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Posts posted by Demoneyes

  1. So because McKENZIE is a good bloke crap footballer we keep him. It's because we have so many NQR players on our list like him, Matt Jones, Terlich, Riley, etc we will never get better.

    I wouldn't put Riley in there. I liked what I saw with him later in the season especially after coming off a broken leg

  2. Anyway between posting on Dland I've been having some fun' . A lot of the yokels with young kids are into this Halloween Bullshite!! I'm not! I hold my lunatic dog until the kids enter the driveway. The I let him go and he runs straight at them - barking,slavering and snotting and looking like a homicidal maniac. Little kids [censored] themselves and cry - FMD it's funny!

    Are you sure its the dog you send out and not you?

  3. No No Clit! DC is into instant gratification. Golf takes too long.. A couple of sets of tennis, lawn bowls, a game of euchre -- you get the picture.

    A quick shag and he moves on - tears or not!

    Nothing wrong with a quick shag. Gotta go wife is calling.....

  4. i did say not bad clint!

    christ i wouldn't even make it the 9th if i had a 100 balls and a week to spare, and i live a couple of drop kicks from a course

    And I respect your compliment. Still wont be in the paper tomorrow though. Another mongrel somehow beat me by one point!

  5. I started this thread because I have been a continuous member for 35 years and now am starting to question the value of a premium membership to the MFC.

    I love my football club but I do not love this current team.

    For the past 3 years I have lost interest in attending games on a regular basis. Simple reason for this! The football has been bad to watch.

    At this point in time I question our medical and fitness staff to keep our best players on the park.

    I question our recruitment staff for obvious reasons.

    I question the majority of the list on their ability to compete with the rest of the competition.

    I rate our coaching staff

    I rate our current administration

    This leaves me with a decision to sign on for a 36th year. Probably sitting at 60/40 today, with the hope Roos will get the job done and some players will reach their potential.

    I am guessing I am not alone with questioning paying another membership

    We as a Supporter base must expect to win 10 games this year...

    After studying the Fixture we are a "chance" in 13 out of 22

    We must be hard on the club if they wish to have access our collective bank accounts

    Sensible post Soybean! I pay 500.00 plus for my trident membership and we had home games in Alice etc and a home game at Etihad where if I wanted a decent seat I'd have to pay extra at the gate. Plus we are sh it. I n my latest continuous streak, I am at 8 years at this level. I ticked the box and I'm paying on the 3rd November I think. However, another year of the same sh it and I wont cough up again!

    Come on guys! I pay every year automatically, don't even give it a second thought. It is us people that keep the club going because we want it to continue. Every club has ups and downs, but you find out the true supporter when the going gets tough and you are down in the mire but once again the membership comes in and you pay! Bad times don't last forever. Grow some cojones, renew your membership and live in hope that the current administration is on the right track. I am supremely confident good times are around the corner, don't miss the ride!

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  6. I just cannot for the life of me understand how DL is still talking about JT being rookie listed. The forum now talks about it as if its fact. Its bloody fanciful, never going to happen. MFC would be crucified, wake up!!!!

    Well DL is the be all and end all! I love JT and LT but TMI for me. I dont GAF about all the abbreviations on here and would love to FO before I get to PAAC!

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  7. If this is true then why would he be negotiating a new contract now as Demoneyes has suggested?

    Hmmm, played golf again today with my mate and the dreaded word "stalemate" came up (in regards to $$$ and term). Don't like hearing that word. The positive thing is that we are in discussions with NJ, unlike Frawley last year. Still very confident he will sign before end of November.

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