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Posts posted by 13thFlagIsComing

  1. I've always disliked the Demon Shop's location. It's tucked in, out of the way and looks like a storage area. We should, or should've pushed for an area in the redeveloped Northern stand, I believe the great southern stand is going to be redeveloped, at least internally, perhaps we should look at a location in there.

    Otherwise I certainly think we should look at a store in the city. Problem is the rent is so high we'd struggle to get a profit from it.

    On the match day experience, I know I'll probably get shouted down for this but I reckon we were in the right thinking with the bugler. Just delivery was poor, and even worse the timing was horrible.

    On the delivery: It started well because it appeared to be a thing of the people. When it moved on the ground it looked forced and campy. The execution of the song itself was also at times off which just made everyone cringe. Don't get me wrong, bloody good effort doing it in front of at times a huge crowd, but if the song isn't done right it defeats the entire reason for it. Finally on delivery, that velvet jacket just looked wrong on so many levels.

    Timing: All that possibly could've been fine if it wasn't for the fact the the team and club was so bad. Instead of it being a symbol to rally behind it became a wimpering attempt at passion but ending up just being plain embarrassing. My point is that if we were even semi successful, it possibly could've taken hold.

    Whatever we look at possibly doing we need to learn from these mistakes. I've always thought that as a treat for the kids, for home games at the G they hold the players hands out to the walk way much like what the do in soccer. Now getting a "fan song" like what Port have managed to do is not easy, you can't just stick it on with the words on screen, for it to work it has to happen almost organically. And I will say that last line with an apology to the A-League as I know that's exactly what they do. For me it just doesn't seem to work.

    I actually asked Whiteboard Wednesday about 3 years ago after an annual general meeting about the Demon Shop.

    I put forward to him that:

    - the location is terrible

    - never open on weekends or later than 5pm

    -parking is non-existent

    -frustrating to get to on match days

    I suggested:

    - A shop at Fed Square or along Swanston Street that whilst may not generate a lot of sales would be crucial to expand the brand of the club to tourists who would go home with a jumper or a footy. much like when most people go to new York and buy a Yankees or mets cap (ahhh I see what GB was talking about there)

    - Get our merchandise into the visitors centre @ fed square and at the airport international terminal.

    - a renovation of the current MCC store to double the size and have an area for the club that can be accessed via the National Sports Museum entrance.

    I was shot down by Whiteboard for these reasons.

    -we pay no rent on the current store

    -most of our sales are online

    -club wasn't in a position to justify increase of store

    Always came away from that conversation furious as we have a golden opportunity and we haven't exploited it at all...drives me mad!!!


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  2. I was under the presumption that PJ's contract was up and the end of this season anyway.

    Wasn't he originally going to stay till the end of 2014 and then extended by a year?

    Sounds like he has dipped more than the toe into the water.

  3. Having had a quick think about this and not seeing the entire site in can be done pretty quickly.

    - Main thing is wether a new oval would be required. If so it would have to go behind the Olympic Stand. That hill would need to be carved down towards Jolimont station to flatten it out. Also there was work done in regards to a new water recycling facility in that area so that may be affected.

    - The indoor cricket nets area could become a gym floor as well as sprint lanes.

    - The outdoor practice wicket area could possibly be widened and extended be covered with a clear ETFE (Think its called that) roof to have an indoor training area similar to what Essendon have @ Tullamarine Airport.

    - Not a bad place to come to work everyday!

  4. Sunday was the first time at a game where I have booed not just to show frustration but disgust and anger not only to the players lack of skill and effort but to past administrations who have put us in this position. I'm quite satisfied other supporters booed as a collective as I believe Sunday was an emotional tipping point for everyone not just the supporters that showed up to the ground. I'm quite laconic these days when it comes to the Demons (turn up, lose, shrug it off, come to Demonland, repeat) as I thought any genuine passion for this club that I have supported for over 30 years had been beaten out of me through years of mismanagement and bad luck.

    I think a few fans actually surprised themselves on how angry they became towards the end of the match. Melbourne supporters by nature are passive rather than aggressive and that's due to a legacy of misery. Sunday was the first time I heard supporters be assertive and show their passion and say as a collective "enough is enough....even for us."

    I would never boo a team unless they deserved to be booed and on Sunday the club as a whole deserved it not only from me but the 12,000 that would have stayed as well till the end of the game.

    Sunday I believe was the last game you will see Melbourne supporters sit through a game like that and silently walk out the ground broken hearted.

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  5. I only have two words for Chris Dawes - Flat Hands

    Have you noticed how many times Dawes bobbles the ball in the air after initial impact only to take it on the second grab?

    It looks like his hands are behind the ball rather than to the side which to me says his main priority is to minimise turnovers by keeping the ball in front of him rather than maximising his chances of a mark if he had his hands to the side of the ball. His hands are too flat to take overhead marks but if that's the case the rest of the team has to learn to kick it to his chest rather than above his head.

    Considering Gawn took some very nice overhead marks to me it just shows that Dawes doesn't have the natural ability to take overheads marks.

    Flat Hands.

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