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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. I don't see any good reason for fielding our best most experienced side based on a few things that i have seen in yesterday's game. Max unless he wants should not necessarily travel in my op, he is theoretically our most valuable player, but the big fellah who filled in yesterday was very very competitive and should hold his own against their blokes including Jackson. i reckon he actually overpowered their number one ruck yesterday and deserves another go. Very impressed with our youngsters speed yesterday and i would pick mostly the same and see how they go against one of the faster sides.. It's only a practice game.
  2. Ben...composed, Kelly...compost.
  3. How could you forget 32 Sue?
  4. Just one other thing....... the 10%
  5. Ahh, the DL mutual admiration society for entertainment and obsequiousness.
  6. I did in the first 30 seconds out of the centre.
  7. Pretty impressive isn't he DJ? My other one in a close decision is Langford.
  8. Out of all the recruit players i have watched in these drafts this kid, along with one other stands out. The other one will be playing Game one. Hopefully this one will get a run in the the first half of the year.
  9. Off Macauley Road over railway line or around back of Lost Dogs Home Forty years ago
  10. After what's been happening around Australian AFL Clubs everywhere, this year and last, I would not blame any players from any Clubs about how much they talk to supporters. The media Mags would conjure up anything that G and K hear and tell us, and misconstrue it on purpose and bang, there we go again.
  11. Good, I can't read.
  12. Hey Jay, you forgot to mention a few other things happening to Oliver, like kicking in the hand picking up the ball, and various types of punches to the lower body, carried out by opposition that would have stopped lesser folks, but so what. Punching and kicking are part of weasels repertoires.
  13. Remind me to put the media on my Xmas card list....
  14. Are the "facts" about Kossie the same as the facts about Petracca, Oliver, Viney and every bloody good player we ever have, except for one, who happens to be the best in the business, and probably lays it down how he says....
  15. One would think that "the quality player in return" is more often than not in the assortment of picks that are traded back?
  16. Yes, I agree. All we want is for him to get ahead.
  17. My sacasm bells are crescendo gonging..
  18. God I love old folks days.
  19. Those mugs wouldn't know how to stack the number of hay bales they cut, without trying to under count.
  20. I guess I'm just reserving judgement
  21. I think there is potential for HR to be a disruptive influence. Yet to be proven leadership, concentration and team player credentials not on display yet. There is more..
  22. Plain and simple KDF. That Media Maggot's West Australian Rag, is like the rest of them at Stokes Media West. Trump Maga.
  23. He and Royce Hart won games, big games, single handedly.
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