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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. Well that was not how I thought this game would go but a win is a win Now for Geelong next week
  2. 5 unanswered goals against a bottom ranked team.... no excuses The game plan is relatively easy to defend against
  3. it reminds me of Burger King at the airport when they went to $5.05 for a meal. Thank heavens for plastic money these days
  4. Geelong v North Almost even scores now and only 15 mins into second quarter... what a pity Perhaps a draw
  5. Early days but at Quarter time : North 38 (6.2)... Geelong 13 (2.1) Might be interesting next week
  6. Yesterday while watching the WCE v Saints match I noticed the use of the overhead shot (on replay) to show the running patterns of all the players in the forward 50 prior to the forward taking a mark. It's probably been around for a while but I have not noticed it before. Interesting seeing the spread of forwards and the problems it causes for a zoning defence
  7. No upside in this game. Win and we have beaten the wooden spooners. Win easily and some will say we were not tested. Win badly and ... well you know what will be said. Lose and all hell will break loose. Bring on 6pm and give me a 60 point lead at half time ... please
  8. Interesting comments by all in that most if not all of the things requested are readily available in many sports broadcasts. The overhead or wide angle coverage is the most obvious. Love or hate Formula 1 but its coverage is fantastic. The message for the sports broadcasters is that the fan is demanding greater bang for their buck whether it be free to air or pay. For the future imagine a gyroscopically stable camera inside the football. For the up close view it is not as silly as one might think. Or perhaps not so attractive but like Race Cam on the formula 1 cars we could have navel cameras on some of the players.
  9. Thanks KC for your comments on the game plan. Must make it doubly hard for players to step up to the next level
  10. The style of play these days does not easily lend itself to television coverage I must agree
  11. I have always liked the idea of being able to watch the footy without commentary but still having the crowd noise. I would also like to have the ability to watch from different cameras that I select and to follow certain players at my whim. Was just reading an article that was hypothesising how virtual reality might be integrated into sports coverage. Imagine being able to insert yourself at the centre bounce. What would you be like to see by way of enhanced TV coverage in a perfect world
  12. The point I am trying to make is that if it is so difficult for Brisbane it will be impossible for GWS
  13. Brisbane started in 1986 (30 years ago) and then relocated to Brisbane as the Brisbane Lions in 1996 (twenty years ago). It had three premierships in a row but now they are lucky to draw crowds averaging 17,000 in a city of 2.2 million. GWS will be going to emulate Brisbane from an attendance viewpoint
  14. Agree on Tasmania .... not so sure about Canberra from a success point of view but it could certainly be no worse than Western Sydney. Gold Coast is a very strange market reflecting the nature of the place. Does it have a soul ... I am not sure. Was reading an interesting article yesterday about the Raiders relocating to Las Vegas. Very similar issues to a Gold Coast team perhaps
  15. Could never really understand how GWS was ever going to be a success crowd wise. It took years for Sydney to get crowds and they would have taken all the AFL followers years ago. Can understand the TV audience issue but crowd wise.... nah. When their success finishes they will be a disaster. Have a look at Brisbane's crowds now and they were once a real powerhouse both playing and crowd wise.
  16. Thanks xarronn.... sounds like they are still a little prickly. Interesting what say the Saints have in game plan and player selection. KC.... could you comment on the Casey game plan and its similarities or lack thereof with what we have seen of the Goodwin game plan Thanks
  17. You can listen to the game while overeseas by going to the AFL website on your phone or laptop (not via the app). You then go to match day ... click on your game and you will see a "Listen live" button. Click on it and the stations come up. If you do not already have a media player on your phone you will need to download one. I use VLC which seems to work
  18. Have not had time to go through last year's All Australian list but the centre line of Hanneberry, Josh Kennedy and Rory Sloane are: Pick 30, Father son to Hawthorn and then traded to the Swans and pick 44 respectively. I suppose you could also use the top 50 list but it seems that the draft is still a lottery
  19. It seems that every new rule is being gamed by the players. Was interesting to hear the discussion prompted by Pendlebury's comments on the third man up rule and the confusion it is causing. On a different note ... have they changed the 10 metre rule... I thought I noticed a few opposition players running through the protected space last night and no penalty was given. Of course it could have been the television angle
  20. You got him.... he has a brother who also plays for UAE ... was he a twin ?
  21. There's a guy who played for UAE the other night against Australia that beats em all !!
  22. Those loopy handballs from the Swans remind me a little of a team we all (hopefully) used to know They just cannot get any clean ball
  23. Just read this article in the Fin Review The headline is a little surprising but when you read it closely the sale was 5000 tickets. (Not bad though... bet we sell under 1000 for Darwin and the Alice.) http://www.afr.com/business/sport/port-adelaide-tickets-for-china-afl-game-sell-out-in-under-three-hours-20170331-gvasty There is something about this that is not quite right or is it just my cynicism. (Perhaps it was living through the Skase and Edelstein times.) Gina bought into Channel 10 to give herself leverage. Buying into the AFL is a pretty good way to give yourself leverage as well. "The major backer of the China game is Shanghai CRED and its billionaire founder Gui Guojie, who joined forces last year with Gina Rinehart to buy the Kidman cattle properties for $365 million." Will be interesting to follow the reality as distinct from the hype (remember those statements before grand finals where they used to say "broadcasting" to X hundreds of millions when in reality there was lucky to be 100-200 thousand viewers overseas at best.)
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