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Everything posted by Lordweaver

  1. He used to play for mount eliza, like his brother, they wear demons colours, seen him play some junior footy, pretty good but must have gone up a notch since
  2. Watts is talented, will find himself down forward with dawes and clark with Hogan at chb imo
  3. No I think your first suggestion was correct, I don't mind him having a joke here and there though HN
  4. yeah in his presser he makes no reference to that but rather claims to have kept an attacking structure
  5. He refers the recruitment to todd viney in the presser
  6. did u listen to the presser, it's not that hard nut
  7. Yeah, can't read too much into anything on the public record
  8. Possibly, I don't know for sure, just interested in some reasons people question the coaching, not being a smartarse
  9. Just out of interest, give us a list of things the coaching staff did wrong
  10. I didn't mind whispering's take on the game, I think it makes reasonable sense
  11. It was a good battle and to me it showed how much pride he has in his own performance
  12. I'm not sure what more he could have done, even with Jamar winning the tap and us getting first use in the middle, swan still got it somehow, also it seemed we were chasing most of the day, they killed us with their ability to move the ball quickly and efficiently by hand
  13. I don't know what to do anymore so it's over to PJ for me
  14. Disciples aren't always the most reliable of sources rtg, chinese whispers springs to mind
  15. You're on to me rtg, it's just the mood i'm in, must be the wine
  16. Job 13:15 Though he slay me, I will hope in him; yet I will argue my ways to his face.
  17. Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
  18. James 1:5 , 6 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”
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