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Robot Devil

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Everything posted by Robot Devil

  1. Sounds like Jeremy Howe is doing well Anyone at the game care to comment?
  2. If Triple M are telling like it is then the umpires are screwing us. And who is on Gysberts? I'm hearing his name far too often!
  3. YouTube links don't seem to be showing up on Demonland when I use my iPad either. Has something changed?
  4. IIRC the prize money for the Grand Final had to be raised as the NAB Cup was almost as lucrative. Somewhere in the order of $200,000 to $250,000.
  5. North hasn't been hyped as much as Richmond. North have actually played finals football in recent times. Richmond = 9th place forever.
  6. Marius Kloppers (former BHP boss) is available now. Except he has an outrageous rider. Any meeting held must have a spot reserved whether he is in the country or not. In this spot must be a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich with a light dusting of salt and pepper. This is non negotiable and must be done whether he will be present for the meeting or not. True story.
  7. Herald Sun headline: Dawes magic ruins Majak Daws.
  8. Yep. I am certainly sick of seeing opposition colours in the Dee seats. The whole reason my family pay the extra for a reserved seat is so they don't have to sit with opposition supporters. If they want to bring their friend who supports the opposition then feel free to sit in General Admin as I do when I go with friends who support other teams.
  9. I'm hoping he is strapped to the exhaust of CWs car.
  10. I appreciate what you are saying however I fear 500k would not have gone too far in a court case. I really wish we did not have to make that call but that is what it is now. At least we have a lot to look forward to this year. Some great new recruits and the return of Mitch Clark for starters. I for one am keen to get to the G and enjoy some football. Go Dees.
  11. I would curtail my hilarity but if my banality is premeditated is that an offence against the CoC? Or is it as long as I try my utmost to be amusing in the actual post?
  12. Win, lose or draw I reckon this thread might top 4000 posts by the end of the day.
  13. I reckon she'd be having someone open her mail for her anyway. She'd be getting enough of it and would be wary of the contents.
  14. Maybe it's the new way to inform you have been selected to play in Round 1. Good luck.... We'll be watching!
  15. I think we are convinced that others have done it as well and are not under investigation. Same as the Judd deal there should be a rule for all, not an exception for one.
  16. I get that frequently on the Herald Sun website. They will allow any peanut to comment on an issue no matter how bigoted their opinion is but if you call out their journalists on an error it won't see the light of day.
  17. I notice CW has shifted the articles perspective to:"On Wednesday WE reported that Melbourne had run its unofficial defence upon five lines. WE also stated that there seemed to be no doubt in anyone's mind any more that the club worked to lose games of football in 2009." You can almost sense her sidling towards the door so she can start throwing rocks from the safety of the street.
  18. So basically purple monkey dishwasher... Great.
  19. Could someone keep the poor people like myself (who don't have Fox Footy or even Foxtel for that matter) updated?Cheers.
  20. I dislike adding hits to the Age website now and especially to a Wilson article. But at least it gives an outlet for my rage until the season starts and I can direct it over the boundary. This place helps somewhat too.
  21. Perhaps she'll start referring to herself in the 3rd person next. You know, to separate the woman from the writer.
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