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Posts posted by T-34

  1. Murphy, Gibbs, Kruezer, Judd, Williams all on big money while others would also be on reasonable coin, surely must be pushing the envelope regarding salary cap.

    Can't possibly be offering much in dollar terms.

    While other clubs can offer him more probable success than us would love to see him at MFC.

    Leadership, attitude, winning mentality and training habits are just some of the positives he would have on our list, that and the fact he would easily be in our best 22 for the next couple of seasons while providing on field coaching.

    Understand the reluctance of some on this forum but would assist development of our players just by being himself.

    • Like 2
  2. Would hope it would be more than Vince for our second rounder, would view this as an overall loss.

    If linked with Lyons as well would certainly look at this as being win win.,

    They need that pick more than we need a 28 year old overrated B grader so would need a sweetener ( Lyons ).

    • Like 1
  3. Dawes didn't come through free agency, we paid a heavy price to lure this role player through the door.

    If we had to compete for his services in free agency he would have finished up as a role player at a higher ranked club.

    We do need to get our heads around it as it is going nowhere but we also need to acknowledge that it was not brought in to assist clubs like us, it was brought in to assist players leave clubs like us.

  4. We are as far away as we ever have been in my 48 years of following this club, there is no quick fix or magic elixir that will see us rocket up the ladder and under the current free agency system we are destined to become a feeder club for those who will live in the top half of the ladder. We will get better kids who we will develop into solid players who will then depart after 8-10 years to play finals for the clubs who constantly play for the silverware.Welcome to the future,for what it truly will look like see English Premier League and its history, as we look forward to the same clubs finishing up top while everyone else makes up the numbers.

    Meanwhile the top clubs just make sure that the leagues rules and regulations are structured to maintain the status quo, whenever it isn't, enough pressure is brought to bear on those in power that ensures a back down and we are back to that status quo again.

    Sorry to be so pessimistic but anyone who thinks the have nots will be given the chance to rise to a position where they threaten to win a flag may need to rethink that and just hope that occasionally they will be allowed to play the odd final every now and then.

  5. He was a Dees supporter growing up...

    but right this second he has the largest offer ever made to an AFL player sitting on the table, infact 1 mil more than the previous largest offer if you believe reports, he will go to GWS because it will secure his financial future and he won't get that sort of offer again.

    Surely his financial future is already secure,this argument doesn't hold a lot of water.

    This is a godfather offer though,no one could refuse unless they want to actually play to win flags.

  6. If Col wants to walk away from being coached by Paul Roos he is a fool.

    If we replace him with Heath Shaw that is a win in terms of what we put on the park.

    I hope Col stays btw, but i don't think he will at this stage.

    They both prefer to play footy on their terms and are both semi morons.

    Don't see how replacing one with the other is a win in any terms.

    Prefer Col to stay as well.

  7. No coach will come out at the moment and say that anyone ( half way decent ) ISNT a required player. Doesnt mean theyre irreplacable.

    And with whom and how would we replace an experienced hard bodied player.

    Certainly not with what we would receive as compensation.

    Would prefer to keep Col than see him walk to Essendon for next to nothing, especially since Roos has intimated that he would like him to stay.

    While no one is irreplaceable the fact is we are short of experience and older hard bodies, both of which is a tick for Sylvia.

    He has been a much more consistent player over the past two seasons and I hope he stays.

  8. When we continually pick duds like Morton,Gysberts,Cook,Strauss we don't deserve the PP.

    The quicker we get off the Methodone and stand on our own 2 feet the better.

    Prendergast picked Morton because he won the Larke Medal and had that to fall back on when Dangerfield was still available and had an amazing year at the Falcons.

    When your recruiting fails,you can't stick your hand out for a PP!!!

    How can you keep a straight face while typing this, surely if a club got all its recruiting and development right it would never be in the position to need a PP.

    When your recruiting fails is exactly the time to stick your hand out.

    I don't care that we didn't get it but to say we didn't deserve it is complete stupidity, and probably should see the possibility of anyone getting one in the future as being zero or less.

    • Like 6
  9. She has very little interest in the game of football, as anyone who has seen her leaving games as soon as her media commitments are over can attest.

    Caroline is not remotely interested in football the game, her real interest is in football the politics, and in point scoring against those she obviously has some greivance against.

    The stories she has gone hardest at involved a possible notch on her belt involving clubs or personalities with which she has had an axe to grind like Schwab, Brayshaw etc.

    She has an excellent network of informants who are well connected but for mine she picks and chooses her targets to readily, and as such don't really take alot of interest in her commentary.

  10. You can add Kevin Dyson as well.

    Adrian Battison as well.

    Colless is very selective,surely scholarships,cost of living allowance and academy system has assisted Sydney becoming the club they are?

    If I remember correctly he was also one of the first to condemn Melbournes application for a PP.

    Would seem he would like to maintain the status quo as it favours his club so much.

  11. There is a suggestion that GWS and Richmond could be working towards swapping Martin and Adams.

    No harm in making a play for Adams but chances of success would seem to be getting remote.

    I would trust that Roos may be able to uncover some solid mids who are struggling to get games at stronger clubs ala Kennedy.

    Missing on Adams would not be the end of the world.

  12. (Gritting teeth and bracing myself for a howling down).

    My eyebrows are a little raised at this. Is he going to bring in anyone who wasn't part of his time at Sydney? I'm happy with the signing but would like to see people from other backgrounds involved at the club. To be fair, neither Scott Burns or Adam Simpson were Swans men and they are being mooted as the most likely senior assistants and successors.

    Would seem that way but both Allison and Mathews have also been at other clubs since and both seem to be well regarded in the industry.

    • Like 1
  13. Trent Cotchin would do that.

    A young Chris Judd would do that.

    Luke Hodge would do that.

    Nay Fyfe would do that.

    Should I go on..?

    And what dignity do you really think we have left, that would be lost by accepting another priority pick?

    That ship has already sailed.

    You want to cut off our nose to spite our face.

    I want to take any advantage available to us within the rules for future success, like any ruthless club would.

    Can't agree more.

    As far as my memory goes we did not get found guilty of tanking anyway, and to deny us a PP based on the fact we did would just confirm what a farce that investigation and it's outcome was.I wouldn't expect the AFL to show such double standards, on one hand saying we didn't tank yet on the other saying you can't have a PP because you did tank.

    The way the current rules are re PP's we definitely qualify and I would think the noise coming from every other club in regards to it merely confirms the fact they think so as well.

  14. It's very easy to say that. The fact of the matter is that this club is on a path to earning respect, from everyone, including its own supporter base. We have to sacrifice alot of it to undergo this transformation from mickey mouse laughing stock to professional football club, but at some point accountability and rolling up the sleeves has to take place. It has to START.

    The concept of pride gets laughed at on this site. I don't think it's laughable, personally.

    I see the argument for based on performance, but the craving for it saddens me a little bit, to be honest.

    I have seen no craving for it, just opinions which differ to those which you hold.

    I don't care if we get one or not, however I do believe a PP under the new footy department would aid the recovery.

    My opinion not yours so no need for a pissweak attempt ay belittling those who don't line up to agree with yours.

    Remember opinions are like [censored] everyone has one, and should be respected whether they are the same as yours or not.

    Perhaps the culture being displayed by some posters could receive a Roos like tune up on D'land.

  15. No. They are obviously different. One is just the logical procedural outcome after a season of footy and the other is a big sign saying LOSERS... and for us in particular, with our history of ineptitude and ridicule you can go ahead and double the size of the sign and spell out the word in neon lights.

    That particular sign has been in place for some time, a PP may actually help remove it a little sooner than otherwise.

  16. Good, bad or indifferent I would like to take this opportunity to thank those assistant coaches who will no longer be with us.

    Having had the opportunity to attend practice sessions regularly over the past two seasons, it staggers me to see some of the rubbish being put forward regarding the input that assistant coaches have had in our poor performances.

    They have worked diligently following the plans put into place by the head coach with a midfield group clearly substandard in comparison with everyone elses.

    They should be thanked that they didn't just throw the hands in the air and give up.

    Having said that it was time for them to move on, giving Roos the chance to work with a team he is comfortable with.

    This club has been far too ready to kick someone on the way out the door and to not do so in this instance shows an improvement in culture and a step in the right direction.

    • Like 1
  17. As long as we are not trading for the sake of it.

    We would need to be getting A grade talent or close to it with another high pick thrown in.

    If they are looking to bend us over the trade table just walk away and take the kid as best available.

    We must be looking to get full worth for the pick as I'm sick of trade table mismanagement.

    If this situation presents, we hold all the cards and need to act as such.

    Does everyones thoughts change if Sylvia and Watts decide to walk?

  18. What a way to finish a great week of sporting results.

    Liverpool beat ManU, Boston just beat the Yankees in extra innings and the cherry on top is hope returning to the MFC in the form of Paul Roos.

    Up there with 87,88 and 2000 as highlights of my 48 odd years of supporting this club, we may have a future to look forward to after all.

    • Like 1
  19. http://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/paul-roos-rules-himself-out-of-brisbane-lions-top-job/story-fndv8d6r-1226706556472

    from the news.com >

    In an open letter to members, Lions chairman Angus Johnson confirmed Roos had told him he wouldn't be shifting north to replace the sacked Michael Voss.

    That means the recently-appointed sub-committee formed to find the club's next coach - which includes Leigh Matthews - must scrub the most sought-after man in football from its wish-list.

    "On Paul Roos, he contacted me midway through last week and informed me that, due to family reasons, he would be unable to relocate to Brisbane and was therefore ruled out as a candidate," Johnson wrote in his letter to members.

    "I have a good relationship with Paul and our discussions were always honest and open."

    Thanks dee-luded.Big difference in unable to relocate to Brisbane and unwilling to move from Sydney.

  20. I heard today that Craig will get the job. Good as done.

    If true just another beige decision from a club turning that into an art form.

    This side has shown little more under Craig than it did under Neeld, and we all know how that turned out.

    MFC has completely lost the plot if true and shows an acceptance of the pathetically low standards being currently set.

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