mistakes were made 07/08 and I would have to agree, our current coach needs more time and those calling for him to be sacked, please your opinion is valid but please give us an alternative that is remotely realistic.

    If I hear one more person say get Roos I'll go spare,there is as much chance of that happening as footballing media being unbiased and well researched, he is no chance of coaching us.

  6. Greg Healy?

    Has the business accumen and would have a good handle on where we are at, but personally would like someone without an MFC background.

    The club needs fresh ideas and a new outlook that would come from an outside view.

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  7. The only way to judge what the game plan is at the moment is to watch them practice it at training.

    It is not anything like the Malthouse plan implemented at Collingwood, it actually sees the ball taken up the middle often and at pace.

    Obviously they haven't reproduced anything like that in a game and struggle just to get possesion let alone maintain it.

    But believe me anyone who thinks what we see on the weekend is remotely like that seen at training is just wrong.

    Its one of the reasons I get more upset by players not able to execute what is a simple gameplan than anything else.

    We are far to forgiving of them and constantly look elsewhere for problems, yes we do have many things wrong at our club but the current gameplan ranks very low on that extensive list.

    • Like 1
  8. On the one hand, I agree. She can't be totally privvy to what goes on inside the club and she, like any mum, is trying to defend her son.

    However, her actions of going on radio and publicly abusing the club screams of extreme measures by a desperate person. Her son didn't even play on Saturday and she would have no interest in lying and getting her son into hot water.

    It's obvious that something is not right. To lose the way we are, goes way beyond ability or lack thereof.

    If Neeld got rid of all those who didn't tow the line, but kept Dunn (who is not even a good player!), then he must feel that Dunn has some valid issues. As do many of his teammates obviously.

    Whoever is responsible for pissing our players right off to the point where it is impacting their performance to such extreme levels, needs to go immediately.

    But apparently the club is happy to keep turning a blind eye while the rest of us are bleeding.

    If the players have an issue they need to get over it and I don't care what it is.

    Fair dinkum they need to realise they are not the prima donnas they act like,take a spoonful of cement and harden the f#%@ up.

    If they can't put this aside for their own pride in performance, let alone for their team mates, then we need to get rid of them and start again with guys who will appreciate the opportunity.

    This would be the third coach some will have seen off, as much through their own indifferent performances, lack of application and poor attitude as any negative from the coach.

    Its about time they accept some responsibility for their own performances, some may be young but they're old enough not to have their mother speak for them.

    I'm sure there are issues swirling around the club but to blame these on sub standard effort is an enormous cop out by the players.

  9. Does Roos want to coach?

    I would prefer not to change coaches again but if it happens I want an EXPERIENCED one like we should have when Neeld was appointed.

    So disappointing especially for my kids.

    To be honest I am gutted.

    Does Roos want to coach?

    I would prefer not to change coaches again but if it happens I want an EXPERIENCED one like we should have when Neeld was appointed.

    So disappointing especially for my kids.

    To be honest I am gutted.

    Roos will never coach us. He is not that stupid.

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  10. She never actually called for anyone to stand down or to be sacked.

    She did try to say that the tanking saga had had more of an effect than many may think and that she really felt for the players who had gone through it.

    Also suggested that some had been thrown to the wolves.

  11. Good on him for replying personally, probably shows how embarrassed he was about last week.

    If this is the type of thing that makes players realise the responsibility they have to supporters and club, as well as themselves then great.

    Young Alistair may be the catalyst for a turnaround in attitude and that turnaround is all we are asking for.

    My 11 year old has now given up on footy largely due to the MFC, and has turned to the Storm who he would much rather go to watch.

    I can't blame him as all his memories are of a pitiful laughing stock and he finds solace in the Storm and the success they enjoy.

  12. At least Balme got us into a couple of finals series. We were pretty close to a flag in '94.

    His work at the Cats during their dynasty has been exemplary.

    So he should of, he had a lot more to work with, and he has been really good at Geelong but its not like he has had to turn anything around,Jack the blind miner would have been equally successful.

  13. I can't critisize Grimes too much, he isn't a captain's a-hole... But he does lead to some extent and did at least try and lift yesterday.

    But we have a bunch of soft little sooks, they need a dominant captain to be vocal, just look at how well Viney's speech has been recieved, it's what we need.

    Mitch Clark and Jack Viney are the only type for this job, so throw it to Clark.

    I am done listening to all the regular lines from these blokes.

    I see why Brock got out, it must've been hard for him to see all this up close, to be around so many passive blokes who don't want to have a crack.

    Brock got out because we would not meet his contractual demands, anyone who thinks he left because of the poor culture has a lower IQ than he does.

    Agree with rest.

    • Like 2
  14. You guys are off your head, writing letters won't help.

    What do you all expect to achieve by writing letters? The sacking of the coach?

    Don't worry about that, the media will be breathing down his throat if we lose to Essendon.

    Mark Neeld already has a target on his head.

    Writing to a board that is half the problem won't achieve anything.

    I've never liked Neeld since he appointed his captains.

    How the hell, how on earth, for the life of god do you appoint Jack Trengove captain?

    Does Neeld know nothing about leadership, absolutely nothing.

    If Trengove isn't the most passive, play his roles type of bloke we got - then i'll be damned.

    Trengove is the furtherest thing from a leader I have seen and he got appointed coming off the back of not getting a kick.

    Good way to reward players.

    I have NO problems with Grimes, none... He isn't captain material though, far from.

    I know, someone has to do it... I get that and he does have the heart the size of phar lap.

    But we need a captain to let these spuds know that they have to lift... Someone the boys listen to, because they sure as hell don't listen to Neeld.

    Mitch Clark would make a good captain, Jack Viney is a born leader.

    I struggle to think of another bloke on our list that could do this job.

    Is it that hard to get the captaincy right..

    Perhaps I will write a letter after all.

    And.. I agree with Brock and Scully, as much as I hate them, they have been proven to be correct.

    Agree on the sentiment but you answered your own questions regarding captains.

    When the current captains were named Clark had been here 3 months and Viney was not on the list.

    No need for contradictions in your post just say we lack on field leadership and sack the coach/the coach is shite,we understand.

  15. Im kinda blown away that its down to him to not only perform but also motivate the side as an 18 year old. I know of at least one listed player who told a friend he thought jack was full of himself. that player should turn around and have a look at what Jack Viney brings to the table and emulate 30% of it.

    This is more of an indictment on that player than Jack, maybe if we had more blokes who had a bit of self belief and c#*t in them we wouldn't be discussing what a soft bunch of pricks play for our club.These are the type we need desperately.

  16. How about we see Neeld come up with his own ideas and positive suggestions. What are we paying him to do?

    We could have 15 pages of positive suggestions and ideas and it will mean diddly squat. The bloke has been put in place to do a job and somehow we've got to tell him how to do that job??? Ridiculous.

    The very fact that a thread like this has been started, says it all. We don't have a say in things so it's a pointless exercise. We have a 0% chance of changing things. Neeld either coaches a lot better or he will be replaced.

    It's as simple as that.

    Can't agree more Macca.

    2 pages so far and less than half are positive suggestions anyway.

    Sack Neeld and drop half the team are not positive suggestions, understandable after yesterday but not positive.

  17. Are our players so dumb that they can't follow a game plan in a sport they have chosen to turn into a career ?

    Player apologists and coach assasins are running rampant on here at the moment.

    This club goes nowhere until we supporters ditch this mentality, these results run a lot deeper than the knee jerk reaction of blaming/sacking the coach.

    How complex can a game plan be that professional players cannot grasp it or don't want to grasp it.

    While some blame must certainly go to the coach, he is not alone, its about time our playing list realise that it is not enough just to be an AFL player, they then need to strive to improve and become a good AFL player.Unfortunately our recent history is littered with blokes who thought it was enough to have become a league player and that was enough.

    It would be great if all our current list could look in the mirror and say they are doing everything they can to become the best they can and doing what is required to acheive that.

    Instead we blame an apparent lack of game plan or it's too complex a game plan for our players, maybe our players need to accept some responsibility as well.

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