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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. I don't blame the guy for wanting to be with family and deal with his unique situation, but if MFC get nothing in return for him leaving because of the way he chooses to leave it's a massive knife in the back to a club that has done everything it can for him and stood by him during this tough time.

    Hey Rudeboy...are you out there? We are hurting...why did Liam just up and walk out on us?

    We know he had to go but why didn't he take a more conventional approach. Even if he didn't like the new football regime, surely the MFC itself has earnt his respect.

  2. It seems circumspect that Port's ready with a statement before our own club is.

    Very true...poor form for Port to issue their statement prior to the MFC confirming journo story...unless Jurrah's manager has already sounded out the PAFC!

  3. It worked for Lewis Jetta in Sydney. Maybe someone can also teach Fitzpatrick to kick a football?

    Give the kid a break! FYI he kicked 3 or 4 goals the previous week with Casey and kicked 2 of the 5 goals on Saturday! Go and pick on someone that doesn't wear our jumper! :wacko: Better still go and barrack for another team! :)

    • Like 1
  4. http://www.melbourne...82/default.aspx

    Very intresting article and love how sam blease jack fitzpatrick will be given partners to train with over the summer to help them learn the grips of a very good footballer.


    Great news for Fitzy! He will be our 2nd tall forward in a few years. He is the same height as Mitch and needs 6kg to get to the same weight. Mitch is a great person to learn from. This means we won't have to recruit another big forward as Fitzy will be ready by the time we are playing in the finals! :)

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  5. Rumours can be just rumours

    Occasionally its when the truth sneaks out but is hard to believe.

    Something like this would need to be squashed or outed properly.

    that it is in some way alluded to in Jimmas book and nudge-nudge-wink-wink by Green makes it a bit more than pub talk

    Sadly, it's true. In Jimmy's book (p 293) he says about Dean Bailey: '...They (the players) thought he was a terrific guy, but there was a view that they were now walking all over him. On one occasion, they had even cancelled their own time-trial run.'

  6. Youll find Sunday evening is a black hole.

    Couldn't get to the 'G' yesterday so went to the Bentleigh Club. There were 3 people plus the barmaid and one supporter left at 1/2 time. We all thought everyone must be at game.

    Now I wonder if everyone else has Foxtel or indeed Sunday evening is a black hole for all footy away from one's living room. AFL should take note.

  7. It depends on what is meant by "ignored".

    I'm sure Jim asked CS to do a lot of things, and this may not have been done in the required timeframe due a miscommunication, pushed to the side for other pressing day-to-day matters... I've not read the book, but there could be a multitude of reasons and meanings.

    If CS deliberately made the conscious decision to ignore Jim's request and not investigate further, then it is a serious issue.

    Jimmy went on to say CS ignored the request because: '...he (CS) believed the football department was fine and the coach was the real area of concern. That was why, in early May, I resolved to become more involved in the role of football director.' I doubt Jimmy would have taken on this role if he & the board didn't think the situation was serious or if there were some mitigating circumstances.

  8. this bit made me f'ing angry. i want a clean out of those players. where was the leadership? what a disgrace - no club at whatever level if they want to be successful ditches time trials. pathetic.

    The part that made me really angry was when Jimmy said he asked CS to: 'delve into the situation (the disfunctional football department) and report back to the board...a couple of months into the season I learned he had ignored that request'. It was then that Jimmy took on the role of 'Football Director'. Can't believe that CS would so blatantly ignore this request from the Club's President.
  9. Am about 1/2 way through too, no sign of $cumbag Scully yet.

    Don't want to spoil it for D'landers reading the book so will just give the page numbers P269/270...Sam read the No.1 P_ick very well!

    Very surprised the Scully meeting hasn't been reported in the press.

    BTW...very proud that my D'land picture is 1 of only 2 full page pics in the book...Jimmy completely oblivious to the rain just raring to go...priceless expression. A true Hero.

  10. The story:'Demons work on respectful exits' @ http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/7415/newsid/145414/default.aspx is great to see in the wake of the Junior and Bruce fiasco.

    We haven't had a good track record in recent years of letting players go respectfully - just looking at the B&F winners since 2000, I can only think of Neitz who has had a really good exit. Most of the others that are gone have been traded, contracts not renewed etc in less than happy circumstances.

    I'm in no way saying that they should have been kept...just saying that I'm glad the Club has seen the light and put steps in place so that it doesn't happen again to any player, B&F winner or not.

    McLardy says:

    "And as president of the football club I can assure you I have had discussions with Mark (Neeld) and with Neil (Craig) and we're all committed to a process that is open, honest and respectful to all our players and it is my role at this club to ensure that occurs and I will."

    I reckon he will stick to his word...am really like McLardy's work in his short presidency.

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  11. Maybe Collingwood has taken the 'C'est la Vie' (or as Ben Cousins would say 'Such is Life!) view and figure if Cloke goes the bigger his new paypack the better their compo pick will be! Can't lose!

    Meanwhile, Cloke is looking like he is burning bridges...can he and his Dad eat the required humble pie to stay? Ooops just re-read the last line...no pun intended! ^_^

  12. Really like the language Neeld has been using of late. Using 'us', 'we', 'our club' all the time whereas it was often 'they', 'the club' etc. I can hear the cynics say it is media training but the shift in language seems heartfelt to me.

    I take it as a sign that Neeld has moved from 'embracing the job' to 'embracing the club'; a significant shift.

    He is now saying only positive things in public about individual players; another shift from early in the year. This can only do wonders for player confidence and makes it harder for journos to have cheap shots at players...think Jack Watts...

  13. Didn't I read somewhere in the last couple of weeks that Green has done (or is doing) a coaching course? If so, I wonder if there's any chance the MFC might retain him at the club in some sort of role that could allow him to gain the practical experience that could see him eventually progressing to an assistant coaching position.

    Usually retired players coach at a different club to get experience in another...wouldn't mind this so long as he doesn't play in another jumper! If he does we will know is that he didn't go willingly
  14. Greg Denham in today's Australian has reported:

    AFL general manager of football operations Adrian Anderson last night told The Australian: "Brett has spoken to Brock McLean today and his instructions are to do whatever else is necessary to complete the investigation.

    "Brock McLean's comments go beyond what has been said previously and come on top of (former Melbourne coach) Dean Bailey's remarks. It warranted a fresh look."

    Whatever we think of Denham and his open hatred of the Dees, if the AFL plan to continue it does not bode well. I'm guessing if they continue they will 'find' a 'sacrificial lamb' to quiten the press which has been baying for MFC blood all year :unsure:

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