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Robot Devil

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Posts posted by Robot Devil

  1. Wow... that night I was in the middle of nowhere, sitting next to a campfire.

    The radio had a coat hanger taped to the aerial in a desperate attempt to improve the reception.

    The local radio station (who shall remain nameless) employed a commentator that called each play with "A Melbourne player kicks it to another Melbourne player... oh.. and he's kicked a goal."

    Still one of the most memorable nights I've had.

    • Like 1
  2. Says something about our year that there is only four comments after the team is announced on Thursday night.

    Is everyone like me

    I know the result and turned off 2012 some weeks ago?

    To be fair the cookie jar is fairly empty. No guns coming back into the team or surprise picks.

    It's been tough... but what do they say?

    Without disappointment you can't appreciate success.

    Now everyone can queue up and remind me how we've only had disappointment. :)

  3. Now if that means some supporters putting their hands in their kick until we are self sustaining then so be it, as long as those that are prepared to do so, do and as long as the rest of the supporters don't feel that it's some sort of conspiracy to keep the executives in desks, then let's just accept it.

    I appreciate all supporters who can afford to kick in and help the club financially.

    It's true that bigger clubs don't have to promote these type of functions, they just reap the rewards of success.

    As I am not in a position to financially contribute right now, I can however offer my services.

    More than willing to 'buy in' and get on the Reality Bus™. I reckon I could get a kick in the forward pocket.

    Plus I have some awesome goal celebrations.

  4. Pity it's only 2 years. I guess he'll have a clear pic of the club's outlook and be able to pull a much bigger paycheck then.

    True... if we were still in the same hole we are now in 2 years I wouldn't blame him for jumping ship.

    Conversely if we are looking good and he was playing well he'd be better placed to be rewarded.

    Good on him for sticking around. Players who can slot a goal on the run and in traffic are handy.

  5. Caption the photo competition ....

    * Winner gets to pick our next draftees names out of a hat on draft day. Don't worry you will do a better job than this man.


    "But with the large combo we get a free 1.25 litre bottle of Coke."

    • Like 5
  6. In the back is another troublesome one - you can make contact with the forearm but not the hands? Huh?

    Good question. I thought "In the back" was to stop players being pushed out of contests.

    I would not have thought falling into someones back as they fell over was "In the back" but that has changed over the years.

    I've given up hope on the umpires being consistent.

    What I want is a seat near the umpires race so I can honestly tell them how I feel.

  7. Well, that's good to hear, Robbie. There were reports on another thread about it. Glad it either didn't happen, or was a minority of "supporters".

    I'd like to think we can leave the eating of ones own to some other clubs I won't mention.

    Can't speak for all sections of the crowd, but where I was sitting (fairly close to the Melbourne bench) we could all see that Cale had done some serious damage to his shoulder.

    The general vibe around us was that it looked bad and I don't think anyone likes to see it happen to any player.

    At least they were able to take him straight off the ground into the rooms. It must have been bloody painful.

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