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Posts posted by Demoneyes

  1. While I am not suggesting that Mitch has deliberately set out to manipulate the system, the situation he is in is certainly being exploited by his manager to get him to the club of his choice with the $ that he wants.

    He is essentially a free agent. He is not contracted to MFC.

    When his intentions become known it will be interesting to see the response from the club and the AFL.

    Nothing was learned from the Mal Michael debacle. The system is still open to exploitation.

    Managers will do what they do, get the best deal for their client. It doesn't always mean the client is happy about it. The fact he has said that he wants MFC to get the best deal possible is maybe the softer side of Clark

  2. There had to be some strategy behind this because, despite the compelling case for some draft assistance, PJ would have been aware that the AFL was strongly opposed to giving us assistance even before the application was made. The result was telegraphed in the weekend's papers where it was suggested that while the application was doomed, we would benefit from it because it makes certain, the band one compensation available in the likely event that James Frawley jumps ship as well as the AFL's support in our securing a reasonable outcome with Mitch Clark's transfer to Collingwood.

    What this episode shows is that we lack the clout of the powerhouse clubs like Sydney, Hawthorn and Collingwood who all receive favourable benefits from various AFL rules and action including fixturing and how hard we have to work to achieve success both on and off the field. Whilst the application failed to achieve its more obvious outcome, I would like to think that its effect will be to underpin the club's recruiting strategy for the coming months. Time will tell.

    Frawley pick 3.

    The second post answers the first. PJ is a shrewd operator. Never ask for exactly what you would ideally like to have, so you can actually get what you are after!

    My thoughts exactly. Frawley is not worth pick 3 and clubs would have voiced their opposition to this. I think there'll be less angst to pick 3 now that we were knocked back.

    Makes no difference what he is worth, as everyone keeps saying it is how long a contract and how much a contract and how old the player is. With reported offers aqll that leads to Band 1.

  3. A little birdy told me today that "a straight swap" is not the deal "we" are looking for. Apparently we want more for Clark, and it is more a draft pick situation. If Lumumba is to be included it is to also involve an exchange of draft picks.

    • Like 8
  4. I would not be surprised if we did our main trading with the two clubs we dealt with last year, Adelaide and GWS. Both to my mind have talent that want to move and we have the motivation to trade in talent.

    I also think the progress of Tyson, Vince and to a lesser extent Riley will also appeal to some "unrealized" young talent at a range of clubs that can see that being at the Dees under Roos and his team will give them development opportunities and playing opportunities that are not available to them at other clubs.

    It will be an interesting month or so.

    Lesser extent Riley...but he did recover from a broken leg. He will be much better for the run next year. It takes a while to regain confidence but I liked him in the back half of the year! It will be interesting complimented by 1000's of posts!

  5. The reason why it took them so long to make it official was that they were trying to find a good excuse.

    At least we know now that there won't be any draft assistance to St. Kilda if they are unfortunate enough to win the next few wooden spoons or to Essendon if they lose players due to ASADA infractions.

    Meanwhile the stronger clubs continue to get massive assistance via plum fixtures and scholarship schemes made available to clubs like Sydney which provide them with top five draft picks for selection 20.

    So we move on ...

    Get rid of the PP all together. Obviously no-one will ever be bad enough!

    Then we now go as hard as possible on Clark.

    As well we refuse to play most games in anything but our traditional jumper until Richmond, Essendon and Collingwood come up with geniune clash jumpers.

    No more Mr. nice guys go for the jugular wherever possible.

    And when the tide turns it will be time for revenge.

    Remember it is dish best served cold

    I just just see the AFL taking notice. We'd probably get fined!

    We haven't got pick 3 yet...

    Exactly. The AFL will most definitely shaft us on that too!

  6. Yes it will be interesting to see what diatribe they give in regards to an explanation why not? I don't think any team in the competition could have performed worse over an extended period except maybe "University"! It is time to banish the notion of a "Priority Pick" to never surface again. And it won't unless someone like the worms in black and white are down the bottom. Though that would of course be enjoyment in itself!

  7. :blink: :blink: :blink: ........ noooooooooooo...... surely not.

    Was this guy pulling your leg?

    Anyway thanks for sharing Jack, I certainly hope your proposed Gibbs rumour warrants some truth - I along with every demonlander would do that deal in a heartbeat.

    I believe your leg has been pulled. That is all part of the fun of this thread. WJ is a cheeky boy

    • Like 1
  8. It is absolutely ridiculous to say that Roos is only concerned about things that will affect the club while he is coach. Roos was brought in to drive culture change and build an environment capable of producing sustained success. That's the whole premise of the succession plan - and Roos was never going to be around for said success. Paying overs for a superstar simply to make himself look better is the antithesis of everything Paul Roos stands for.

    Totally agree VG

    • Like 1
  9. Can't believe people wouldn't do this deal if it's 2+3 for danger and adelaides pick I couldn't sign fast enough he is a star, let's be honest we haven't had a good run with early picks so to get a proven star yes please

    We haven't had a good run with early picks until PRoos on the scene. He and the club won't do that deal, but they will try to do their best with one of our early picks for him. I still see 3 (if we get it) plus Toumpas and Trengove for Danger plus later pick

    • Like 1
  10. Apparently there's a game on this weekend, winner gets some sort of cup

    Can hardly wait!!! Have organised an internet hookup at my GF party!!

    A second rounder we have to trade for Lamumba I can confidently see happening, because it's a win win situation for Eddie. He can rob us blind by taking Clark and paying us a pittance in exchange, then secure himself our second round PP to compensate his own team for losing a player who doesn't even want to be there.

    Then he even gets to come out and praise the AFL, reiterating how grateful we should be for receiving such charity, when essentially he's manipulated the situation to make his club the real beneficiarys of the pick. They've done this masterfully by playing hard ball with Lamumba and refusing a straight swap with Clark.

    Taking this stance publicly also softens any public perception that Colonwood have been dirty players in the Clark affair, because it makes them look empathetic to our plight.

    Eddie always wins.

    Two totally different situations. Pies cant take MC unless we trade him. PP is based on our past. Basically we either trade with Pies for MC and HL and then in addition we get a PP. Am I dreaming?

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