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Robot Devil

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Everything posted by Robot Devil

  1. Pretty happy right now that I didn't make any outlandish statements in here.
  2. If its a race to the bottom or a crappy record I'm sure we'll find a way.
  3. Meanwhile, at the Mexican border.... "Si señor, my name is Jaurez Herdo. I am seeking refuge in your beautiful country."
  4. Do you think that one day CGI will advance far enough to realistically animate Luke Darcy?
  5. When a captain of the Melbourne Football Club hoists the Premiership Cup is when I will say "Well done, you meant what you said."
  6. Well, I'm sure that this will be hard hitting journalism. Luke Darcy could not question his way out of a paper bag.
  7. Yesterday highlighted what many here have rightly surmised: We need midfielders..... And the right kind of midfielders. Midfielders that win centre clearances. Midfielders that win stoppage clearances. Midfielders with vision and positioning nous. Midfielders that kick goals from the midfield. Midfielders that kick goals whilst resting in the forward line. Etc, etc, etc.
  8. I'd love to know the name of a coach who can fix what is wrong with us.
  9. Cheersquad is now chanting "Cameron's a [censored]"
  10. And can North please start choking now?
  11. I assume Brad Scott has been washing the umpires cars at half time.
  12. "Fitzpatrick has fought back from diversity from a young age." Damn that diversity and such...
  13. If the roles had been reversed and Nathan Jones had "kneed" Steve Johnson the Footy Show panel would be calling for a three week suspension. Instead there is "nothing in it". Stevie J = Protected species - both on and off field.
  14. Still a better source than Damien "possibly/maybe/could be/allegedly/" Barrett.
  15. Whew... well I'm glad that's over! http://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/travis-cloke-says-collingwoods-harry-obrien-career-is-not-over/story-fndv8g1a-1226675515179
  16. "I can assure you we have reviewed the decision thoroughly and consulted widely. The umpire made the correct call... also the sky is green." - AFL spokesperson of the week
  17. I think the AFL have basically stated that Free Agent compensation will be very minimal after the outcry last year.
  18. The great thing about Gawn is that he will pursue the ball after it spills and try to shepherd or tap to advantage. It doesn't always come off but his endeavour cannot be faulted.
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