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Robot Devil

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Posts posted by Robot Devil

  1. While Fairfax Media could not confirm the exact nature of the findings against Melbourne

    Interesting how Caroline Wilson's name is at the top of the article but the qualifier of 'Fairfax Media could not confirm' is in the text.

    Shows how much faith they have in her sources.

  2. They can have the term 'anchor tenant'. Means nothing really.

    All I ask in return is that the following occurs:

    2013 Grand Final - Melbourne defeats Collingwood by 1 point

    2014 Grand Final - Melbourne defeats Collingwood by 30 points

    2015 Grand Final - Melbourne defeats Collingwood by 60 points

    and so on and so forth....

  3. An erroneuous view is just that, whether it's in the pages of the Age, or here.

    I think the title of "Head Football Columnist" on your business card might behoove you to fact check more than an Internet forum alias does.

  4. So that is equally as true for Demonlanders as it is for Caroline Wilson. She's just more noticeable because she writes for a major daily.

    Yeah, but we are a bunch of supporters sitting around chatting. No one should be printing our conversations as fact nor are we paid to report fact or make comment.

    CW is a public figure postulating in a 'popular' newspaper. Her conclusions need to be rock solid or there are consequences which would be humiliating.

  5. The part that annoyed me was that they listed the 'tenant clubs' in the article in the following order:

    Collingwood, Melbourne, Hawthorn and Richmond.

    It is our home ground only .... The rest are co-tenants horning in on our awesome MCG.

    As far as I know we were there first. Everyone else is a freeloader who should be paying us for the privilege.

    We can then sling the MCC a few dollars for their trouble.

  6. Does Toumpas win much of his own ball? I've always assumed he's a classy outsider, but it seems he's pretty decent around the stoppages.

    In the instance I mentioned, Toumpas swooped on a ball that was knocked down in a marking contest and slotted it from about 30 out. It was good to see him run on to the ball with momentum and then convert.

    Didn't see him get in and under much but that's not really why we got him I guess. Jones, Rodan and Viney seemed to do a lot of the grunt work at the stoppages with Grimes, Toumpas and Blease breaking away. Rodan did make a lot of quick sprints out of congestion too.

    Good to see Neil Craig emphasising the need to breakaway quickly when we go.

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