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Cranky Franky

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Posts posted by Cranky Franky

  1. Yes I would take a punt on Whitnall.

    The reason is that we would not have to give up anything ie he would be free & would play for match payments.

    He showed in a couple of games last year that he could still be useful. If he could hold down CHB for a year while Frawley got more experience it would be terrific.

    There is no gamble here because he is costing us nothing so it is worth a punt.

  2. Thats all very well but the Judd /Connors camp is treating the public like idiots.

    I mean whats this rubbish about eliminating one club at a time - it sounds like a juvenile edition of Big Brother.

    He obviously knows where he wants to go so get on with it you pratts.

    I hope this all blows up in their face like the Nick Stevens affair or even better it could end up like Jade Rawlings.

  3. I am completely amazed you would pass judgment on a fellow poster based on what they percieve to be an asset of value in a player.

    Once again I think we'll agree to disagree.

    BTW, that first line was meant to come across as sarcasm

    The fact that we have very few hard nuts in the team might get Pickett another season. It might be ok to turn up to pre season training overweight when you are 25 but you cannot get away with it at 30.

    They could offer Pickett a one year performance based contract with very rigouros fitness & weight guidelines he has to meet.

  4. You can't just bang it long all the time and the reason Wheatly (and other players) have had to kick backwards is because of lack of options. The midfield and forward line are the main targets for flooding and this leaves alot less options. Hopefully melbourne can find a much more effective way to control the flood and run the midfield like we did in 2006.

    The reason there is a lack of forward options is exactly because by the time Wheatley & Carrol have spent 5 minutes chipping it backwards and forwards to each other all the opposition players have flooded backwards

  5. What is happening to Paul Wheatley. He is probably the longest kick in the AFL. His long kicking is a terrific attacking weapon & breaks the flooding & the defensive lines & catches out the opposition defence.

    In the last month he has stopped kicking it long, he has become hesitant. He kicks backwards & sideways to Carroll, Brown, Godfrey etc who then invariably put in a poor kick or handpass & the pill is turned over.

    Great for getting his stats up but not much use to the team.

    Someone please tell him to kick it long & kick it quickly.

  6. I'll have to agree to disagree there, I think. It does count for plenty. If a team thinks they can push you around and physically intimidate you then they get a psychological edge. It's no coincidence that in grass roots footy you often see the sides that are most successful are the sides with the highest proportion of thugs in their side.

    It's all well and good to say "just be a bigger man and walk away" but in a game where psychology and confidence play such a vital role I think there's a lot to be gained by standing up for yourself when you're put under physical stress by the opposition.

    Nasher has a point although his facts are a little astray.

    Bell shouldn't have tried to explain anything to Brogan he should have told him to F#*& Off & some other Melbourne players should have gone in to support him but without Carroll the other defenders are an insipid lot.

    A smart player would've probably sucked Brogan in & got him to retaliate & scored a free kick.

  7. Cannot agree.........Ward makes mistakes........but his are no more frequent or worse than Wheatley, Brown, Bruce, Green, or anyone else for that matter who misses targets during a game.

    Ward, like all the other players, performs much better when the team is playing with confidence, and playing well. You make it sound like he turns the ball over on every possession!

    I think Ward should be kept for another year.........we struggle for run from half back as it is........Petterd isn't the answer......not yet anyway, and neither is Bartram. Wheatley and Ward IMO should be kept!

    In our group of supporters Ward is known as The Turnover Merchant. Say no more.

    No doubt over the next few weeks different supporters will plead to retain Bizzell, Ward, Godfrey, Pickett Holland, Brown etc

    The best guide to future performance is recent past performance.

  8. If we could salvage just one thing from this miserable year it would be a promise by players and coaching staff to eliminate kicking backwards and sideways for the rest of the season.

    It is woeful football.

    The only time we look half decent is when we kick the ball long & do it quickly.

    Please fellers do this one thing for your long suffering supporters.

  9. We've continually been missing midfielders, or had guys playing unfit/injured.

    McDonald, Jones, and Godfrey are the only guys I can think of who have played a fair bit of footy.

    McLean was missing with injury this year, and then came back underdone. In the games Moloney has played he looked unfit, and has missed many with injury. Sylvia has been unable to play on the ball (if you think of Sylvia as a mid). Wheatley's been getting the ball a fair bit but seems to be carrying the shoulder injury that caused him to miss games earlier in the season. Bruce and Green were missing last night - guys like Buckley and CJ aren't up to AFL level yet.

    Dear Rogue

    Are you a paid apologist for the club or something ???

    On Saturday our on ballers contesting the clearances were Mclean, Jones, McDonald, Godfrey & at times Sylvia & they were being fed by White & Johnson. That is enough strong bodies & talent to break even or be close to break even around bounces & stoppages instead we were smashed as we have been against Carlton, Richmond & most other sides this year.

    Nothing wrong with the talent the problem is either with attitude or with coaching.


    A slow 30 yo who finished 2004 at Sandringham wil save us.

    Meanwhile CJ & Warnock who need game time so we can see whether they measure up play at Sandy.

  11. Ross Lyon recently complained that St Kilda managed injuries poorly and that they had to look at the clubs that had the best record in this area ie Sydney & West Coast.

    Its about time we did the same. Whelan has NEVER played a full season & is always injured at the business end. Travis is not far behind him & Moloney is in his second wasted season with a groin.

    I am worried about Brock & Jared & Col Sylvia going the same way.

    Robbo & Neitz have been played when obviously not fit & I am convinced Bartram was rushed back in after his ankle injury & then did a knee.

    Now we have Whelan, Brock & Petterd all rushed back in for a big game on a big ground - bet Whelan doesn't last half a game.

    Lets go out & poach Sydney's medical staff or at least get our lot trained up to their level.

  12. Whoever wrote this is an fool & I don't know why some people get their kicks out of humiliating past players. Also you can't spell.

    Shanahan was a top notch full back & had a great first year but then played one year too many. Holland has been a very handy footballer. Norrish was a handy player who won a B&F at Freo. Charles was a brilliant talent but was hampered by injuries & a poor attitude. Vardy was outstanding when fit. Prymke held down CHB for 2 years before being injured. Doyle & Irving were both reasonable players & Newton had his career wrecked by injury.

    Fair dinkum do you actually ever go to a game because you really have no idea.

  13. Cranky,

    I like Joe Anderson as a player. He is quick has a good engine and, like Isaac, has a great character. He is however a diabolical kick. In the end this was probably the determining factor in us not drafting him. If he could kick he would have been a top 30 selection.

    One point to note is that Isaac was best on the ground in the Whyalla senior Grand Final as a 16 year old, prior to coming to Adelaide. I know the standard is not great but he has played against men.

    Well its early days of course but Isaac is having injury after injury after injury while Joe Anderson lines up for his third game tomorrow.

    Time will tell.

  14. The Backline is pretty steady IMO. Holland will go round again next year as the Gorilla minder and Riv and Carrol will be in the first 12 selected for several years to come. Wheels is the best small defender going around and Daniel Bell and Clint Bartram will improve again. No reason why Wardy can't have another good year in 2007.

    The forward line is also ok for 2007 and will improve heaps with a fitter Robbo and a permanent Yze. Not to mention potentially Lynden Dunn.

    Midfield is definitely the key, either we bank on Bate, Jones, Sylvia and Moloney to take the next step or inject some ready made players. it seems we are ok in the toughness department but some more pace could make a difference. 2 more players capable of breaking the lines with running bounces and long accurate kicking ala Heath Black would be the way to go for mine.

    2007 is a real chance and 2008 might be the last chance before a complete rebuild.

    [You font=Arial Black][Y/quote]

    You must be the eternal optimist.

    This will be Holland's last year. Carroll is corageous but very clumsy. Bartram will be stuffed with his ankle this year & I'm no clearer about whether Daniel Bell is up to it as I was 3 years ago.

    And Whelan has barely played after round 20 since he came to the club.

  15. Both went at the end of 93.

    Reasons? I'm guessing a bit of age (both were 30) and a bit of making room for younger guys coming through

    Michael Pickering was a very good footballer & played a few good games for us. Unfortunately his body didn't stand up too well & injuries got the better of him.

    Goodwin was a bit of a cross between a Nicho & Ferguson - a reserves footballer who is a ok as a backup for a few games a year.

  16. Although it's been low key Colonel Clink we know nothing stuff up till now THE TRUTH ABOUT THE INJURIES TO SOME OF OUR YOUNGSTERS is coming out.

    This has me truly worried because we are one club where injuries have a habit of hanging around a lot longer than we think originally. Ask Nick "426" Smith about that!

    What the hell are our medical staff up to !!!!!

    The Swans have managed to nurse their list so that they played in 2 grand finals without any injuries.

    Mclean, Moloney, Sylvia and Wheatley have been carrying soft tissue injuries every friggin year.

    Whats going on !!!!!

  17. No mean feat to be able to "hang around" any football club for ten years Franky. I guess the rules are pretty cut and dried. No matter what people may think of the relative playing merits of blokes like Nico or Shane Zantuck, they got their life membership because of the time they gave to the MFC. Whilst any of three you mention would be worthy recipients, if you start fudging the boundaries, where do you stop?

    Yes were a bit like the old Public Service. You promote the person who has been there the longest regardless of ability

    I actually thought merit might be a consideration.

    We are one of the few clubs with the 10 year rule. Most clubs take into account what someone puts in to a club not just how long they've been there.

  18. The Club usually gives life membership after 10 years. Nicho picked it up this year & I know that in the past some players have got it after doing little more than hanging about for 10 years.

    I reckon we ought to give it to the following players:

    Laurie Fowler - he was an absolute champion for us 140 games - played for Victoria & 3 B&F's.

    Carl Ditterich - one of the toughest & most inspirational players to pull on the guernsey 82 games, Captain Coach & a B&F winner.

    Max Walker - terrific bloke, honest, gutsy ruckman 85 games & would have played 100 games+ if he had not concentrated on his cricket full time.

  19. A lot of supporters (as well as players) live in Fantasy Land when it comes to the last year(s) of their favourite players.

    Most careers just limp along & fade out. Age & injuries respect nobody.

    Look at Carey, Lockett, Modra, Ablett - all should have retired well before they did.

    Bizzell was a great player now he is only a spare parts man.

    Anyone who thinks he is going to recapture his form of a few years ago is deluded.

  20. Trouble with Scott is that he got into the habit of not taking the first option.

    He would get the ball then instead of doing the obvious thing ie quick kick or handball he would try & take on the opposition then if he beat his man he would look around & try & try & take on another man invariabaly he would just get tackled or turn the ball over.

  21. This is the team as selected by David Schwarz on SEN.

    B Alan Johnson Danny Hughes Sean Wight

    HB Brett Lovett Gary Hardeman Steven Febey

    C Stan Alves Greg Wells Robert Flower

    HF Stephen Tingay Garry Lyon Gerard Healy

    F Jeff Farmer David Neitz Alan Jakovich

    Foll Jim Stynes Todd Viney Brian Wilson

    IC Earl Spalding Shane Woewodin Steven Stretch Adem Yze

    Not bad but there's a glaring omission - one Mr. David Schwarz himself at CHF which would necessitate the move og Garry Lyon to a flank and Stinga to Stan Alves' wing. If we're talking 30 years, we are talking 1977 to 2006 and that excludes Alves and probably Hardeman as well because he only played a few games after 1977 and was past his best.

    Just goes to show that a lot of people that do this must spend all of 30 seconds on their research.

    Alves & Hardeman are out for obvious reasons.

    Laurie Fowler is a walk up start - he was not only a back pocket but a very good on baller & Alan Johnson could play in several positions.

    Also Glen Lovett is in for mine - one of the most underatted players of the era - never played a bad game & rarely beaten plus could play in many positions.

    The trouble with Danny Hughes at full back is that he struggled with anyone who had some pace - maybe Shanahan would be a better bet.

  22. Cranky,

    Exaclty how many games have you seen Isack and Joe play respectively?

    Exactly none.

    But I think that on achievements so far Joe's credentials are a mile ahead of Isack's.

    Of course I could be completely wrong on this matter.

    I would love to see both players do well although if Joe does well it will always bug me that he went to a low life team like Carlton.

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