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Robot Devil

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Posts posted by Robot Devil

  1. Pardon my ignorance but am I right to assume that if an anti-obesity drug was used, it was for purposes other than curing obesity?

    I mean I don't see many Fat Alberts running around the MFC or any other clubs and Mick "The Galloping Gasometer" Nolan hasn't been around for quite a while.

    One of the "experts" on the '730 Report' alluded to it being beneficial to muscle mass. Not sure how that applies to Trengove or whether it has other properties.

  2. Is this that thing they were talking about over the summer, about having some song playing as we run out?

    I hate it. I hate it more than the bugler. Get rid of it.

    Why does this club continually think it needs to try these pathetic attempts at being 'cool'? The bugler, the 'Grand New Flag', the bagpipers, Nick McCallum's talks before the game, now this song crap.

    Robbo seems to do OK on game day though. I think he has found his niche as King of the Kids.

  3. I mentioned elsewhere that WC received at least 6 free kicks inside 50.

    Kennedy 4 Frees For and 5 goals

    Darling 3 FF and 5 goals

    Clark 0 FF and 3 goals

    Davey 0 FF and 1 goal

    I think a couple of the WC inside 50 FF were questionable and I know for a fact that a couple of the marks inside 50 were questionable. However, the thing that gets up my nose is the blatant holding the ball / incorrect disposals by WC players inside our 50 that the umpires ignored completely

    Also, Mitch Clark being dragged down during a marking contest - no free kick.

    WCE player being paid a "mark" in the goal square after four other players had touched it.

    Umpire #28 was clearly biased against us or in love with the Eagles.

    • Like 1
  4. "Enter Sandman" was still playing as the team was hovering in front of the banner.

    Honestly I don't know why we need a song to "run out to" as it takes 10 seconds to run up the players race to the boundary.

    It should just be Grand Old Flag loud and several times over.

    And isn't it obvious? The bugler has been fired.... out of a cannon... into the Yarra.

    • Like 1
  5. Perhaps rather than a priority pick it could take a form that would appease all parties.

    Any team that wins 5 games or less in a season could receive assistance with their "development program".

    This could be in the form of additional AFL resources for coaching, data collection/analysis or simply helping to connect the players with highly qualified people who can provide a different perspective on pathways to success.

    Essentially, a helping hand does not have to be a handout.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm not much of a football tactician but I propose the following:

    When we have the ball:

    Run hard and into space away from the opposition to create opportunity or protect the ball carrier. Eg. Shepherding

    When we do not have the ball:

    Attempt to obtain the ball - hard ball get or loose ball get or tap to advantage.

    When the opposition have the ball:

    Every player should be in an opposition player's pocket ready to tackle, spoil or generally harass.

    Am I underthinking it?

    • Like 1
  7. He is the coach of the midfield - out midfield failed at any point in the match to even apply pressure to the opposition in the centre square let alone win a clearance themselves. It was utterly disgusting the way Essendon were able to clear the ball under no pressure whatsoever again and again and again and again and again....

    And it happens week after week....

    I cannot remember the last time we had a proper clearance from a centre bounce.

    Other teams seem to do it but we seem to be tackled the instant we take possession.

    • Like 3
  8. Face facts: anyone who turned up to the game yesterday is not a "fair weather supporter"

    They all left a few years ago when this downward spiral began.

    We, the rusted on barnacles, are sick of watching us get thumped when with a bit of application and determination we could not only stay in a game but win it. I refer you to the Gold Coast Suns who kept cracking at the Saints until they got the win.

    For the record, I did not boo the team and never would. I left 5 minutes early instead.

    • Like 2
  9. From what I've heard today, my votes would be for The Ox and The Duck.

    They're my thoughts on "consultants" we could get in, what do you guys think? Who else that is available would be helpful?

    I do not like the idea of exposing Carey to our younger players.

    "Grope and punch, grope and punch.... It's all I know" - Drederick Tatum

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