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Posts posted by Demoneyes

  1. What is? Demoneyes [censored] eyed version of Picks 3,12,23 & Trenners (with both sides of the Richmond trade going to Adelaide for no apparent reason) or the actual trade which is effectively Picks 3,23 & Trenners?

    I think Danger & Beams (& Sloane or Parker) would be worth that. Easily.

    Pick 12 is Richmond's for now people!!

    If you want a star you pay for it, Blues paid Pick 2 plus Kennedy who was pick 5 with 2 years development in him for Judd. Stars cost!

    I am being the devils advocate here. I put up that we were big into Danger and also Shiel many many threads ago and was howled down. Funny thing that!

    • Like 1
  2. Good evening to you Clint and I am happy for you. Not a real fan of the straight durif myself. In any event today has been b bar que and, later, pizza. So a combination of beer, bourban and cheap shiraz - not a day for the discerning palate.

    I thought that too until i tried this. Needs several years to blossom but like nothing I have ever tried. Bbq, pizza sound okay. i do not partake in cheap Shiraz, but had a few Rare wild turkeys today!

  3. I believe it is Dangerfield. I received a call earlier today from a mate who is connected to the Club as a Player Sponsor and he has put his reputation on the line and declared that as soon as the Pick 12 comes in it will be Dangerfield for Picks 2 & 12.

    Effectively, Picks 2, 12 & 23 plus Jack Trengove for Dangerfield.

    I would like Paddy too but that is one hell of a lot for one player???

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  4. and there are no guarantees he hasn't, he will give everything he has for the club and that is a valuable commodity in my book whilst I accept he has currency and it is a ruthless business there are other players on our list I would have in the queue out the door before Jack

    I fully agree with you however the reality is that there are few on our list that would similarly command pick 12 that we would wish to get rid of (e.g. N. Jones, Tyson, etc)!

    In regards to the 2 posts above, in full agreement with the latter. And pick 10 or 12 for a player that may or may not come back fit and well is good enough for me! Unless of course Pennannt can come up with the alternative players?

    With all the trade action, it is hard to believe Watts is not being shopped. Surely he will feature in dispatches.

    Apparently no-one really inquired about him!

  5. Did you read the rest of the post or are you going to blame the red wine for your lack of brain matter again?

    Only just started on the red at that time. Read the post but still won't be crying when he leaves.

    I'm sorry, but I really don't get all the hand wringing over this.

    If we need to keep a player who has been loyal to us but 5 years into his career couldn't get a game in a team that finished 15th we've got massive cultural issues. Leadership and culture need to come from the coaches and CEO given the age profile of our list, and one of the ways you instill values in young people with short careers is to remind them that performance is crucial. If you play well it creates a winning culture.

    I reckon Jack Trengrove is a ripping bloke, but it's not going to stop me from wanting a better club to support and the development of a new, optimistic winning culture at my footy club.

    Yes, and remember Richmond came to us. Our club has to improve so unpopular decisions have to be made

    Sorry if anyone has posted this before...

    if any deal is to be done with trengove - what is the cut off date - is it tomorrow the 13th?

    Trading up until 2pm Thursday. Although since there are ulterior motives involved you would think that deal would go through in the next 24-48 hours

  6. Wow. First look on here in a coupla days and can't believe how feral it has become. Fan vs Fan. Brother vs Brother. Teacher vs Farmer. Snipers sniping from the sidelines and mud being thrown back. Mediators trying to calm things. What have we become??

    And then in the middle of it all, some heart rending and apparently real stories of hardship, rebellion, charity, and family violence. Very sobering.

    I'm reminded of that great speech by an American President:

    I think it was President Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks: "Why can't we all just get along?"

    Are you sure you are on the right thread? Or are you watching Pride and Prejudice?

  7. BTW 'that' tackle was on the fastest player in the game. By a long shot.

    Plus in reality we can't really take his performances in 2012/13 into account too readily as Neeld made him play as a purely defensive player. His natural game is actually as an attacking inside mid and marking high half forward. Other teams know this and are pricing him accordingly.

    Yes one real highlight in 5 years to hold onto! Not quite enough for me!

  8. I don't think people are saying that at all, everyone has a price, he has been very loyal to us in darkest of times, IMO the feeling others could have gone in this trade possibly, but I understand it is Richmond who made the first move.

    I will not like Trengove to the Tigers for Pick 12, but if we get an A-Grader in a package trade for that deal I can deal with it. But 23 and Trenners for Pick 12 I think is the issue

    In reality Trenners has been a bit of a spare richard for a few years now. No guarantee he has come back from his latest op so its time to trade.

  9. give the man a cigar for outstanding perspicacity :lol:

    I just replied because I love that word. awesome!

    Goodness me, is Dangerfield a Demon yet? I can't keep opening this thread. Just cut out the middle man, give Adelaide 2, 23, Trengove and Toumpas for Dangerfield, Lyons and 10, then hurl 3 and 10 to Collingwood for Beams and 48, then 48 to GWS for Frost, Clark on his bike for Lumumba and 55, head to the draft with 55 and change for Stretch and Jetta. Robert's your uncle, Franny's your aunt.

    Nice thinking there

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