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Robot Devil

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Everything posted by Robot Devil

  1. If they won't ping them for holding the ball (multiple times) or improper disposal (multiple times) then it is pretty slim they would ping them for that.
  2. I didn't feel like we were about to get smashed in the last quarter. The pressure was there and it was good to watch.
  3. How long til Viney is back? We need him out there racking up games and getting AFL level experience.
  4. Gawn's second and third efforts were good. Starting to see us shepherding more... Something we have sorely needed.
  5. Could someone near the umpires race please inform them I will see them in Hell tonight.
  6. The umpiring is a deadset disgrace!!
  7. Too busy explaining that other shoddy decision in the Blues game. No time to acknowledge mistakes in other games. There is a brief mention in the following article : http://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/melbourne-hold-off-fast-finshing-western-bulldogs-to-win-by-three-points-at-the-mcg/story-fndv8pdq-1226671961750
  8. Ash McGrath would dispute that.
  9. Good to see Neil Craig say some positive things about Jack Watts on the press conference. Needs to be built up, not torn down.
  10. I'm sure they gave him a Superman tshirt as a parting gift and said "Thanks for playing, better luck next time".
  11. Well.. I'm going to say it. The massive blunder by the boundary umpire giving the out on the full free kick to the Dogs cost us the momentum in the last quarter. For all the things that went our way tonight it makes me very angry.
  12. But she'd fit right in with all the complaining and disappointment. We might at least win a Grammy. At last, the MFC name on an award... even if it means nothing.
  13. At least D-Rod would be in his element dancing up a storm.
  14. True.. Which is why I used the qualifier "nearly". However, as we are currently striving for consistency as our first step in improving, he is not exactly a shining example. He has potential and its hard to say who we would bring up from Casey instead. Maybe he is just a hardened body, ie. cannon fodder, to take some of the heat until a better option is available.
  15. Yeah, but Gillies has only had two or so chances to suck at AFL Level with us before they ditched him back to Casey. Pederson has been doing it nearly every week for a while now.
  16. Well, we're getting thrashed in the clearances and Inside 50s so why not throw some crap umpiring into the mix.
  17. I imagine we'll have sacked Paul Roos by the end of this match.
  18. Royal is probably preparing his PowerPoint presentation as we speak. No point wasting time on coaching for this season now.
  19. We have hit the bullseye and the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.
  20. Probably not... But I'm sure he's slagged one off before which is close enough right?
  21. Anyone got the number for BeyondBlue? I need to speak to Jeff.
  22. Don't forget... They "set the agenda" and are the "best newsbreakers in the business"! In reality, they are now reliant on the fact that the volume of news in todays world washes away their falsehoods.
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