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Robot Devil

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Posts posted by Robot Devil

  1. I always wondered why NFL and NBA players didn't have logos on their uniforms.

    Guess that's about to change.


    NBA owners left the Board of Governors meetings in Las Vegas happy in one regard: The long-awaited move of putting advertising patches on jerseys becomes official in two seasons, meaning the league is going to find a new way to fill its coffers. Deputy commissioner Adam Silver projects the ads will contribute $100 million per season, with the revenue expected to be split 50-50 between owners and players, since it will be part of the basketball-related income pool. Patches will measure two inches by two inches and will be stitched onto the jersey's shoulder.

  2. Left fieild.

    I miss the banter of Range Rover

    He does liven the place up, in a pretty annoying way.

    I would liken Range Rover to a crop circle. He may appear suddenly and in varying forms at any time. Everyone crowds around to comment or dismisses it out of hand as a fake. Then he disappears just as quickly.

  3. Maybe I don't know the right people, but I have not met a single soul who has said the MFC should be sanctioned for tanking.

    I know supporters of just about every other team, and they have an opinion on whether tanking occured.

    Not one said anything about sanctions, only that the incentive should be removed.

    It is only the media who want this to be an issue. As far as the AFL going public is concerned, I don't think they give a rats @ss.

    Mostly because either their team has used the same strategy in the past, or would have had to use it in the future.

    They just want the system fixed.

    Why are the AFL not listening to the public opinion in this case.

  4. I stopped reading soon after the thread title. What are you actually wanting to discuss P13? Or is it just an explosion of joy on your keyboard?

    I think this is an excerpt from the Kim Jong-il manifesto with the frame of reference changed to the MFC.

    This could end badly... like with the sound of a falling mortar.


  5. OK, I confess. It was me. It's all my doing. I've been controlling the recruiting department of the MFC for years through a combination of bribery, blackmail, nepotism and in one case the gift of a custom-made fake rubber tree (don't ask). It is a small but necessary cog in my larger plan for world domination, the details of which would no doubt merely confuse other posters and as such will remain secret. I can however say that my confession of these acts, and indeed the OPs creating of this thread are all parts of the master plan.

    Shouldn't you be somewhere stroking a white cat.

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