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Cranky Franky

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Posts posted by Cranky Franky

  1. 1 hour ago, stuie said:

    Gotcha, so sexual harassment in the workplace is totally fine, it's up to the person on the receiving end to sort it out not up to the perpetrator to just not do it...


    As usual Stuie you are confusing the issue.  It's hardly a matter of sexual harassment in the workplace - we are not talking about Mel being harassed by her boss or co workers.   And by the way sexual harassment is not alright its totally wrong but if you want to be a female TV journalist & interview people live then be quicker on your feet than Mel was or go and get another job - its really no different to a politician trying to change the subject or weaselling out of the question during an interview - maybe Mel should of handed over to Fran Kelly to do the interview.   

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

    Not on every point he's made he's not.

    I have to adjudicate that SWYL is quite correct on this matter.  Mel is supposed to be a professional journalist & this is not play school.  She should have been prepared with something to put Gayle right back in his box - being sharp & quick on your feet is the hallmark of  live journalism.  I'm sure that Leigh Sales or Caro Wilson would have embarrassed him on air quick smart. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, mo64 said:



    2 hours ago, Baghdad Bob said:

     pity the AFL didn't put up a highlight package of Jurrah playing to compliment the story.  You'd think it would have taken all of 5 minutes to put together and it would remind people of his extraordinary skills.

    Jurrah faced the biggest adjustment of any footballer to play the game at AFL level.  When he arrived in Melbourne he didn't know how to get money out of an ATM, he didn't know how to buy food at the supermarket, he didn't know how to drive in the city and he didn't know what was involved in representing an AFL club. He landed on Mars. Melbourne organized Ian Flack to basically be Jurrah's keeper but when Neeld came along with his tough boy stance it wasn't long before a unique talent withered on the vine.

    Jurrah isn't suited to AFL footy.  He comes from a different culture, almost a different world.  Just as I couldn't adjust to his world I don't think he can really adjust to ours and that has been shown by the issues he's faced since he left.  As much as I loved watching him I wonder if footy didn't ruin his life and I think it probably would again.

    I'd be astounded if he ever played AFL footy again.


    A lot of History seems to get re written about Jurrah.

    The Club bent over backwards for him lots of times.

    When trouble broke out in Central Australia the Yuendemu Community pleaded & begged Lim him to stay at Melbourne to continue to set an example for their youth.

    Liam walked out on Casey on the eve of the finals.

    Has been in trouble with the law time & time & time again since - just lucky its not a more serious charge so far.

    But hey lets not let the facts get in the way of a good story.





    • Like 4
  4. 4 minutes ago, billy2803 said:

    I liked what I saw (early) of Magner.  Not sure if he was ever going to make it, but the coaching at the time ensured he wouldn't.

    Then he started opening his mouth to the media about our club, so I lost all respect for him after that.

    I still can't believe how badly Magner was treated. He was never going to be more than a top up player but gees in his last year he was clearly in the best 18 at Melbourne but they would not pick him despite the fact that our mids got smashed week in week out.

    • Like 1
  5. Talk about a lame post.

    I recall exactly the same stuff being written when they appointed Dean Bailey & Mark Neeld. 

    Only one way to measure Goodwin & that is on field results.  Anything else is B/S.  


    • Like 3
  6. Some of you critics have no idea. He is actually team oriented & a very smart player - not to mention AA, Norm Smith medallist & 3 premierships - that means he is a couple of levels above Daniel Cross. And his form this year was pretty good.

    He might even have taught Max Gawn not to spoil Jesse Hogan.

    Would have made a great asset.

  7. I would have taken him in a heartbeat. Getting on but still managed 21 touches & 5 marks a game & kicked 30 goals.

    We are desperately in need of some experience up forward to organise the troops & make space for Jesse H.

    Can't believe they didn't sound him out . Oh well have to do with Jake M instead.

  8. Can't query his passion to the Club but after being in AA form in 2013 he has been a great disappointment. He has been timid, hesitant, scared to take the game on & not much better than good/ordinary and really he has the ability to be much better than that.

    • Like 1
  9. Thought I would buy my kids some MFC T shirts today. Got onto the MFC shop & tried to purchase a $200 order & got jammed, tried several times but gave up in the end.

    Now I have managed to buy stuff on line from China, India, Mexico, UK, US & Australia without any problems but failed to do so on the Club site.

    It is badly designed & illogical.

    Geez I am trying to give the Club some $$ & they won't take it.

  10. I never said he wasn't a good player. I actually said the opposite, that he was probably our best mid ATM. He was still REJECTED by the Crows, whichever way you want to spin it.

    Stop looking to argue just for the sake of it.

    Sorry but only a tool would use the word reject when talking about Vince. Crows wanted to get a particular player & needed to trade for a draft pick so Vince was an option.

    He is no more a reject than Josh Kennedy or Brad Ottens.

  11. Because Neeld, and a select few on here, knew that most of the senior players on the list at the time of 186 needed to go. They were toxic for the club, and only the ones that could right the wrong were given the opportunity to prove themselves.

    Make no mistake, that game was nearly the death of the club. How many other times during a B&F count has a game not been counted? Things had to change in every facet of the organisation, and the playing group was an equally important facet that needed changing.

    And just why did 186 happen ? Didn't the senior players go to the Board that week and complain about the interference from a certain CEO & his mate & the fact that they were undermining the coach ?

    This small historical matter is conveniently forgotten by some supporters.

    • Like 2
  12. Some Melbourne supporters are very fond of rewriting history ie Stan Alves walked out on Melbourne - He did not walk out he was sacked. Scott Thompson walked out on Melbourne - he did not walk out he was contracted & would have stayed if a swap could not be arranged.

    My reading of the situation was that Neeld made no effort to keep Rivers & effectively showed him the door & was happy for him to go & pick up a compo pick.

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