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Lucifers Hero

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Posts posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. watch the last quarter of the rd 23 port vs tiges game. His zip and evasive skills broke the tiges press and he was instrumental in port getting back in the game and forcing a draw. Based on this and costing us relatively nothing, no issue with it.

    May not cost much in $ but we would have to delist a player to make room for him. Would rather give one of our rookies a go.

  2. I think this has needed to be posted for awhile in the context of both our drafting and list management.

    18-21 (New recruits): Cook, Davis, Blease, Gawn, Gysberts, TMac,Taggert, Tapscott, Trengove, Tynan, Watts, Viney, Pick 4, Barry, Hogan, Evans.

    22-25 (Established players): Bail, Bartram, Bate, Bennell, Clark, Dunn, Fitzy, Frawley, Garland, Grimes, Howe, Jetta, Jones, Jordie, Morton, Petterd, Sellar, Spencer, Strauss, Dawes, Pedersen, Magner, Nicholson.

    26-28(Senior Players): JMac, Martin, Sylvia, Byrnes, Ray,

    29+(Veterans): Davey, Jamar,

    Bold: New

    Red: Potential New Trades

    Green: Potential Rookie Upgrades.

    Looking at our list at this stage of the trade period I think Neeld's mindset becomes clear. The vast majority of our list (particularly with the exits of Rivers, Moloney, Green and Jurrah) are in the first two groups, with only 5 players pre our new ins over 26. It should also be noted that of those players over 26, only 2 have really cemented their spots in the 22 in 2012 (Jamar and Sylv and thats still debatable).

    The vast majority of the quality on our list is in the age group between 22-25, with more entering over the next couple of years (Trenners, Watts and Blease for example).

    But in the key 26-28 age group, where I would argue most players are hitting their peak we only have 3 players with 2 famously inconsistant and JMac, who we could debate the quality of. Clearly our list is deficient in this region and even with several good players entering this age group over the next couple of years it is clear it needs to be bolstered. Clearly we have plenty of talent in the younger region of our list and this will be bolstered with at least 4 young recruits this year.

    I am sure multiple conclusions can be drawn from this, and sure the age groups are arbitrary and I haven't guessed at the delistings, but I think it has needed to be posted as I feel it would answer a lot of the concerns given in several threads.

    Obviously we are actually adding more youth than anything else in this draft so those like Cam Mooney who argue we aren't continuing to add quality to the young end of our list are way off the mark. But in Byrnes, Ray and Dawes (who will be 25 next year) we have added 3 experienced players who have come from quality cultures, experienced success and are equally as good, if not better than most of our current experienced players.

    Great Post! Hope Greg Denham reads this and gets off the 'MFC should be drafting kids' trip he is on!

  3. Someones gotta "run" things.

    Didn't you know we ALL have trust funds and we ALL are born to rule .

    Please dont use that dirty word around here.

    Gotta go get my Range Rover from the shop.

    The chauffer wont catch the tram.


    OK, so that falls into 'don't work category'!

    By the way, where is Rangey lately?

  4. I heard talk that Schwabby had purposely fed journo/s significant misleading info. Don't know what that info was, but I bet it's a driving force behind that fool denham's clear attempt to discredit MFC. Petty payback which makes denham look childish.

    Apologies old dee, don't know how to link to a comment from another thread...

    old dee, on 04 November 2011 - 09:57 AM, said:

    I heard him this morning at approx. 9.30 he was asked why do you hate the MFC so much?

    His answer:

    Some CEO's go out of their way to help and provide info and others lie!

    So there, now we know what his problem is!

    Fool Denham for falling for the lie and lacking the journo credo which says '...don't print/say unless you get it twice from two independent sources". He has obviously been outsmarted by CS at some stage and has been smarting about it ever since!

    Get over it, Denham!

  5. When S questioned him about Dawes not being the main forward because of Clark's presence, he resorted to making up a story of how MFC have stated that Clark will play partly in the ruck as well as forward so Dawes will be the main man. Now I have not seen that written or heard it spoken of in any way shape or form.

    Denham has a history of making things up to suit his anti MFC agenda ala that Carlton was chasing Watts...even Geoff Walsh said it was made up.

  6. can anyone sum up the gist ? cheers

    Schibecksaid Dees close to the best so far in recruiting. Denham said that is rubbish, went on with the Melbourne Bears thing ie a team made up of 'recycled' players, ad nauseum.

    D thinks we should take the Bulldogs approach, put the cue in the rack for a few years and recruit only kids (and Dee supports should suck it up), pick 20 overs for Dawes etc etc etc.

    Callers raised fact that we have recruited more kids: Viney, Hogan, Barry and pick 4; that we had lost experience: Maloney, Jurrah, Green so we need experience and some stronger bodies to help young kids develop. D thought we should have made better use of our draft picks...ha?

    S asked D if he would apologise if the Dees won a flag in 3 years. D said it wouldn't happen but yes he would apologise...Hmmm

    S finished up with one day we will find out what is behind it all (D's venom towards the Dees)

    That's about all I remember...I was more focused on enjoying S's hard edge than listing to the detail.

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  7. missing it..hopefully a podcast later :)

    He is usual on air again of Friday's at 9.00 so you can catch him then. Hopefully, Schibec, Dees supporters & any other informed footy person, continue to 'bare their teeth'! :lol:

    I like Schibec. He tells as it is and doesn't have obvious faves...KB on the otherhand...well what can one say :wacko:

    Keep on calling Dee fans!

  8. In who's opinion yours, MN has targeted players he wants not what supporters want and thank christ for that.

    Totally agree! My questionmark was about our level of savviness.

    Please elaborate. Besides from media speculation, which is all any of this is, what have we done wrong? And how did we stuff up the Dawes deal?

    Yes, I am only going on what is in the media (like the rest of DL's). Again, my questionmark is about savviness. Apparently we offered pick 13 for Dawes early in the process so when that was gone, pick #20 wasn't enough and we gave up pick 45 for 58. Not saying we stuffed it up but maybe we showed our hand too early....maybe pick 45 would get us Pederson, who knows. Did we show our hand too early for Pederson if we offered a 2nd round pick we didn't have?

    Overall, I like the new players added and yes lets go after the targets we want but in the immortal words of Kenny Rogers '...you've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them and know when to walk away.'

    Just saying, don't want us to be seen as easybeats at the negotiating table and get a reputation that once we target a player we will pay the asking price. That is not negotiating! This year sets the tone for future years.

  9. The final 2nd round pick is # 45. So its hard to believe that NM are getting all antsy about # 49 for Pedersen. Would it make much difference if we were able to get # 44? Emma is pretty good at researching before going to print so hope its just posturing by NM.

    Hope we weren't silly enough to offer a 2nd round pick without knowing our FA compenstion. Hope we were smart enough to offer our FA pick whatever it ends up being, so now NM can take it or leave it.

    I am getting doubtful about how savvy our negotiations have been...playing our cards too early or playing cards we don't have. It cost us in the Dawes deal and it may cost with Pederson.

  10. Footy aside-Andrew Bolt is the most conceited apologist for the rich and corrupt ever.

    South Africans like him should be working the farms in the hot sun for their black owners.

    Sticks up for the strong and belittles the weak .

    There is a massive wart on his face that is probably his brain.

    May the grim reaper find an easy and speedy path to his door.

    Can't say that there is anything about Andrew Bolt that I like or agree with but a post saying: 'May the grim reaper find an easy and speedy path to his door' about another human being, is beyond the pale for mine.

  11. Footy aside-Andrew Bolt is the most conceited apologist for the rich and corrupt ever.

    South Africans like him should be working the farms in the hot sun for their black owners.

    Sticks up for the strong and belittles the weak .

    There is a massive wart on his face that is probably his brain.

    May the grim reaper find an easy and speedy path to his door.

    WOW!! Maybe you should go back to bed and get up from the other side Biff...

  12. I reckon the AFL, after receiving many a complaint for maximum compensation given to us for HWFUA (or whatever it is) defection, would have factored it in to our FA compensation. Sure they say that they are mutually exclusive, but that's a load of BS.

    Maybe they figured to let off some steam at us, since they found nothing to pin against us for the "tanking" debacle. The heads of the AFL have their own agenda to run, and no process within the AFL will ever be completely independent, given the ego's and power-hungry whores that are in charge of our game.

    AFL adminstered Karma, eh? :huh: Bit of tautology really...but that won't stop AFL powerbrokers! At the risk of being blasphemous maybe they think they are the new Almighty: he who giveth, taketh away!

  13. No, not quite yet. We all know actions on the footy field speak far louder than the actions off- field however for the first team since arguably late 80's early 90's I'm sensing something from the outside that hasn't been smelt for years.


    Love the recruiting and FD work and think that Neeld is the one to turn us around. My FEAR is we are getting ahead of ourselves here on DL...you know - all news is good news type of thing. Confucious says something about counting chickens before they hatch!! :wacko:

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