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Posts posted by T-34

  1. Found it interesting that just last night H.MacIntosh played just his 7th game in over two seasons after battling constant injury, including no games in 2013.

    Hopefully there's something in that for those trying to end Mitch's playing career due to his injury concerns.

    • Like 4
  2. True. But footy fans have good memories and there will be some relieved Saints fans seeing Blease unnamed. I'd have preferred to see him ahead of Byrnes or Matt Jones.

    I think you could mount a decent case for Blease for Byrnes but I can't understand why he would be considered in front of M.Jones.

    The lack of kudos for a bloke who finished top 5 in the b & f in his first year at this level is astonishing.

    The love for a bloke who has had several seasons to get AFL fit and show something but never has in Blease is equally astonishing.

    • Like 2
  3. My dad met up with a high club employee today and he said that Jesse Hogan's back is going to fine. Shouldn't be long until he is back out there. Also on the Chris Dawes note, he is supposed to be fine as well after a few niggles here and there he is starting to come along nicely apparently (I never would have guessed). Clark on the other hand, is a 50-50 to retire from AFL in the next few weeks. His foot is 100% not problems at all, but every time he trains he gives himself a new injury because he has been out of the game so long. That's why we have been hearing hamstring this and calf that so he has been given personal leave to discuss with his family what he should do here on in. Hopefully that doesn't happen because I think he adds so much to our list and is a champion player!

    Funnily enough I was given very similar information, it was caught early enough to prevent a more serious diagnosis.

    Just waiting for the hot spot to settle which is impossible to put an exact time frame on.

    Not super close to the source but no reason to doubt it either.

  4. The real problem is that we as a club really can't afford injuries to the guys who are injured.

    Our list has improved but not to the point that Clark,Dawes,Hogan,Jamar/Gawn,Viney and Garland all missing at once will not be felt, and felt a lot.

    I still look forward to round 1, as I do every year, however I have to keep reminding myself that this team is currently a work in progress and the further into the season the better we should get.

    Just as a side issue has anyone else noticed how much air time St.Kilda's injuries have been receiving today, yes they have some missing but so do we, yet it is being made out like our absolute best 22 is playing the Saints 3rd. 18. Sure they have injuries but so do we and ours are equally as important.

  5. hardtack I believe that the vast majority of the negatives that people raise if due to frustration.

    Particularly when as MFC supporters we have had exceedingly lean times for almost a decade.

    We recruit and pay big money for good players then see that player go down with a injury that seems to go on forever.

    We are desperate for just respectability and the sight of said players constantly on the sides lines produces frustration and then anger.

    That anger then turns to resentment of the player.

    Not fair but understandable.

    Neither fair nor understandable.

    Perhaps it would be a better strategy to send them out still injured and finish them off well and truly.

    Honestly need to take a deep breath and count to ten, injuries are unfortunate but are part and parcel of the game, would rather wait until they are 100% right than play them still carrying an injury and if that takes longer than we all would like we just need to suck it up.

    Frustration at the amount of time both have missed I can accept to a point but anger and resentment because of long term injuries is crazy and grossly unfair.

  6. Was talking to the sister of Harmes last week, she is a life guard at the local pool in Cranbourne, who said he and all the new players are loving life under Roos and the vibe at MFC was one of excitement and expectation. Also mentioned that they had basically been told that their development was paramount and any games would have to be earned.

    Given this I would not expect a lot of game time particularly early in the season for the new recruits and when they do get opportunity it will be when they are ready.

    • Like 1
  7. Fine I'll say it.

    Do not like this.

    Throughout the period we were chasing Roos he said time and time again how busy and stressful an AFL coaching job is. Now he signs on and he's got extra time to do media work every week?

    Yes we need to be in the public eye for exposure but we have to win games. That means a coach who isn't burnt out and who isn't having to get involved with too much media. Luckily Robbo is a complete light weight so won't ask too much tough questions and Gerard is pretty respectful to his guests. Also lucky Bomber is staying on (for now) so mainly they can both talk about their glory days and deflect from their teams. But overall I still dislike it.

    Lighten up, 30 minutes at 8:00 on Monday night will hardly impinge on his ability to coach us.

    Perhaps we can stick him in a ziplock bag when not physically coaching just to keep him fresh.

    I look forward to his insights.

  8. From the time I've been going to these Casey practice games getting in to parking hasn't been too much of a problem. A little slow moving but you eventually get directed to the right area as it fills up.

    The issue I've got is getting out they only have the one way out at the main entrance. At least last year they got everyone going out of there left or right quicker but they need a second exit which they probably wont do as it would mean crossing the rail tracks or cutting through properties south. Poor design but what do you expect I guess.

    By the way for those coming down the Monash I've found it much quicker to go via Berwick and Clyde road than go through Cranbourne on the South Gippy Highway. Same on the way home.

    Plenty of work has been done regarding entry and exit.

    While there is still only one exit road it has been widened and is multi laned.

    Not ideal but should be an improvement on previous setup.

  9. I haven't been up that way for years, I would like to go but it is a long way to drive from Fitzroy and my driving skills are a bit dodgy these days. But can I still land my Cessna at Casey Airfield? Anyone know? If I can that would be great, I could do a circuit of the ground before play if you like. Happy to hang a few Demon flags out off the wings. Over and out.

    Sorry The Hood Casey Airfield is long gone, replaced by Monash University campus and a private Secondary College.

    Maybe you could set her down on the athletics track.

    Parking should not be the issue it has been due to the opening up of neighbouring housing developments,however local cricket finals are on this weekend and games will be on at Casey Fields which probably won't help entry and egress of vehicles.

  10. How many times does Roos have to say he is not in favour of playing kids in front of hardened bodied players?

    People need to realise Salem, JKH even Viney and Kent to a lesser extent may get the odd game here and there but probably won't get a full season.

    He understands the battering young bodies receive at this level and has shown he will control how much the kids get knocked around.

    Matt Jones and his ilk is likely to get more game time than many seem to think.

    • Like 2
  11. Can't exactly say I'm happy because of the poor turnovers at the most inappropriate times under little pressure.

    Positives outweighed these though and really happy we didn't rollover in the last quarter, would have been easy to go down by 60+ during recent seasons.

    At the very least we showed we have grown a backbone under Roos and I'm pretty pleased with that.

    Plenty to look forward too.

  12. Okay, here's one from left field.

    I went to attend the Port Melbourne v Casey practice match last year with dog in tow and was denied entry to the ground by some officious security person.

    Does anyone know if you can take dogs to the practice match on Thursday?

    *slinks off waiting for a barrage of jokes.....*

    BB dogs are definitely verboten at Casey Fields footy ground.

    Given the practice match is at Goschs Paddock our canine supporters should be ok as it is part of open parkland.

  13. When it's all said and done we have received little more than anyone else and that came with a great deal of strings attached.

    The COLA has no strings, why do footy players need to be paid so much that they are set for life by age 30-35 and also expect extra to help pay for the basics of life.

    When they sell up in Sydney will they repay the extra they make from the sale, very greedy club, very greedy players.

  14. I thought his worst moment was when Edwards made a long lead back to the goal square of 40+ metres,getting a metre or twos break initially and Strauss could not close that down over a long distance. His closing speed is just not good enough to guard any forward willing to make long leads and he is not strong enough in body on body stuff.I'm not willing to totally write him off but definitely needs to improve his closing down speed or reading the play a little better.

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