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Everything posted by KingSlayer33

  1. Could be in reference to his report though
  2. Would we have to give up #4 with Cook to get pederson then?
  3. When has Gysberts ever played an outside mid game? I thought he was slow of foot with a poor tank - hardly the recipe for an outside mid type.
  4. You're not dee flower on 'ology are you Yoda?
  5. Interesting commentary on some of that footage. Just retired, handy cricketer, very good golfer and a nice bloke too. (Brett Geeves) Highlights looked really good. Most so in matches at Bellerive Oval against Clarence because you know he would have had good opponents then.
  6. If the Lions didn't like Pick 12 + Maric we could up it to just Pick 12.
  7. I'm in favour of a trade for Clark as I think he could definitely fill a role in our team. Brisbane may not be that keen in dealing with us - remember we gave them trapper a few years ago
  8. The other concerning thing said above "...it was public knowledge..." Does that mean that GC came out with a binding, non-changeable offer prior to the negotiations starting and stated it publicly and wouldn't be prepared to change their offer if circumstances changed? Realistically I think it was expected that they would offer pick 4 but never a fact until negotiations started. If our offer forced the crows to up their initial plan for pick 2 then we have had a very very small win with compo picks still able to be used or traded.
  9. Can't wait for trade week

  10. Can't wait for trade week

  11. While my first name is also Matt I can assure you "old dee" that my surname is definitely not Burgan. Sorry to disappoint though
  12. While I check-in to 'land most days I very rarely posted and had my account removed a while back for this reason. This thread made me re-register for the benefit of the employees at the club who check in here and 'ology occasionally so I can show my support to a bloke who I think is doing a good job. As Chook said above, Matt Burgan does exactly what he is paid to do and does it well. Poor thread from OP in my opinion.
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