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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. I can understand Wreckers stance on the issue and will try to explain it as I see it. Protest,counter culture, social division and class warfare emerged here and in America in the 60's,partly fuelled by media images of "wrongs" committed in Vietnam ,It barely existed in Britain,although socialism grew very strongly there after WW2. Since the collapse of the Berlin wall, which was a political and social symbol of world division ,the communist/marxist zeitgeist needed a new lease of life to maintain itself and it's compulsive search for revolution.None seemed forthcoming as the USSR collapsed and even Russia became a capitalist Mecca,if you will. in about 1990,the leftists, seeing the basis of their ideology in ruins, began to attach themselves to any other cause that might bring down capitalism,as the failings of Marx and Engels philosophy lead to an emptiness of rhetoric and action.From then on,Christian religion became fair game for trade unionists, leftist zealots etc.After Christianity there was "the patriarchy" ,which is seen by them as a capitalist construct "set up " to oppress others, with white men seen as particularly reprehensible in this although as far as I know Men are the fathers of most children everywhere in the world but white men are the most likely to stick around and actually raise their own kids as a cursory glance at statistics will show you..From that point, men and heterosexuality became a target for the revolution until the focus shifted to "The West". As capitalism continued it's triumphant march into Asia ,we began to see these minority groups align themselves ,though disparate in nature, into a cause celebre ,ragtag riot squad protesting as a way of life in itself, a rambling mess of students,organised through Universities international with the help of Western,left leaning governments who sought to "stick it to the man".(G20 ,London riots and Occupy come to mind) So pervasive did this become in Western society that an entire generation began to believe that any change was worthwhile and must be promulgated.Western civilisation started to eat itself in a kind of self defeating admission that its power was based on a model of corruption and exploitation that must be halted. The Next major event was 9/11 ,which sent the west into the Middle east again, this time united against the the forces of radical Islam,but not for long.So entrenched has the protest movement become that the very serious threat of terrorism was seen as "cooked up" and that Islamists were the victims.Now we see the coming together of Asia and the west in a very powerful period of international growth for humanity as a whole,We have never before been healthier,wealthier or larger as a species.the biggest loser of course being the natural environment ,which is another problem for the resentful left to put upon "the Man". Finally,having eradicated hunger, water shortages, absolute poverty, and lack of education, though not entirely, the Leftist agenda started to attach itself to the poor Muslims,the last ones left to defend against the rampaging sands of time and western civilisation.The search for equality and a cause there found an ally who could feed the narrative of anti-US protest, despite the horrible conflicts of interest to the random causes it already aligned itself with.Womens basic rights to marry, work eat etc were neglected or explained as merely"cultural difference".The treatment of homosexuals is ignored here too as are human rights, a free press etc. After the Arab spring,which itself was fuelled by activism, the lunatic left began to turn back on itself, seeing the instability of government in the Middle East and it's devastating effect on millions there.Of course, wanting to have their cake and eat it too, some say Saddam,Gaddafi etc were better in retrospect and should have been left in charge.Idiotically,the most guilt ridden Western nation of all,Germany,sought to open itself to Syrian men of fighting age who deserted their families and country in order to flee what was/is a civil war of Islam ,using ancient Syria merely as a global stage. After Brexit,then the Donald it appears to be retreating back into civil disturbance.Black Lives matter(a bogus coalition of fools) ,SSM,Gender non conformist,trannys etc. Cultural Marxism cannot end because, just like the Military industrial complex, there is too much invested in it from our universities, media outlets and "elite" (educated classes) and our political parties on the left all over the west.The push for SSM is just another symbolic and useless attempt to destroy the social fabric of a healthy society ,but one we are strong enough to tolerate since it tends to cross the political divide in this country. Aside from the unknown social consequences, it is a tiring drain on the taxpayer and a waste of oxygen.We have had celebrated gay men and women for decades in Australia.Some will oppose it because they have become conservative as a reaction to the mindless change and non-stop causes floating through the marxist media. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction-something the protesters are coming to realise.Some see the breakdown of the traditional family as a tactic to totally destroy any sense of nationalism, respect,and social cohesiveness,"up yours " to the mums and Dads of the post war period. Some see the safe schools program as a way to confuse our children and their future.If it were a communist tool to soften our society for invasion, it would seem to be working.Note, however, the treatment of gay people in Russia. The constant push for change in itself is tiring many in the west and a new type of conservative has emerged to defend the status quo-which of course is not possible. Some of these people are happy to see cultural change, some aren't, but the rampant, aggressive,bolshy,pushy,language altering, demonising nature of the protest/change movement(left in the old terms) has found an equal and opposite reaction that just want things left alone.Some people want to go through a day without having the Australia they grew up in shifted and morphed into a student union party.Some very open minded people have realised the futility and expense of change for the sake of it, of mindless internationalism, of language distortion and the constant attempts to immasculate Western society.SSM is just another one of these attempts to some.In the end it is not going to save a life, stop a suicide,or do any of the things it is alleged to do.It is another social change because there is a massive industry to benefit from it in our Schools,govt funded bodies,media ,charities and health systems. Some can see these charades for what they are-a temper tantrum form an irresponsible generation of idiotic children that have no notion of responsibility ,national pride, respect for their elders ,traditions or themselves. It's another excuse for big brother to step into our private world - the issue itself is nothing important to anyone.
  2. Kernahan was pure shite that day. missed some sitters.
  3. I've heard similar to Steve McQueen-something to do with JJ ,Stringers ex, or some such. I don't usually deal in salacious gossip and speculation-I much prefer pure slander and unsubstantiated rumours or outright libel.
  4. "The Next Barrassi" He looked good in the 31.
  5. James Baldwin wrote in the 50's .Quite a bit has changed since then.Not the victimhood status enjoyed by those who wish to blame society for their failings. The victim industry is massive and seems to grow daily.
  6. Massive quads and a huge kick .Played out of the centre. He and Rod Keogh are two i thought we would get a lot more service from. They both looked like ten year players at the start.
  7. Any young man's gonna make mistakes, till he hits the brakes.-The Black Keys. If we can get him cheap i trust our organisation to stop him shagging the wrong people.
  8. Dyson is a white Rastafarian-he faces discrimination on a daily basis because of his religion. The AFL is signalling it's virtuousness to the rest of us . Older ,religious people are not their target audience so [censored] 'em. This is clearly an offensive stance to take for all those Muslims they have tried so hard to encourage into AFL.-The Bachar Houli academy will be conflicted and offended. I see this as a good way to get my agenda across-a Rastafaian prayer room/smoking facility to calm my nerves. The Rastafarians amongst us will never stop fighting for this for as long as we can be bothered.
  9. it's happened before and it will agin. I was happy with the punch. It was a beauty. No need to re-invent the moral framework of AFL over it. I've seen far more cowardly and violent acts on the field. The greatest of all time for instance was a thug and and a vicious animal. Bugg ,as he stated, missed his target and just clipped Mills on the chin. Umpires play a role in this too and they are the most pathetic batch I've seen ever .
  10. I agree with you on the last sentence . Buggs reputation came from playing a few tagging roles quite well.He was no Ballantyne. The crap that went along with the Houli report was puke inducing Bugg was hung out to dry by all and sundry.
  11. Get rid of the 35 blokes on the list who can't kick first. Crawling up the duodenum of the coach is not the answer for those who assume to know what he does in private. I blame the tackling coach of the defensive coach for his faults. yet to see the perfect player.
  12. Really? Waleed Aly,Ali Fahour,and Malcolm Turnbull were in Houlis corner-3 upstanding men of unquestionable integrity defending another.Ha! Bugg just got left to cop the full force of the falsely outraged football media.Houli was defended as an ornament the game with the words "completely out of character" used ad infinitum. Bugg- on the other hand is a "serial pest', "antagonist", etc and deserved up to ten weeks according to some. I've never seen a greater case of cultural bias and the idiocies of it play out.
  13. Some of the worst comments were from people here hoping he would be sacked etc. The week after Houli got four for the same thing ,his penalty apparently lower than Buggs because he is from a different theology. I hope Callum Mills learnt his lesson.
  14. the novelty of a big headed dork like Koch as President must be wearing thin. Hope he gets shafted.
  15. It was a great punch and one he can be proud of for the rest of his career.
  16. There was a time when i could have done fifty reps with a ten pound weight in the German fashion but I was unable to find one with a sufficient diameter . Besides ,live weight was far more accessible and appealing.
  17. I thought a self-congratulatory,narcissist with no sense of loyalty or gratitude would be your cup of tea?
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