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Posts posted by T-34

  1. You're all tip and no iceberg, BBO.

    I just had a thought. Amongst all of your bravado and chest beating, a picture of a 4' 11", balding, wafer thin, sad old man sprang to mind (fully clothed, thankfully). Is that the real you, Bitter Butt?

    Delete the optimistic part from your name. It's just not you.

    Much like The Simpsons Montgomery Burns.

  2. I'm happy to read the thread but also point out where there are flaws in the logic. If you don't like it to bad, it's what a forum is all about.

    There is a glimmer of light at the moment but it's certainly got nothing to do with the scoreboard, that's just coach speak when you don't want to tell anyone what you are really thinking.

    It starts with Jackson tomorrow and the next 6 months are going to make for interesting times.

    On ground Big Max is a positive, I hope he can stay fit because after just 6 games he looks a real player.

    Hogan is a positive as is Viney when fit.

    I have hopes that Kent and Taggert will add another candle by the end of the year.

    Other than that there is not a lot of positive news, we are pretty bad plain and simple.

    Happy to agree regards that's what forums are about, just getting tired of well meaning threads being hijacked by posters who continually push a certain agenda.

    Forums can also be a great place to try to share some optimism as well. It's not as if there isn't any discussion on the ills of the club in umpteen other threads.

    That said can't agree more re. Gawn,Kent and Taggert and hoping we see what they are capable of in the course of the year.

    Truly intrigued at what may occur when Jackson arrives as I don't really have my head around what his brief is just yet, but surely interesting times ahead, just interested in how he approaches the footy department. We all seemed to think Schwab should never interfere in football dept. business but are hoping that Jackson will, personally will be ecstatic if he can sort out the board first, as I said interesting times ahead.

  3. I agree, they all look up to Clark and I'm sure once this screw is out of his foot, he will be right.

    They are doing it now (instead of end of season as first planned) because it has been giving him the aggravation and limitations due to being fully healed from the fracture.

    Though Grimes is doing a fair job and Jones could easily be our captain.

    Trenners definitely needs to focus on his footy and footy only. Captain has killed the poor bugger.

    Clark, Grimes or Jones would be the pick. Let the players decide I reckon. Just like most clubs do.

    Captaincy hasn't killed Trenners, lack of preseason has killed him.

  4. Another "Pollyanna" thread. They come up every year. Sorry guys but I will not see positives until we string some wins together and gain some respect. Wins! Wins are the only way to taken seriously - that i9s the only stat that is worth shite.

    Well no one is forcing you to read it or post on it.

    Maybe leave it to those who want to

    • Like 1
  5. Mate you had all of last year to watch Magner in the AFL... (irrespective of the fact that he was played out of position) he doesn't have the skills or the smarts.

    Against a side that has been getting crunched and the doggies beat by over 60 points and GWS who have what defence. It's well and good to be positive but come on lets be real about it.

    Well now if I'm looking for positives Taggert is one for me, he has played all games at Casey, finally not injured and is playing some good footy. Check some of his work in the highlights this week. Will play this year if he doesn't get injured.

    The light at the end of the tunnel for me is tomorrow when Jackson starts work with the club.

    Doesn't take long for the thread to get hijacked does it.

    There are plenty of opportunities to [censored] and moan on 95% of the other threads.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Dean Kent get a game, looks a likely type and has had to work hard to make it.

    Have also enjoyed seeing Max play as his enthusiasm seems infectious.

    There is reason to stay positive.

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  6. .

    .. But I do know that it's easier to change the coach than throw out an entire list of players, some of which are actually pretty good or at least has the potential to be.

    .Maybe we as a club need to make hard decisions as opposed to the easy ones. We all complain about our poor culture yet are willing to axe a coach who is trying to change that on the hope that our players may one day realise their potential. At the moment the only one who can unlock that is the bloke looking back at them when they stand in front of a mirror.

    I would very much like some of these prima donnas to decide they would like to be more than just an AFL footballer and actually try to use some of this much talked about potential, because presently all they are doing is pissing it away at the supporters expense.

    How many coaches do we need to chew up and spit out before we realise our problems go a lot deeper than finding a messiah to coach us to our next flag, hell look at Port at least they have given their coach an environment where he has a chance to succeed and everyone has got on board. A pity this poor bastard Neeld has never received this same treatment.

  7. No, that's not what I said, that's how you interpreted what I said. Those are not the same thing.

    The players and coach are killing the club. That's what is truly important. It's obvious Neeld wants to instruct rather than get the best from what's available and then build from there. It's not working and the club can't afford more sitting on its hands.

    To use your own language 'a viable, better alternative' would statistically be almost any living full time AFL coach. I think even Bailey currently has a better win/loss ratio than Neeld and he was pre expansion teams for 80% of his career.

    Neeld should go at least 6 weeks before the end of the year so we can really go hard for a name and instill some believe back into our club again. A new coach won't work? Brenton Sanderson and Ken Hinkley say hi.

    Didn't actually say a new coach wouldn't work that is your interpretation of what I said.

    Brenton and Ken are not coaching the MFC so any attempt at comparing the situations is like comparing apples to oranges.

    I also am extremely disappointed by the last several seasons but also realise that our current plight is 10 years in the making, and getting out of it will take longer than a season.

    Unfortunately Neeld is paying the price for sins the club commited years before he got here, and while he may never coach us to a flag he may well set things in place that will assist us to get there in the future.

    He is not afraid to turn players over that don't work hard enough and while everyone is happy to pot him for bringing in mature players, it was a need that required addressing as this club had no experienced role models to help out the young guys. At least he is trying to leave the list in a better place than he found it which is more than his predecessors did.

  8. I remember when Leon Cameron pulled out of Ports coach search 7 months ago and everyone said 'who would want that job?'.

    Accepting the current situation sends a message to the players that we accept mediocrity. If they feel like they've killed another coaches career good. It might inspire them to pull the finger out.

    We aren't the train wreck some think. New coach, new attitude, some believe and we can be a lot better. History is littered with our situation evolving with a new coach.

    So what you're actually saying is that the current players are killing the coach, so lets back them up and sack him, in the hope it may inspire them to do what the sacked coach was trying to get them to do before he was sacked. Makes as much sense as thinking we could get a Roos or Clarkson, and please Matthews or Blight, both would only be doing it for the money as their time at the sharp end was over some time ago. When we have a viable, better alternative than what we have, then we need to consider pulling the trigger, but honestly we don't need to change just for change sake,if we change it needs to be to a guaranteed improvement over what we have now.

  9. Also the word coming out of Port is this is the result of a lot of hard work off field by the President and CEO complimenting the work being done by the football department.

    Amazing what can happen when everyone rows the boat in the same direction.

  10. I'd take the Daniher period in a heartbeat. A great communicator. If you want to list faults, everybody's got one but bloody hell, we were ultra competitive for a long period of time and more often than not it was great to go to the footy.

    Please compare the available cattle each one had.

    If we are going to compare at least compare apples with apples.

  11. He still has a long way to go to remain at the end of the year but can we just let him (and the players) have that quarter?

    Some refuse to remove the glasses they had on at 3 qtr time, some refuse to give any credit to the coach, and some poor minds are attempting to allude to some happy circumstance where at 3 qtr time Neeld 'let them play' as if he never wanted them to play in such a manner before that...

    Just let him have that quarter.

    Can't agree more rpfc, for gods sake we won just enjoy the feeling.

    Get back to scheming the downfall of the coach tomorrow.

  12. Administration/Board sets the standards that the rest of the club must follow, this happens in business as well as sporting organisations.

    Neeld has no chance of success with the current bunch of arse clowns setting the bar so low.

    May not satisfy the torch and pitchfork wielding lynch mob but no one can succeed as coach under the current administration, Roos, Eade,Williams etc would not be the saviour some seem to imagine as the support of solid decision making off field is just not there.

    Richmond has shown that a team will improve on field if they are given the foundations by those off field.

    We do need a cleanout but not of the coaching staff.

    • Like 1
  13. Watched Dawes when he went across to the other oval and he was put through a quasi fitness test, which he seemed to get through without too many worries.

    Would surprise me if he played but he is not very far away.

    The other one I watched really closely was Kent, still don't know why he hasn't played, every time I see him he just looks a ready made AFL footballer.

    Likes it tough and looks to be hard at the ball with good disposal, just what we are screaming out for, maybe this week.

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  14. Well Sylvia is not in the 9 man leadership group.

    Maybe Byrnes or Dawes should be leading more given they went straight onto the LG

    This statement says a lot more about Sylvia, his attitude and how he's seen around the club than Byrnes, Dawes or anyone else in the leadership group.

  15. It's his job, and he wants to work in a successful environment. Hard to keep motivated when you're constantly getting flogged.

    Hard to take pride in your trade when your club is useless at its trade.

    Of course I hope he wants to stay, stick at it while the going is tough and enjoy success at the one club. However if he doesn't see any hope of success, why would he stay?

    He is a person in a highly demanding, very short term industry. Like any one of us, he'd be looking to make the most of it.

    Do you think Jared Rivers feels anything other than extreme joy that he left?

    Because as is he is part of the problem, as a professional he should be trying to be part of the solution.

    We seem to be far to forgiving towards our players and look to everything but them as the problem, the power to turn things around lays at their feet but none of them have the drive and self respect to act. As long as the heat is on someone else that will never change with this group and Chip seems happy to go with the flow.

    • Like 2
  16. Do you think Roos has even been approached. He wrote a good article on sat about what he would do if he was coaching the demons. Basically said that the game needs to be stripped back to accountable one on one footy.

    I reckon if he is given the space, he would relish the challenge of taking the MFC to the top.

    But then again, our current Admin put neeld on a 3 year contract, I hope there is a performance clause. Stupid stupid board.

    Because he wrote an article that sounded good would be a great basis to hire him.

    In a year, when his plan has proved no good do you then move on to the next victim?

    I've got an extra 15 years on you supporting this train wreck and I'm sick of the revolving door system we employ with coaches.

    Well I'm just as sick of that [censored] as you are of not changing coaches, does that make me right and you wrong or vice versa,

    Probably not but this time I'd like to see us make the hard decision, and stay the course with Neeld, at least for the rest of this season.

    As much as everyone thinks this is his side its not, he has had one draft and is nowhere near cleaning the place out.

    He is still paying the price of the previous coaching/recruiting regime.

    Understand your point but don't ever mistake disagreeing with someone elses point with being wrong just means their point of view doesn't match yours.

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  17. They hired a coach who was a very good footballer and won flags at 2 clubs

    [censored] footballers never make good coaches

    Remind me again what Bailey and Neeld did in their playing careers? Nothing thats what

    Remind me what sort of players Alan Jeans, Denis Pagan and even Malthouse were?

    I'll give you a hint, ordinary as in not that good but put in hard.

    There are about 10 flags right there.

    Clearly not a well thought out, researched post.

  18. i wanna know the full story, a s paid up member i deserve to know as do all other members

    This cloub is on the verge of extinction and 2 of our highest paid players are ina dust up at nightclub

    Right now it sounds like Sylvia was to blame, but i dont wanna hang him until i know the whole picture

    No being a member does not entitle you to that, it entitles you to a vote in club elections and entry to AGM's but it doesn't entitle you to the full story.

    As for the club being on the verge of extinction, there's nothing like an over exaggeration to support a crap proposition.

    • Like 5
  19. how about go into GWS with Magner, Gawny up forward with Clark and Watts chf. Spencer to start in Ruck changing on interchange/Deep Forward Pocket with Gawny. OUts obviously include our "Russian" he may benefit from a couple of runs in the two's, a rest for Toumpass and Garlo.

    Magner is a rookie listed player who can't be added to the list unless we have a long term injury. ie. he can't currently be selected.

  20. The cries for Neelds sacking, while understandable are becoming comical.

    Unless you want to replace him with another untried assistant give it up.

    Those saying just show Roos etc. a pile of cash until he says yes are delusional.

    Where is this magical pile of cash, I'd have thought cash reserves may be dwindling.

    Of the available experienced coaches only Williams would be a remote chance and I'm not sold on him.

    The others are not going to be swayed simply by money, they have a brand to protect.

    We need to think our way through this and terminating the coach, while satisfying the mob, may need to be closer to the end of the year than the start.

    Perhaps the blood letting may continue in the Board room/administration in the interim period.

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