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Posts posted by Demoneyes

  1. Glad to see frogs are still high on the agenda .

    I will be home on Wednesday guys cannot be bothered reading a hundred pages

    Anything interesting happened the last three weeks ?

    And the fact there are a lot of wine, frog and boob appreciaters on this site

  2. Neeld was sacked in June 2014 (this isn't a post to bash Neeld). You'd be right to describe the dees as a basket case.

    By October 2015, Melbourne would have to rank in the top half of the league in regards to stability.

    It's quite some achievement by PJ, first on board, and Roosy.

    There's a real plan and the adults are in charge.

    Other than your years being a bit out, it is a good time for the club. Hopefully this stability and adults in charge equates to team success!

  3. Very observant my Lord. My new calling is to do good as required. Romsey or Ethihad - it matters not. Sinners such as moonie and clit need immediate help.

    Seems BBO may have pulled a brain muscle.

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, Crint has pulled a cork, Jazza has pulled a teat and DC has pulled a pensioner!

    Very good BJ. After BBO's response had to open another bottle!

  4. That would be a great if true.

    If the Saints take McCartin, then taking Petracca & Wright would be the way to go for me - Wright is going to become such as valuable and dangerous player in the years to come and way too good to pass up.

    Petracca and Brayshaw then, oooo yeah baby!

    Petrecca then lever or Bradshaw at 3 would make my day

    Well go ahead but do you feel lucky punk?

  5. Hooley Dooley! Address details please Crint?

    Mt Edelstone? Abbots Prayer? Surely not a Hill of Grace?

    Have a couple of Hill of grace in the cellar but last night was a cheapy, Hill of Roses 08

    I must say I’m disgusted by the commodification and simplistic sexualisation of the female body in recent posts on this thread.

    I was involved in a discussion group at church today and we agreed that sexualised images of the female form only serves to reiterate simplistic gender stereotypes and, thereby, promote and reinforce gender inequality.

    I think you've had your hand on it today BBO!

  6. Hey weren't you two on the other "not the B&S thread? Or have I had one red too many tonight?

    Sorry I do not compute with the bold statement! We like to spread ourselves around EH (maybe I'll just call you Holden)

  7. Is Marlon B another of your role models Clint?

    What's the drink of choice tonight?

    As well as Al Pacino and Robert de Niro. All made me an offer I couldn'r refuse! Tonight (being Saturday) have decided to go for a lovely Durif. Warrabilla 2002

    Happy Friday to all.

    Crint only drinks one colour. Let me guess - a Heathcote varietal again Crinty?

    I'm starting on the beers and working my way up. Surely one of them will go well with tonights home made pizza.

    Rutherglen night tonight bj (last night was Coonawarra). Have had several beers awaiting the Cox Plate

  8. I was watching some Dean Kent highlights last night and in one of them Watts was spooked out of taking a sitter with the feared gorilla tamer Daniel Wells hot on his heels lol.. I wonder what Watts is being paid..

    Probably overs especially when Jamie Bennell gave him a bath!

  9. You have lost some credibility with me Clit. What is this business of having the wife cook the bar-bar-que? That is man's work surely!

    However, if you gave the missus an enjoyable (for you)spanking afterwards for spoiling, the steak then that's OK!

    She got her just rewards!

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