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Posts posted by 13thFlagIsComing

  1. Taggert is almost a no brainier inclusion for mine.

    I've defended Blease on here before but I'm to going to bother this week. Disgraceful. He needs to decide how serious he is about this AFL caper.

    Is it just me or does Blease run faster when he has the ball yet when he's running flat out without it he just doesn't seem as quick?

    • Like 1
  2. Just on a slightly different note...how nice was it to watch the footy shows, read the paper, listen to the radio etc and not have to be exposed to negativity after negativity after negativity.

    It was nice see anything bad but strangely it felt a little wrong, probably because i'm not used to it!

  3. 2014 Predictions - Opel to continue to sponsor us and actually show the MFC version of the ad (as we are / will be on the improve) on Fox Footy rather than the Sydney Roosters version we all saw during Melbourne games during the times that we dare not speak of.

    Opel - Wir leben Autos...

  4. Sitting in amonsgt the Cheer Squad saturday night (first time i've done that since i was about 8 years old - i'm 34 now!) there was a bit of a "Tooooooooummpas" sound going around when he got the ball...seems it's the 2013 "Ooooooooooooooze"

    • Like 2
  5. Love the fact that Jimmy doesn't kick to where the player is but where to player has to be. Seen it a few times already where he motions the player to lead up to him rather than kick to the contest.

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  6. Part of the issue above seems to be the way that Neeld has used these recruits. There has been no genuine game time over multiple weeks given to the Rodan, Byrnes, Pedersen, Gillies quartet for them to get used to the gameplan in match conditions.

    We were all looking forward to them showing examples of workrate both off and on the field to educate the younger players the desire required to hunt the ball and defend like your life depended on it.

    that hasn't eventuated which caused frustration amongst supporters.

  7. Melbourne's bid for an AFL-funded multi-million dollar restructure comes with the club still struggling to lure an experienced football boss and uncertainty lingering over the replacement for president Don McLardy.

    McLardy will accompany Demons' chief executive Peter Jackson to Friday's AFL Commission talks but is unlikely to remain at the helm of the club for much longer as the league, along with Jackson, moves to streamline the club's board.

    Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/ailing-dees-to-put-case-to-afl-commission-20130613-2o75z.html#ixzz2W8deB6Ji

    • Like 1
  8. The only way you could get Casey Fields to work (personally living near Tullamarine Airport going to Casey wouldn't be a place i would get to every game) is that if you ground share it with other teams such as St Kilda (who would have a large Bayside presence and membership base) Hawthorn, (possibly for GC and GWS games) and Richmond (for the same games).

    that way rather than us playing 3 games a year there you could get 8-9 there a year possibly more.

    Geelong, North and the Bulldogs could have the same deal @ Kardinia Park.

    It allows an opportunity to grow AFL presence in the 2 of the fastest growing areas in Australia as well as enhance the opportunity to increase match day revenue.

    Metro has footy special trains running from Flinders down the Werribee / Geelong and Cranbourne lines (or transport could be subsidised by Metro as part of your ticket - Australian open style) to encorage more fans to trek to these two grounds.

    Simonds has the infrastucture in place, Casey would need a capacity of 20-25,000 with the same infrastructure as Aurora Stadium.

    So where do i sign up for the MFC board on the back of this brilliant win-win idea?

  9. I'll put it to you this way, with the current list with the current facilities @ AAMI Park but based on their game styles then Bailey gets my vote.

    Look at our game against Brisbane in 2011. the run and spread through the middle and off packs was sensational. I remeber our first pre-season game under Bailey down at Geelong and you could see players auto-correcting themselves and looking to go down the middle.

    As for Neeld's game day style of grinding the opposition down via the boundary and kicking it long to tall forwards has taken us backwards simply because we don't have the spread when we get the ball.

    This causes us to have to slow down the transition forward or go laterally to the wing which allows the opposition to set up their defensive structure. if a turn over occurs then the fat side of the ground opens up as numbers have been committed to the boundary side contest and 30-40 meters surrounding it.

    I've always been of the theory of the fastest route to goal is down the middle.

    • Like 1
  10. Brilliant!

    The Melbourne FC in Back to The Future! Starring:

    Mark Neeld as Marty McFly

    Peter Jackson as Doc Brown

    Ron Barassi as Lorraine McFly

    Norm Smith as George McFly &

    Collingwood FC as Biff Tannen

    Oh and Caroline Wilson as Principle Strickland!

    Edit: Wilson

    Half the backline looked line Einstein for 7 weeks!

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