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Dee Zephyr

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Everything posted by Dee Zephyr

  1. A friend told me Caleb Windsor was super impressive in the full match sim today. Just about BOG.
  2. When Tay Tay tickets went on sale it was like the country was in lockdown all over again. No one on the roads, in schools and playgrounds.
  3. This thread is like going to confession. I miss Gibby too.
  4. Popped in for the session also. Others have covered a fair bit. Thought Jefferson was really intense with his tackling in the short match-sim, brought a few down. Kozzie is electrifying no matter the setting. Billings was getting quite a few touches and delivered well into the 50. K Brown will be a ripper I feel. Ran into one of the volunteers after the session on the tram and asked about Petty. He said it was a slight niggle and should be ok. Petty just gets down on himself when he feels something. Hoping for a return soon. Clarrie was great with the few kids waiting for photos and signatures afterwards.
  5. 😂😂 This seriously made me choke on my Coco Pops
  6. Willy sent me a PM. He believes the unused sub wasn’t an issue.
  7. Why, I was gonna suggest. To sub, or not to sub, that is the question: Whether 'tis Nibler in the mind to suffer The T Macs and Shacks of outrageous fortune, I am clearly bored 😐
  8. @58er can you please provide some examples of the moves you would’ve implemented during game day? Please don’t say the Shack for T Mac, we know your stance on that. The game is different to what it was 20 years ago, now a whole team moves up the field and a whole team moves back. Of course structures are practiced preseason. One move that was made during our semi loss was Kozzie playing solely out of the square in the second half. I haven’t seen a single second of the game since the final siren, but from memory Kozzie spent the entire second half on the ground and almost won us the game with a couple of goals, a few goal assists and a dozen score involvements. Maybe the game moves way too quick for me these days and I miss what moves should be made during a game.
  9. Both resulted in goals, our defence must be worse than ordinary then.
  10. No worries smart [censored]. Trust you to find a negative from that clip. As if every inside 50 is going to be clean. And the fact you can conclude how the defence has set up in those two plays from that tiny limited viewing is nothing short of amazing.
  11. Wow, you have concluded these aren’t good from a 35 second clip with two kicks inside 50. Please explain how you came to that?
  12. Was a standout according to reports in the Dogs match sim up at Maroochydore. Kicked 4 goals.
  13. How cool, a Bubba Nibs and Bubba Kozzie. Mama Nibs’ tracker has Baby Nibs clicking up 22.3km of inside belly turning this week, 121 sucks of the thumb and 76 kicks with 100% efficiency. Good work WCW.
  14. Positive reports on Spargo from a few observers. I still believe we are a better team with him in it.
  15. Tad dramatic there I think. 2019 was a disaster of biblical proportions
  16. Max is Max, but Viney was unbelievable as a leader last season. Get us another flag boys.
  17. Dee Zephyr


    Congrats 9ers fans…good luck against the Chiefs.
  18. Dee Zephyr


    Now a Lions fumble, game has flipped big time
  19. Dee Zephyr


    Lions might rue not settling for a FG on 4th and 2 to make it 27-10. A potential 3 score game has turned into 1 now.
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