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Everything posted by Sydee

  1. Not saying Mitch Brown didn’t have a good game but I think it’s important for those who have watched none of the Casey game to realise the following - not all his goals were hard earned I’d say the majority were from free kicks or delivered on a plate from a team mate - at least one arguably two from the much maligned Weed - the quality of the opposition was pretty average so this doesn’t automatically translate to AFL level I’m not opposed to him getting a chance at some point and 7 goals, coupled with some good positioning and handy marks warrants attention from the selectors. However, dropping players who demonstrate an ability to do their job is not the way this coaching team goes about selection - it may not be obvious to us but I’d say no change unless somebody has not followed instructions TMac is safe for now imo
  2. Agree Each to their own I guess but good commentators can actually add to the atmosphere - The "Bang, Bang Bang" after Oliver's goal in the GF will stay with all of us as a cherished memory for ever I suspect - sound off at that moment I think we lose something Just my opinion of course
  3. Not sure its responsible but I'm on
  4. Very good footballer - abysmal commentator - should just stay home on the couch from now on
  5. LJ's best game for the Dees so far imho A complete performance from start to finish - our #5 and #6 are both very special players Be great to see them dominating together for a very long time
  6. That was Gerard Healy - seriously hopeless commentator
  7. He did and was one of the best in his era - second only to Robbie if you ask me Pretty sure he and Robbie shared the wings in some Big V teams
  8. Spent a little bit too much time in the Sun perhaps this expert
  9. Joel Smith looks like he has a very sore hand based on the footage from training - not sure he will be a starter Wow he sure can find an injury - hopefully he's ok as it would be great to get some consecutive games under his belt to see what he can deliver
  10. I didn't see the Casey vs Footscray game and have relied solely on Werridee's match report - this was the comment on Dunstan Dunstan - Went ok but I expected more from him Not a particularly glowing endorsement - if you have a different view or greater insight that suggests he was much better then that's a positive In addition I haven't heard too many glowing reports about his overall preseason - again maybe he has been training the house down - if so great
  11. That is a very big IF right there I've watched both games this round and have been completely mystified by some decisions and non-decisions by the umpires. Your point is valid if they are getting it right the majority of the time - atm I'm not convinced they are
  12. Dunstan or anyone else for that matter deserve nothing unless they are playing very well at Casey My understanding is that he was underwhelming and obviously hasn't shown anything so far to deserve a senior game as he wasn't even given a run in the practice games Both Harmes and Sparrow have a few credits banked - they would need to put in a couple of shockers for Dunstan to even enter the discussion
  13. I think we should also be keeping track on goals from 50 metre penalties CFC seem to be the big beneficiaries of this latest trend - umpires should not be heavily influencing momentum within games and even outcomes of games - there is a risk that they are doing both atm I've been playing/watching football for a very long time - if I was asked to explain some of the rules now to someone who'd never watched a game before I honestly think I'd struggle Seems like a step in the wrong direction to me
  14. I'm quite the fan of Toby - he said he's managed 9 games in the last two years due to Covid and not playing senior football He is another good prospect that imo can only get better with more game time at the highest level (see Joel Smith) His challenge will be to hold his spot once some of the GF team that were missing last night are back and available for selection
  15. Very happy with Tom signing on - has plenty to offer Was surprised however his set shot for goal last night as it was such a stinker - had penciled it in as a goal such is the confidence I have in his kicking :)
  16. Agree Joel did really well last night I've said this before but those who don't rate him need to remember he has struggled to stay on the park consistently and build his confidence and understanding of the game at the top level If he stays fit he has a good chance to continue his improvement and become a very valuable player for us
  17. Talk about a complete dummy spit over practically nothing Hate to think how this bloke is going to deal with the remainder of the season if it really starts unravelling Wish someone had of followed up asking why these flogs keep getting an armchair run from the umpires each and every week
  18. Interesting selections What happened to S May ? MELBOURNE B: J.Bowey 17 J.Lever 8 J.Smith 44 HB: J.Harmes 4 A.Tomlinson 20 J.Hunt 29 C: A.Brayshaw 10 J.Viney 7 E.Langdon 15 HF: S.Weideman 26 T.McDonald 25 T.Sparrow 32 F: B.Fritsch 31 B.Brown 50 A.Neal-Bullen 30 Foll: M.Gawn - C 11 C.Petracca 5 C.Oliver 13 I/C: L.Jackson 6 C.Spargo 9 T.Bedford 12 J.Jordon 23 O.Baker 33 K.Pickett 36 K.Chandler 37 D.Turner 42 Emerg: B.Laurie 16 B.Howes 22 M.Brown 38 J.McVee 41 Notable absentees: Harrison Petty, Michael Hibberd, Trent Rivers, Christian Salem
  19. I'm a fan of Trent too but he is very much on the edge with others looking to take his spot. He will need to perform well leading up to round 1 to keep his spot imo
  20. Correct thanks for providing some clarity - The Rivers one was a shocker and btw when trying to chase Cameron down after he was gifted the ball in the clear it was Smith that made up most ground - not Rivers I'm a fan of Rivers but you can't just look at the number of goals kicked you have to analyse how each happened
  21. That's ok AJ I respect your opinion however simply comparing the number of games played is a pretty superficial analysis particularly when you consider the horror run Joel Smith has had with injury over several seasons I can remember plenty of games that Tomlinson has played where his contribution was not imo at the level we now demand We are lucky to be able to have such a discussion I do agree that the only real locks at this early stage in the back 6 are May and Lever, and perhaps Petty if fit - the others all need to keep their form at a very high level to retain a spot
  22. I think the jury is still out on that question - both have a lot to offer imo Who is better? we may not know for a long time. One may be better than the other for certain matchups Personally I think its premature to make that statement but obviously you are entitled to your opinion
  23. I have no doubt that it was - his ability to do so means he has a string to his bow that Tomlinson may not All three (Smith, Petty and Tomlinson) have legitimate claims for a spot in the back 6 it will be very interesting to see what the selectors do when it comes to the real stuff I am a huge Bowey fan and felt he was a great addition to the team late last year particularly with his excellent disposal - he and Trent Rivers need to be careful with form as there are a few hunting this spot (Jayden Hunt being one). We will unfortunately have a few injuries along the way hopefully nothing serious. I cant remember a time when we have had such strong depth across the field. The only areas that really concern me are ruck and key forward injuries or drop off in form there may have an immediate impact
  24. For a number of reasons Joel hasn't played that much senior football He certainly has some great attributes that make him potentially a very good footballer. His practical knowledge of the game (ie: reading the play like J Lever does) and skill execution particularly under pressure has been questioned before which was probably fair enough He is definitely one that might surprise a few if he can consistently stay healthy because some of these perceived shortcomings may disappear or become less of an issue with more game time
  25. This is what every good team wants - huge competition for spots Don't perform and you will be out - no easy way back if your replacement takes their chance
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