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Posts posted by Demoneyes

  1. I had a suspicion for sometime and it seems to be panning out ( take no credit as only an observation)

    I think Frawley has painted himself into a corner. I think the club has outfoxed him.

    My thoughts go to the idea that when Roos came to us he pretty well had most summed up but there were a handful he was interested to see how they went under him. Frawley wasn't one. Once Chip played the ol I'll wait and see...the club stamped his card. Roos spent the year figuring out how to form a backline without him just to be sure. Chips value to us became his compo pick. Something Roos COULD use to rebuild the midfield. Chip thinks hes been clever but hes a pawn.

    I reckon the club is happy to part with many of the old brigade as it rebuilds its culture. Some have the right stuff and will stay. Others will soon part company.

    This year is about correcting the ship. This trade-draft is about gettinf some more quality cattle. Next season about playinv real Aussie Roos Football.

    Thanks Chip

    Like your thinking too! As the season has panned out it all seems to be perfectly clear...can we do without him in the backline... the answer is yes. He is a great defender but gives the ball back to the opposition just as much. Bye bye chip!

  2. Well that's enough for me don't think I want to ruin the rest of my Saturday watching hawthorn win another grand final [censored] I hate that club, if frawley ends up there I will spew

    Hear hear! I have my umpteenth beer in hand and may just slip quietly away home for a sleep.

  3. As a 10 year old in the mid 70's the only thing you could boast about as a Melbourne supporter was that we had the best centreline in the league. We were truly dreadful everywhere else but Alves - Wells - Flower was a thing of beauty

    Fn yes!

  4. My mate is a crows supporter and his dogs name is Dangerfield, it farted today and I swear the fart sounded like it said 'Demons'

    That's good enough for me and about the best sign yet.

    No one has a clue, anyone who suggests otherwise are just feeding their ego.

    Edit: last sentence.

    Hmm my farts smell like beer but dont speak!

    Latest rumour is that Dangerfiled is so confused that he will seek solace and comtemplate in a Tibetan or Greek monastery next season. All that remains to be decided is whether he'd rather eat yak or goat. And choose to shave his head or grow a beard.

    You need to stop smoking weed!

  5. frawley is apparently on bill and jb's show tomorrow on triple m. He will say i haven't made a decision yet, which means im waiting for hawthorns offer before i make up my mind.

    Believe it or not, today I was told by a very reliable source that Frawley at one stage said to the club he'd actually like to stay as he can see we'll get better, but was told he should probably look elsewhere.

    It was the major catalyst for his sudden lacklustre efforts towards the end of the season.

    I'm comfortable with this.

    Play with matches, sometimes you get burnt.

    Bit of truth to both of those above. He is actually undecided, doesn't want to leave his mates but also wants better opportunites. Torn between loyalty and the dollar/ opportunity. Whether the club has said look elsewhere I don't know.

  6. Collingwood trade Lumumba and mid second round pick to North Melbourne for pick 15

    Dees trade Picks 3, early second Rd'er & Mitch Clark to Collingwood for now Collingwoods pick 15

    Adelaide trade Dangerfield and pick 10 to Melbourne

    Melbourne then send Picks 2 and 15 back to Adelaide

    Collingwood trade early 2nd Rd'er from Dees & Beams to Brisbane for Aish

    Collingwood ontrade Aish to Adelaide

    North Melbourne: Lose - Pick 15 > gain mid 2nd Rd'er & Lumumbaa

    Adelaide: Lose - pick 10 & Dangerfiled > gain picks 2, 15 & Aish.

    Brisbane: Lose - Aish > gain early 2nd Rd'er & Beams

    Collingwood: Lose - Pick mid 2nd Rd'er, Beams & Lumumbaa >gain Picks 3 & Clark

    Melbourne: Lose - Picks 2, 3, early 2nd Rd'er & Clark > gain Picks 10, 15 & Dangerfield.

    I think this is fair for all and also allows for the Dees to then ontrade picks 10 or 15 in other trades

    Some of you guys need to sleep occasionally. That makes my brain hurt

    • Like 2
  7. I'd rather focus on Dangerfield.

    Gotta have a 'b' plan!

    There is no way known Brisbane will let Hanley go. While it sounds like Ed has dealt well with Beams on a personal level, Collingwood need to get their head out of their collective arse when it comes to the business transaction. They are not the ones holding the aces.

    How did that unruly word get through the censors Nash?

  8. If this journo is playing golf rather than doing serious work on a weekday workday, it is not surprising that he has to rely on sources that are mostly rumour, speculation and opinion. Must also watch a lot of telly in the evenings and listen to the radio on the way home from golf to get info. Just like us.

    Most annoying game of golf I have played. Must have answered at least 2 dozen calls/ texts. Put me off my game. Only 38 pts

  9. I find it crazy that players, example Frawley, would leave to walk into a club that will play finals.

    You're exactly right in your post, personally, I would want to earn that success.

    I suppose it's also a sign of the times, and its trending to football players as well, they want it now.

    Yes including our lovely 16 year olds. No working hard nowadays, it has to fall into your lap! But just like our kids, players are the same, some will work hard and earn the accolades and some expect it to just happen or others to make it happen around them.

    • Like 1
  10. Jon Ralph and other Journo's take punts on stories, like us here. We assume that because we have low picks in the draft we can get Dangerfield and that is correct if he chooses to come to us we have the tools to execute the trade. Ralph is doing the same if Danger goes and Collingwood get pick 4 hey are in a position to get the deal done. It is really a process of elimination, these clubs have no chance these clubs do and it looks to me that us and one or two others have the capacity to get the deal done. Whether Dangerfield leaves who knows I would be extremely surprised if he does.

    A guy posted evidence that he made up the three way collingwood and beams dangerfield trade idea.

    In regards to the 2 posts above. I played golf today with a 'local' newspaper guy today. He told me verbatim that many of 'us' troll websites etc for rumours and go with the ones that seem to have the most 'credibilty'. Maybe we here at D'land and others at B'footy etc are starting this crap and then just feeding it back to ourselves??????

    • Like 7
  11. Yes Jones bleeds red and blue, but I think I said that about Frawley last year. He is in contract negs so that is a much better situation. As I have said before, where can I get a list of players with 1 month to go on their contracts? All are expendable

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