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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. Note they forgot to list Max at 6th place
  2. Well I see it was pre recorded and on Instagram all the boys out at cafe's currently posting now. I was also told Max flew back today so draw your own conclusion.
  3. Just look at the entire selection panel, Gillon McLachlan (chairman), Kevin Bartlett, Luke Darcy, Steve Hocking, Glen Jakovich, Chris Johnson, Cameron Ling, Matthew Richardson and Warren Tredrea. What credentials do this lot have? Commentators, state reps (Jakovich always ensures his W.A. boys get a guernsey. In my opinion the only one with any credibility is Steve Hocking. Steven May had an outstanding year Weitering a very good year and Luke Ryan a good year, Moore is flashy but leaks goals. Equally as bad was Goldstein missing he played every game and had a great year while Naitanui has a great highlights reel.
  4. Thankyou Turner From that list I can see Bedford,, Hore, Oscar, J. Wagner not getting contracts for next year. Rookies let go but maybe re rookies may be Dunkley, Chandler, C Wagner and Bennell may have just shot himself in the foot. Any other movement will be subject to trade, retirement or a request to leave. IMO
  5. At this stage the initial delistings will be out of contract players who will not be offered a contract next year. So from the list people are posting many are contracted players. Nietscke has been promised a 1 yr contract next season & Bratdke is a category B who is seperate. Can we have someone post an updated contract status as I believe there were 20 contracts expiring at the end of October.
  6. Vin ey and his manager have been in discussions all week with the club. I was told he had signed a lengthy contract. Quote from Max he ain't going nowhere.
  7. Don't ever recall such a clean-out on day one of post-season. Add in any retirements and wantaways (even more likely now) and trades and with reduced lists it could be a more than 50% list turnover in one year. That's insane. This a most unusual year as contracts are up at the end of October so clubs will move quick. Second depending on the results our boys will be back home straight away if we miss the finals. The hub life and fancy accomodation paid by the AFL stops once the clubs season ends. Players wanting to stay on do so at their own expense. Look at Port they told 6 players yesterday they could leave the hub and go home, and they are in the finals. Third list sizes are going to be reduced so for some there will be no coming back and zero opportunity at another club. Also consider once the season is over and the hub finishes it may be the last time the club can keep the players as a group. Thy will scatter and wont be able to have exit meetings back in Melbourne.
  8. Well I will buck the trend.We gave Lewis 3 years at the end of his football life and he surprised everyone with some good games and contributions last year. I would give Jones another 1 year contract as I still think he has something to add to the club. If the club has a role for him then let him give it a go. Who are we to determine if he is performing what the club ask?
  9. Well this is different we have a 7 day break and time to recover, that will be a bonus. Minimal changes maybe Jetta injured and bring in Hibberd or Lockhart. Brown was good and late in the third he went down back and took some telling marks when GWS looked to be getting on top. I suspect Smith was on the bench or up forward so he stays. Cover for McDonald Tiipenwooty down back would have been Nev's role. Jackson had some Hamstring tendon damage so it was always going to be a 6-8 week injury so I wouldn't rush him back. Not sure who I would drop for Sparrow and Harmes so if it aint broke don't touch it
  10. Good question. I don't think so and I base this on Bartlett's experience as an industrial relations lawyer and the work his firm does. KPI's are usually linked to the job description along with regular performance reviews. In terms of coaching number targets are a crude measure ie games won, finals appearances. Personally at the end of three years I would want KPI's linked to yearly performance, comparisons with peers and progress reports (I know the coach fronts the board monthly with a progress report) and ability to identify and correct conflict, player performance and all that other corp[orate stuff. In a nutshell making finals in 2021 wouldn't be my KPI too simplistic
  11. Restricted free agency empowers the player and until recently no club would match the offer given to the RFA. Cloke stayed and then got traded 2 years later. To get someone to move the opposition will offer overs knowing that it wont be matched and the club gets compensated. The ball is in Jacks court and this is the contract that can set him up for life. He has a family to look after and from the hub life video young Mila has changed his thinking. I am not sure what Jack would do outside of football and I certainly don't begrudge him exploring what is the very best for him and his family. If Geelong want him they can pay for him and I suspect it will be more than we can offer and he may move. That is football today. Jack needs to weigh up the finances, his role at a club, his game style and how durable his body is. All will be revealed eventually
  12. 6 TRac 5 may 4 Langdon 2 Oliver 1 Salem Rivers outstanding
  13. That is a well thought out discussion Lucy (stole that from the T.V. show). If I can take it a bit further and look at who we have drafted in the last 2 years I suspect the club did see a potential drop and hover, as that is exactly what happened. For 2019 they bought in May (losing Hogan and giving up pick 6 that became Ben King) and drafted Sparrow, Jordan, Nietschke, Hore, Bedford & Chandler. Dunkley was a mid year addition. That is a lot of mids. Then this year Jackson, Picket & Rivers. That makes 11 new additions to a squad that made a prelim 2 seasons ago to match the 11 delistings from 2018. Other teams haven't gone for youth but topped up with seasoned players. To me that suggests the footy dept thought the 2018 squad lacked a bit. Remember mid season we were not that good. Last year with all the surgeries could not be foreseen but all bar Jordan & Nietschke have had a senior game. Are we doing a rebuild on the side? The club couldn't have expected Jones, Jetta and T Mac to fall away so quickly given their contract status and at times this year we are aspiring to the finals with 3-4 first year players in the team. None of the current top 4 are doing that and it is a struggle and honour to even get a game for a first year player at some of those clubs. The club all along said 2018 was a bonus but the real expectation was to make finals in 2020 and in the years after. Ninth this year may be barely a pass with definite expectation for making finals and progressing further would be how I see it and that KPI seems a long way off
  14. Tom has 2 years left on his contract and key position players don't grow on trees. he had major surgery on his knee last year and also became a dad. He would not be the first footballer to go off the boil with the disruption of a newborn. Same with Viney, he and Charlotte have a new born taken to the hub along with the McDonalds. Unless you are in the club we have no idea how they are coping with the lifestyle change. Tom as stated today is a required player.
  15. I went back and read the article again. Bartlett may be shrewder than we think. If they gave Goody a contract extension with performance KPI's in 2021 he has effectively covered the club if Goody stumbles. No coach will be sacked after 2020 given all the difficulties that have arisen. Also don't forget she sits on the same panel as Ross Lyon each week on Footy Classified I am sure it is no co-incidence he gets a mention in talk about MFC coaching.
  16. She means Steven Smith 200 game full back and recently retire MCC president
  17. But in the same sentence she states that Smithy has decided to devote his energy to his law practise. What point she is trying to make. There will be no challenge.
  18. I don't see wholesale changes and hope there aren't. If this club is to move forward the admin must stick to their plan for now and the future and adjust it as necessary. This year is a mess due to COVID and we must stay the course. I am not surprised that 3 teams that have endured and are ready for finals are the Cats, Eagles and Tigers as they have mature lists, with structure and good systems in place. I am not convinced Port and the Lions will do well in the finals. The fact that 3 first year players, Picket, Jackson and Rivers have had such an impact is good, but also reflects badly on the existing troops. I don't think that the club thought Jones, Jetta, T Mac and to a lesser extent Melksham would have their form fall away so dramatically and we haven't had troops step up to play at their level at their best. This can be seen in last years draft strategy. I like that some posters have listed rucks, forwards, backs and mids as this is what recruiters do looking who is out of contract and who is ageing and what do we need. I repeat this does not entail a mass cleanup at the end of season. Jones o.o.c probably won't get another, Jetta has a year to run and Mac & Melk have longer term contracts and I hope KK retires for his own good. Hopefully Petty is available next year. I expect if lists are reduced that many of the ooc players will not be renewed ie Oscar, Bedford, Brown and maybe both Wagners so that is 7. Viney if he wishes to exercise his RFA right. We may only have 4 draft selections to bring someone new in anyway.
  19. WCE may be the one state monopoly but They had half their team out tonight and still found a way to win. They have a great coach, a system that they all adhere to and they don't celebrate minor victories like they have won a flag. In relative terms MFC are a few years behind in development and be it the head coach or coaching panel too many changes don't help. For me they epitomise "Mental Toughness" and we don't ...yet.
  20. Credit where credit is due. The resilience and work ethic of the eagles is something MFC must learn and develop ge I admire them. With so many injuries and lose McGovern early headed by the saints and they fight back. That is the culture I want to see at Melbourne.
  21. I think I read that the cap limit has been reduced but you can exceed the cap but have to pay a tax on the figure in excess. Wealthier clubs could still exceed the cap in this scenario. Can anyone clarify this?
  22. I know Bevo from his days at St Bedes and told him at the time I wish he would go to Melbourne. He laughed and said he would see. I think he is Footscray's coach for as long as he likes and has built HIS team. Why would he go to MFC and start from scratch? Not going to happen.
  23. Luke Beveridge was approached when Roos was looking for a succession plan you know. He declined as he wanted to be his own man and not spend a year learning the Roos way in order to get continuity. Dew said no and with a time pressure Goodwin got the gig and as an assistant offered some attacking flare to the Roos based defence strategy. Ironically we haven't got the continuity from the Roos mantra as Goodwin has moved in a different direction and slowly dismantled that in successive years and now we are 18th in the league for tackles. Bevo is now a premiership coach and has rebuilt his list on the fly and they have a red hot go. Goodwin has shown what he has got and the trend has been downward. Unless he has some new tricks or a sudden change of heart, the slide will continue. A new coach takes time to change up or another year of same old Goodwin style tells me that 2021 expectation should not be too high. Also consider that Jones, Jetta, T Mac and Melk have all fallen a long way from 2018 and have not been adequately replaced and are either gone or past their best. Sacking Goodwin will not fix things in the short term.
  24. Done. Keep it tidy as they don't read the insulting ones. All I asked is for them to hold to their word, that if we don';t make finals questions will be asked. I want heads to roll. Do it
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