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Posts posted by 13thFlagIsComing

  1. Brilliant!

    The Melbourne FC in Back to The Future! Starring:

    Mark Neeld as Marty McFly

    Peter Jackson as Doc Brown

    Ron Barassi as Lorraine McFly

    Norm Smith as George McFly &

    Collingwood FC as Biff Tannen

    Oh and Caroline Wilson as Principle Strickland!

    Edit: Wilson

    Half the backline looked line Einstein for 7 weeks!

  2. Neeld and Jackson start taking during the meeting

    Jackson " Thanks for coming today Mark. Hasn't been the best on performances so far this year. What could you put it down to?"

    Neeld "it is what it is"

    Jackson "Is that all it is?"

    Neeld "that's all there is"

    Jackson : "So what is "it" exactly?"

    Neeld: "We know from out internal KPI's what "it" is but in the context of the performaces this year we aren't tracking at elite "it" levels."

    Jackson: "What the hell is an elite "it"?"

    Neeld:" It's part of our high performace with high integrity plan. As part of the rebuild of a rebuild we have had to strip back and re-assess every aspect of out KPI's which include factors which "it" is part of"

    Jackson" You've lost me"

    Neeld "And that part of the issue is that what we have been producing on the training track hasn't been re-produced on the weekend."

    Jackson "i give up"

    Neeld "Ok, thanks for having me. Is that it?"

    • Like 8
  3. Neeld must coach out the rest of the season.

    Our chance for the finals has dissapeared already so the only thing that Neeld has to do is play games into the players that he believes are the foundation of the club going forward.

    When he came on board and cleared out Bate, Morton, Pettard etc i'm sure most Dees fans (myself included) went "great, finally he's clearing out the decks."

    When he said "hardest team to play against" even i wen't 'not for a few years buddy."

    When he talked about training standards going up about 30% in 3 years most of us went "my god were we that far behind?"

    What is the major concern for this supporter is the lack of a game plan. It seems that the players are told to play within a 5 metre line of the boundary line. Too often there have been times where the team finally decides to go down the middle and what do you know...we score!

    We've tried to play man on man but we don't have the fitness to do it, we've tried to play the zone but are too fragile mentally to execute it.

    The players are clearly confused between going up the line towards a fast lead coming from half forward or kicking to a player running laterally towards the boundary line. For some reason as a strategy we are deciding to hug the boundary line to slow down the contest and minimise any chance of turnovers due to the limited space. Yet with this limited space you need fast hands and footy smarts to not only hit targets running past but win the ball in the contest .We don't have that either short of nathan Jones and an emerging Jack Viney. In short we need another a-grade midfileder.

    What it comes down to is just letting the players play, see how they stack up for the rest of the season and make the decisions then.

    There is no benefit sacking due to the fact no-one really wants our senior coaching job (unless someone knows something) and we have abunch of kids that need games put into them.

    What i think everyone is missing is the comment from McClardy when he said Neeld had "cart blanche" to change the club culture. To me that comment sums up everything wrong with the club. A culture in an organisation has to come from the top, not from a first year coach.

    Neeld never stood a chance.

    • Like 5
  4. Here's some ideas for Neeld this week.

    Here's a simple plan to get things going again.

    1) Go down the guts. Stay away from the boundary line. We all can see players wanting to run down the guts but auto-correct themselves and try and hit a target running at full speed towards the boundary line. It seems we only play within a 10 metre corridor inside the boundary line and any space inside of that and you will be docked your match payments. Speaking of going down the guts...

    2) Do we have a KPI that 50% of our inside 50's are kicked to the members stand pocket 30 metres out? Every game this year we have led to the same spot all the time for not much return.

    3) Try kicking in from behinds to the Southern Stand side of the ground. It seems we only have 2 kick in strategies. One is the long bomb to the MCC members side and the other is the short kick to the pocket and then a long kick down the MCC wing.

    4) Know your players - each player should know which players can kick with their left and can kick with their right. Too many times we'll handball to a player running past who has to turn around and get on their preferred side which stops all momentum. If i was coach i would have every player kick on their left , right 20-30-40-50 meters to a running target so they know by instinct when player x has the ball that they will kick it approx. 30-40 metres.

    5) Triangles - Look at Geelong on Friday night - if a player was in trouble they were confident enough to handball behind their head to an open player who can run away from the contest and drive forward. Set up triangles in each contest. 1 player goes in, 1 stays out for the receive or goes in as well and have a option out the back of the contest. Player 3 can either stay back for the receive or f player 2 gets it , player 3 can sweep past to his right for the receive, Example...

    Player 3 (moves this way towards player 2)

    oppo 1 Player 1 oppo 2

    (ball) Player 2 (feeds player 2 running past)

    6) Goal Kicking practice in training. We must be the only sport in the world that avoids any training on the fundemental part of the game that allows you to win a game. 100 shots each this week. Play round the world inside and outside 50. In a golf sense its like that saying "drive for show, putt for dough" Some of our shots this week were deplorable.

    7) Go one on one - we can't zone up. We don't squeeze teams with pressure so get some old school accountability back in the team.

    8) Draft day - Don't draft for talent anymore ...we need some c#nt in the team a.l.a Jones, Viney.

  5. Here's a simple plan to get things going again.

    1) Go down the guts. Stay away from the boundary line. We all can see players wanting to run down the guts but auto-correct themselves and try and hit a target running at full speed towards the boundary line. It seems we only play within a 10 metre corridor inside the boundary line and any space inside of that and you will be docked your match payments. Speaking of going down the guts...

    2) Do we have a KPI that 50% of our inside 50's are kicked to the members stand pocket 30 metres out? Every game this year we have led to the same spot all the time for not much return.

    3) Try kicking in from behinds to the Southern Stand side of the ground. It seems we only have 2 kick in strategies. One is the long bomb to the MCC members side and the other is the short kick to the pocket and then a long kick down the MCC wing.

    4) Know your players - each player should know which players can kick with their left and can kick with their right. Too many times we'll handball to a player running past who has to turn around and get on their preferred side which stops all momentum. If i was coach i would have every player kick on their left , right 20-30-40-50 meters to a running target so they know by instinct when player x has the ball that they will kick it approx. 30-40 metres.

    5) Triangles - Look at Geelong on Friday night - if a player was in trouble they were confident enough to handball behind their head to an open player who can run away from the contest and drive forward. Set up triangles in each contest. 1 player goes in, 1 stays out for the receive or goes in as well and have a option out the back of the contest. Player 3 can either stay back for the receive or f player 2 gets it , player 3 can sweep past to his right for the receive, Example...

    Player 3 (moves this way towards player 2)

    oppo 1 Player 1 oppo 2

    (ball) Player 2 (feeds player 2 running past)

    6) Goal Kicking practice in training. We must be the only sport in the world that avoids any training on the fundemental part of the game that allows you to win a game. 100 shots each this week. Play round the world inside and outside 50. In a golf sense its like that saying "drive for show, putt for dough" Some of our shots this week were deplorable.

    7) Go one on one - we can't zone up. We don't squeeze teams with pressure so get some old school accountability back in the team.

    8) Draft day - Don't draft for talent anymore ...we need some c#nt in the team a.l.a Jones, Viney.

  6. At the moment being a Melbourne supporter is like being in the eye of a cyclone. With all the chaos going on around us, having no control on it's direction, i'm actually calm because being surrounded by chaos is all we know. It's our normal.

    • Like 1
  7. Having been at the AGM, i'm pretty sure there was a question in regards to energywatch, kaspesky and hankook which would come under the umbrella of the ceo's performance.

    I asked Cameron Schwab personally (after the meeting had finihsed) about merchandising. I asked him why do we have our football shop next to a service entrance on a road you cannot park on..his answer was that we pay no rent on the existing shop.

    I asked him if we are part of the MCC then surely there is room in the MCC to construct a Demons shop. This would give us better exposure as the shop would actually be seen on ground level rather than driven past at 60kmh. His answer was that the MCC didn't have the room to do this and there would be some cost involved, plus also with the switch to e-commerce and more customers purchasing online, there wouldn't be a cost benefit to the club.

    I also mentioned that surely we could get some merchandise in the Melbourne Visitors Centre (@ Fed Square) where tourists would purchase their koala bears and melbourne trinkies. Put some jumpers, footys, jackets etc so when a tourist goes back home , the jumper he took home or the footy they were going to kick would be our clubs. I also mentioned we should be doing the same thing at the airport shops and have our club as the one that customers think about rather than Essendon. By this time i think he had enough of me talking (as there were a few other members wanting to speak) and sort of answered the question without answering it.

  8. Growing up in the Essendon area all my life, going to primary school and secondary school, freinds of the family and a fair amount of freinds who barrack for the Bombers, i was expecting my Facebook and SMS to go ballistic...it was dead quiet.

    For the first time i had respect for Essendon fans. It wasn't a win for them on Saturday night...it was a implosion of our club and they knew the difference.

    I've had 3 Essendon fans coming up to me saying " I feel sorry for you today"..

    Never ever thought i would hear that!

    Still hate them though :)

  9. And Barrass was right.

    McLardy had a chance to lead during the tanking investigation and he didn't. Had a chance to fight but rolled over. Fail, fail, fail.

    Until he and Schwab go, we have no chance of going anywhere.

    But who do we know of would step into their roles?

    Any names spring to mind? (and don't say Lyon and The Ox)

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