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Posts posted by 13thFlagIsComing

  1. It was also fantastic after the siren when, as the players congregated to walk off the ground, much of the MCC gravitated towards the player race to clap and cheer and show our support.

    I have always believed that 30,000 Melbourne supporters are just as passionate and equally as loud as 60,000 of most other club's. We just haven't had much chance to show it of late.

    Best example i can think of off the top of my head is the 2008 comeback against Freo. 15,000 at the ground (i was one of them) sounded like 70,000 when we hit the front. Getting goosebumps thinking about that game now!


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  2. In the last 5 minutes of the game a slow chant of "Melbourne....Melbourne" started echoing around the ground. Now sitting at the top of the Members, the sound from all the Melbourne supports still at the ground was amazing. Watched the replay and you could hear it but the effects mic didn't do it justice.

    If anyone can upload it onto here that would be great.

    I haven't heard it before (i'm 35) and loved it. This needs to get louder and louder every week!

    2 questions

    1) On previous threads here it has been mentioned there was a "chant" during the 87 finals. Was this the same one?

    2) Are the fans going to do it again this week? I hope we do when we are up against the Suns with a few mins to go.

    • Like 3
  3. I beleive he'll retire from football. No inside info or sources but a gut feeling. As frustrating as this has been for all of us obviously there are some personal issues that need to be rectified and i'd rather say thank you and all the very best to Mitch rather than force him back into the club when his hearts not in it anymore.

  4. I think Roos post game presser said it all. Maybe for him the reality has absolutely dawned. I was previously of the view that perhaps our list wasn't as bad as the previous few years suggested and by getting a coach that the players respected and by whom a chance was given to these guys to enjoy their footy again, the upside would be greater than the downs this year. Seems I was categorically wrong. OK, we're only 2 rounds in, but you would have to be the ultimate optimist to think we can turn this around in a matter of weeks. Tall forwards or not.

    What worries me the most is I cannot think of any precedent where a side is so consistently inept and gets whacked so consistently. Maybe not since the Fitzroy days or for that matter, ourselves in the 70's and early 80's.

    Sorry for the bleakness of my post, but feel I pretty gutted this morning. Just waiting for my mates' usual condescending emails to hit my inbox this Monday morning

    walked into work this morning and this early 20's loudmouthed female colleague who goes for collingwood as soon as i walked in the door at the top of her voice says "well done melbourne...beaten by 88 points huh?"

    I snapped back "It was 93 points. If you're gonna bag someone make sure you get your facts right!"

    FML today.

  5. Watched the game from level 3 behind the goals and these were some of my observations.

    -Outside of a couple of missed marks and his shot on goal, Pedersen worked his backside off pushing up the ground and up the wings to provide the lead up option. He was ignored most of the time (except the one where he dropped the mark 40 metres out on the flank) as he didn't create enough space (unlike the St. Kilda skipper who has the aerobic capacity to make space) for our guys to kick into. Didn't get much of the ball but did a lot off it.

    - A point that has already been drawn out but the overuse of handball across half back was justified as there was no tall forwards to kick to. Demon fans around me were getting frustrated with this overuse of the football (thanks Grimes and Tyson - Supercoach points!) but wouldn't you rather keep posession and wait for an option rather than turn it over? Speaking of turnovers...

    - Frawley turnover (and resulting goal to the Saints) was down to the fact he was running too fast for the ball. We tried the quick transition doewn the middle only a few times (as we seemed to run the ball down the sides of the square rather than through it) and this will be improved upon as the team is exposed to more gameday pressure.

    -Jack Watt's vision and patience was on show tonight. Once again suppporters around me were scraeming at Watts to go the first option but were shown up when he hit his target 96% of the time for the night. Best example was the third quarter i think on the broadcast side of the ground, Watts sidestepped two Saints, held onto the ball and pin pointed a pass to someone (coudn't remember who it was) on the forward flank. Pure class.

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  6. I'm calling this early...if the club improves over the next three years and the AHG contract is up for renewal, AHG will sign front of jumper for approx 1.2 mil - 1.5 mil over 3 and China Southern will go back of jumper for 1 mill- 1.2 mill for three years. Taking our jumper sponsorship to total of 2.2 - 2.7 million per year for 2017-2020.

  7. Round 1 predictions:

    1) About 15 family and freinds coming to this game (all Demons & Saints fans)

    2) Smuggle some bourbon in rather than pay $9 for midstrength

    3) Dees win by 5 goals

    4) Demons fans stomping the bottom level of Etihad creating a wall of sound

    5) Belt out a grand old flag after the game a couple times , followed by a "Roooooooooooos" as he walks around the boundary line.

    6) Scarf goes out the car

    7) Grand Old Flag played most of the way home

    8) Switch to Finey for some post match

    9) Get home, feet up, night cap and watch the replay with the lovely.

    10) Well if the moods right....;)

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  8. Last year at the Annual General Meeting i asked our former CEO about The Demon Shop and why aren't we able to place it in a better location.

    His answer was 2 fold.

    1) We paid no rent for the current Demon Shop.

    2) He beleived that most purchases would be through the website and therefore the investment in upgrading the shop wasn't required.

    I disagreed with him and said whilst online is growing, supporters still want to visit a shop during days off work, school holidays etc. I asked also why during the redevelopment of the MCG Northern Stand that we were not able to secure part of the area there to setup a store facing Yarra Park as that is where most of the foot traffic comes from.

    I also informed him that it is dangerous to park your car on a light tower roundabout and that the site was dark, depressing and didn't give supporters a positive experience before even entering the shop.

    I also passed on the opinion that we should be having our jumpers and some stock at the Melbourne Visitors Centre in their souvenir shop as well as the shops @ Melbourne Airport as it would not only be another avenue for merchandise but overseas tourists who picked up a jumper would be spreading the word of the MFC wordwide with a uniquely Australian gift.

    This suggestion was brushed over and i knew then not to push anymore as he was surrounded by other members.

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