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Posts posted by Demoneyes

  1. BTW. For all you trolls and ignorami (eg Moonshadow) that obviously know little of the world of a gourmet like myself I am presently cooking a romantic meal for myself and my beloved - freekah pilaf.

    I suppose there is rice in it. Peasant food to me. Enjoying a lovely rib-eye with scallop and prawn sauce. Followed by the obligatory bottle or 2 of McClaren Vale red!

  2. I listened to a brief radio interview with Danger just before the GF. He talked about how envious he was of the competing players and that playing in a GF was the ultimate aim of all footballers.

    Now, given that, could someone explain WTF he would even consider coming to MFC.

    Oh hang on ... maybe he reckons he can play on until he is about 52.

    Come on BBO we are on the way up!

  3. Absolutely this goes for all teams... I think free agency will damage the game & give top clubs a powerful tool to get talent & maintain their success ... Do we all want to see the same teams compete for a flag each year?

    Remember there are18 teams in this so called competition ... Someone has to finish last.... So the system the afl implement to save the competition in the mid 80s appears to be coming apart ?

    You either have an equalisation system or you don't

    Maybe, but we just have to be smarter to be one of the top clubs. I think Roos and Jackson are getting us there. The rest will follow naturally. Look at Hawks 18 years ago......

    • Like 1
  4. Well I didn't see the segment. If it was Barrett, as much as we all hate him, he does seem to have reasonable sources from this club (first to break Hogan's injury, and Clark's comeback) so wouldn't surprise me if we are going to do it. I hope its true.

    It was Damo. I didn't see it though. My mate is still adamant that what he has heard is as good as any info he has had. I am reluctant to get excited by the prospect as there is much water to flow under the bridge yet.

  5. Will go out on a limb here with what has been said and what I have heard as late as this morning.

    Dangerfield to Dees for pick 2 + Toumpas plus exchange of later picks

    Shiel to Dees for pick 3 + possible player or exchange of later picks

    And thats all folks!

    • Like 12
  6. I'm over the breakfast menu discussion. Bananas, fruit ...... muesli FFS! You blokes need to get onto a real Aussie mans breakfast.

    Tomatoes on toast - with cheese of course and lots of pepper.

    It's made me the man I am.

    With poached eggs, avocado and jalapenos!

    Bout time somebody expressed what real breakfast is about,maybe an egg and some bacon with the martoes and toast.

    Somehow this page up till now has been controlled by health nutters,they all want to live past 90{like OD} .

    Live for today boys,eat real food and die happy{and fat}

    day 4 month anniversary.

    Of course they do. May have a slight chance of seeing a Dees flag by then!

    • Like 2
  7. Yeah was in the September club with croc media last night at the G... had a chat to him .. basically said no chance but could have been brushing me off as id had a few!! Was nice enought to have a phot with me though!! Haha... in an interesting sub plot.. a well known news reporter (that is a D's man) reckons we will definitely have one of him or Jeremy Cameron..interesting.

    I also think i signed Dean Cox for $150 a game at my local club... not sure he with remember that though...

    Seeing you all juiced up probably made him think he was back in Hindley st!

    • Like 1
  8. Went to a bbq with probably 15 people in attendance. People were watching but not getting overly involved, we spent the 3rd quarter outside chatting amongst ourselves. I don't know, I guess I feel a little over footy at the moment.

    Am hearing you. Left my function during the 2nd quarter (didn't help that I couldn't walk or talk!).

  9. I'm not happy that the hawks won so easily. Would have been great if it was a close game or is Swans had won.

    You guys are a bunch of wingers. It's the grand final.

    I hated that Hawthorn won, but was blown away by how good they were.

    They had winners all over the ground. Everyone played there role.

    I bet most of you dont turn up to etihad when we play.

    Of course not! Ground is a blight on the league. Would prefer to watch footy at Dederang!

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