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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. Hi Lucy It took a while but followed your suggestions and got in. it is a bit confusing as it has details of my 2023 membership but down the bottom of the page it Saks if I want a members pack or plastic card. I have already received my membership pack
  2. I like that it isn't listed as a practice match but 6 25 minute quarters of match simulation with no time on. What does one make of that? Will there be tackling? I assume 4 umpires and unlimited rotations.
  3. Keep an eye on Howes. Chrissy drink with a mate who socialises with Taylor and asked me what I thought of Howes. Jason believes he is a super talent and will make an impact. An unfortunate foot injury prevented him from being on track to debut last season.Track watchers, I welcome your reports
  4. Seriously look on the club website report on training today, the first pic is a bulked up Sparrow. He has the guns out and looks imposing. I suspect he has spent a bit of time in the gym and will be playing more of a bull in the midfield role
  5. For the AFL to say it didn't impact the Brownlow shows how far off the mark they are. Multiple bets were made based on information released resulting in wins. It appears it wasn't just about the Brownlow. In addition whether true or not the feeling will be that there was an awareness that Cripps was well-placed vote wise and it makes sense of the ridiculous lengths, Carlton went to in order to get Cripps off. It had to happen sooner or later because the sheer volume of gambling on sports and the exotic bets lend themselves to this. Now an insider has broken the code and cheated. I was surprised that the maximum jail term is 10 years.
  6. Stating the obvious but at the B&F discussing the season over a beer one of the players was open and honest that the club was trying to play safe football and kick long to the pocket for a contest or stoppage. In hindsight that wasn't daring or unpredictable and they will do it differently next season. This had been reviewed straight after the seasons conclusion. I can only imagine that team structures and plans are developed over the summer, as much as we all think there should be a plan B , C or otherwise, it is obviously very difficult to change course midstream or if injuries impact. TMac is vital to the structure and neither Brown nor Weid was a viable replacement, hence the short forward line and use of Melk.
  7. I tried this several times and got an error message. The server thinks my email address is spam. I would like him to post his details so I can email or contact him.
  8. That was a caller on SEN today called Rumour Ron. Declared that he would name the new coach on Thursday and it wasn't Lyon. Hinted that Choco would be manager and mentor for Yze.
  9. With absolutely no Information I would love us have a crack at Tim Membrey at St Kilda. Runs hard, takes a good contested mark and kicks goals and goes down back when needed
  10. Stated on the Grundy file that Cooliwood have threatened to keep grundy as they don't like our offer of pick 27. They want our 13! If no Grundy the club must keep Weid.
  11. I wouldn't be trading Weid out yet if the Grundy deal falls through. Of course, Collingwood has waited to see what we get from free and getting greedy. No deal and see how they manage their salary cap and invite Grundy back into the fold after rejecting him. Hold the line, Tim.
  12. As nothing has happened yet I think we can see a pattern developing in the list management team. While not as overt as Geelong my impression is that hit season gone we stuck with the premiership group and developed lots of new talent at Casey. With retirements and Jackson going it looks like the club are resetting and looking to back the young talent we have developed. Clearly, they knew Jacko was going and went after Grundy! JVR is groomed to step up to a key position up forward and other players in the wings are given the option of moving. Maybe didn't see Bedford going but have noise around Hunt, Harmes, Tomlinson & Weid suggest a refresh. The club IMO believes it is in the premiership window and is building for now hence looking at Hunter. At the same time, they are looking to store some draft picks for 2023 with their eye on kids they have been following. A bit of long-term planning happening which isn't entirely obvious to us mere mortals
  13. I hate to say this but I agree with Kennet, first time ever. The club conducted an anonymous survey with some confronting allegations, which weren't fact-checked but accepted as true. To then go to an ABC journalist and tell the story and name coaches who have had no right to reply is wrong. Why now when these events are 9 years old? Is there so much distrust in the survey that those concerned felt the need to go public? If anything, Caro's story re Mitchell suggests that the club was very strict, heavy-handed with its handling of young players. To me that the controlling wasn't racially based but something all new players to the club were subjected to. Culturally insensitive yes but a racist I think not. It is only in recent times especially post Adelaide's camp that an awareness of cultural sensitivities is so detrimental to First Nations players.
  14. We have locked away a great midfield but the one knock on them is they don't kick enough goals. Trac had a misfiring year with his goal kicking. If Clarry is to match Cripps he needs to kick more goals. We rely heavily on creating goal scoring from centre clearances. What we need is another creative goal kicking forward. Think Stevie J, Toby Greene, Isaac Heaney type to complement Fritsch. Sheezel in the draft is so impressive with respect to this. We have enough contested beasts in the midfield but lack an outside runner, with pace who kicks to position and can hit a target. Think Rozee type of player
  15. I am led to believe he will go when this contract runs out but I thought he may return to Adelaide. You are correct to point out that there could be 2 coaching vacancies available sooner. Everyone should remember Yze came in as insurance after Goody had a really bad 2021 as Michael Warner keeps writing stories about
  16. I hope Adem stays and is the logical heir to take over from Goodwin.
  17. Trump must have been thinking about Trade Radio when he coined the phrase "Fake news" Bulldog's statement is they have no interest in Tomlinson. MFC has stated they expect Bedford to sign on, and that Weid will stay at the club for the last year of his contract. Port say they are not and have never shown interest in Kozzie and expect him to be a Melbourne player for a long time. So-called expert commentators should preface their statements that it is an opinion piece and. not based on any information or evidence.
  18. Yes, I am going and I think Clarrie should win but Trac played every game and the voting system doesn't help if you miss a game or two. Watch out for Langdon who polled really well in the Brownlow and Gus.
  19. The nagging question that I think hasn't been asked is whether the behaviour alleged to have occurred regarding girlfriends, family etc was directed only to First Nations people or to all new recruits. We have seen the go-home factor evident recently with many players. Having said that I think it is totally inappropriate to be making decisions about pregnancies etc I am not condoning any of the behaviours but can someone who has been through the AFL system comment on their treatment upon induction into an AFL club? Are you counselled on who you hang out with, who you are dating and especially for interstate recruits who are wholly separated from family and friends (even girlfriends)? It may be an uncomfortable truth that this is a standard practice throughout all clubs of all players and not based on racism but the club totally dictating your lifestyle and habits in the early years.
  20. I had breakfast at Rocksalt a wonderful establishment in Brighton run by the Salem family. His dad was in this morning and I commented to him that the team were pretty banged up and 11 players had scans pre-Brisbane game. He smiled and said yes and his son was first in the queue and had so many X-rays and scans. No better source than Dad. The issue is you simply cannot make 11 changes to a team in the finals some of whom would be on debut. I doubt Casey could have fielded a team if they did this. It was a risk and it didn't come off. Also don't underestimate the willingness of Max, Trac and Clarrie etc to play through the pain barrier and still perform at a high level. Last year there were no injuries, this year they all came at the wrong time. Look at Sydney today who gambled on 2 injured players and that backfired big time. The cats carefully managed their kist and took no chances with their team for the GF
  21. I listened to razor ray this morning and his discussion with Whately on all the contentious decisions. I have to admit I wasn't aware of some rule changes and clearly neither are the players. The Ginnivan 50 metre is relevant because cast your mind back to the previous week when Kossie gave away a 50-metre penalty close to the goal. The rule was changed and if you aren't in the marking contest you must stand 9 metres away from where the mark was taken. You don't stand the mark and get called back anymore if the contest is less than 9 metres out from the goals. Leon Cameron commenting on the radio knew the rule and when it was paid against Ginnivan he immediately stated that the player clearly didn't know the rule. I suspect the same holds for Kossie. For those critical of Kossie, we owe him an apology and the interpretation was correct. The next question was about a free to Stengel against Starsevitch, which seemed unreasonable as he had no time to dispose of the ball, had his arm pinged and went to the ground. Unfortunately with his free arm, he had the ball and once the ball hit the ground the new rule states he must dispose of it. God knows who thought that rule up or how one is supposed to dispose of it while pinned to the ground. The relevance relates to lever the week before where the late free was awarded because when McStay tackled him, Lever put the ball to the ground and was trying to paddle it to safety. We all thought it was paid for deliberate out-of-bounds which of course it wasn't. Like Lever, I was unaware of this ruling and the interpretation was sadly correct. Who would be an umpire? The rules aren't simple and so many nuances and clearly, the players as well as the public have no idea of some recent rule changes.
  22. Thanks Luci! I believe it is also possible to delist someone and then re draft them as a rookie? Some of the club delistings ie McMahon at the Pies could be rocked at the same club
  23. I think initially the club has to delist a minimum of 3. To date we have retirees in Brown & Daw, Rosman delisted and Jackson of to Freo. At this stage perhaps the club is making minimal changes this year. Chandler promised a list spot and grundy for Jacko.
  24. Spargo or ANB or a really radical idea is to develop him into a Rioli at Richmond off half back role.
  25. Max is in my opinion the best ruckman in the league, however this season we persisted in him sharing the duties with Jackson. It was a great succession plan which has been nipped in the bud. When Jacko went into the ruck we always fell away a bit and we all questioned why start the game with Jackson in the centre. Jacko is a 20 y.o and his best is great but often he just disappears. He would have been offered $700 K if he stayed with us. What do we lose with Grundy? He is a better ruck, good below his knees and couldn't be worse than Jackson up forward. Jackson will not peak for a few more years where Grundy is established and if we get 3 good years out of him we are in front Maybe Max cannot ruck the whole game as he has in the past. We don't know the ins and outs at the club and have to have faith in the match committee.
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